The finale parte uno

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(Bulma) "So how have things with you guys been? When are you getting married?" Bulma poured us some more tea as we sat on her porch. It had been at least 4 months since we last talked so we decided to get together. Bulma had set up a tea party for us.

Vegeta and Goku threw punches at each other nearby sending debris flying everywhere. Whis formed a force field around us to keep the food safe.

"HEY GOKU! VEGETA! KEEP IT DOWN I DON'T WANT DUST IN MY TEA!" Whis chuckled and they apologized.

(Whis) "Anyway, things have been good. We haven't thought about getting married yet."

(Bulma) "Ah, well I can help plan it! It would be the best wedding ever!" I rolled my eyes and drank more tea. I don't see the importance of weddings, it's a strange Earth custom. Besides we have parties all the time, what's the difference?

(Goku) "Huh? What wedding?"

(Bulma) "Oh, we were just joking about Whis and Beerus' wedding."

(Goku) "Wait, what do you mean? Two guys can get married?" Bulma facepalmed and groaned.

(Bulma) "Goku we've been over this, Whis and Beerus are dating. Two guys can date." He looked confused and she gave up on trying to explain.

"I don't think we will ever get married."

(Bulma) "Why not? It's a beautiful ceremony. Whis would look beautiful in a wedding dress or wedding suit."

"Yeah, I guess. I just don't see what the importance of it is." Bulma looked at me angrily. Whis stared at me and I shook my head telling him not to get any ideas. He smiled and I knew it was too late to change his mind.

(Whis) "Why don't we have a wedding then?" Bulma gasped and jumped up.


"YOU GAVE HIM THE IDEA!! And no! We're not having a wedding." A frown appeared on Whis' face. I started feeling guilty but I didn't change my mind.

(Whis) "Come on Beerus, it will be fun. Don't you want to see me in a beautiful wedding dress and yourself in a handsome suit and tie?"

"No, it sounds like a pain." He started getting frustrated with me. He stood up and slammed the table causing me to jump a little.

(Whis) "Beerus, I want to have a wedding!" His voice became even and he sounded straight.

"And I don't want to!" I slammed the table too. He slammed it again and so did I. He hit it again and it ended up shattering. That's what you get for having an all-glass tea party Bulma.

(Whis) "Beerus I love you! I want to get married!"

"WELL, I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU!" Bulma gasped. Goku and Vegeta had come over to see what was going on. Whis looked hurt and teleported without saying another word.

(Goku) "Damn, you messed up Lord Beerus. Chichi would be furious if I said something like that."

"Shut up. I still don't want a wedding." Bulma marched over to me and slapped me. Vegeta ran over and grabbed her knowing what would happen from previous events.


"I just don't want a huge wedding that means nothing."

(Bulma) "Weddings are very important! They show you love someone and that you are committed to them. If Whis wants a wedding you guys should have one!"

"Oh, so my feelings don't matter? Only his?! You know I would do anything for Whis, I love him! But when I want something it suddenly is a bad thing?!" She remained quiet after that. Vegeta and Goku watched from a distance. I shouldn't be around such idiots. Now they have me feeling all these feelings and I don't know if I like it. I got up and flew away.

Whis x Beerus 3rd endingWhere stories live. Discover now