Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Shadow Lands

          On the afternoon of the first day in the Duelist Kingdom, Tokio was currently facing Pegasus while there is a delicious dessert laid out in front of him on the table.

Eating a dessert together with Pegasus wasn't how Tokio imagined he would spend his afternoon at the Duelist Kingdom.

Half an hour after Tokio was freed from the shadow duel and acquired gloves and star chips from the two rare card hunters, guards appeared and Tokio was brought to the Pegasus Castle.

Tokio didn't resist. Instead, he requested if they could bring the two lifeless two rare card hunters with them. The guard then called Pegasus, and after a while, the guard receive a response.

The two rare card hunters were brought to the castle and would be then sent to the hospital to receive special care under the doctors that Pegasus trusted.

Now, Tokio cautiously glances at Pegasus from time to time, and the desserts that were laid out on the table in front of them.

" Is sweets aren't to your liking Tokio-boy? "

Tokio frowned and responded.

" Don't call me by my name. "

" Don't worry, it was only the two of us here in this room, Tokio-boy. "

Pegasus said as he flipped the funny rabbit to the next page. His eyes were on the comics and in front of him was a cup of wine.

" Aren't you tired from keeping up with your disguise or are you used to your deception over the years? "

Despite being angry at the latter's words, Tokio decided to turn off his avatar disguise.

Truthfully, Tokio was tired of keeping up with his disguise and repeatedly using his psychic duelist for the past hours continuously.

Seeing that Pegasus's attention was fully on the funny rabbit, Tokio decided to start eating one of the desserts. After a few minutes as he finish eating, he took one again and again after that.

The Desserts are delicious so he couldn't help but pick more. Despite preferring spicy foods, maybe Tokio was now starting to understand Hailey's fascination for sweet foods.

While enjoying eating the desserts, Pegasus then stopped reading his funny rabbit and commented.

" Tokio-boy you are quite lucky or unfortunate for acquiring 10-star chips so quickly and on the first day of the duelist kingdom. You are the first to get here but acquiring the remaining 4-star chips wasn't easy for you. If you lose to the 2 rare card hunters, you wouldn't be facing me right now, Tokio-boy. "

Tokio keeps silent. But his appetite for the desserts is gone. Tokio is reminded of what happened to the Rare Card Hunters and he left from the chair.

" I wish to remain alone for a while Mr. Pegasus. "

" Hmm. Are the lives of those two people impacted you greatly? Quite unusual Tokio-boy. I thought for someone like you, you should be used to this situation. But if you want to spend your time alone, you aren't allowed to go out of the castle. "

Tokio then activated his vagrant avatar again and also modified its body again.

" How fascinating.. "

Pegasus muttered. Then Tokio asked.

" Is there any guest room here in the castle? "

" Yes, you can ask one of the guards to escort you. Do you not want to watch the duel of the other duelist with me Tokio-boy? "

" I have no interest. "

Tokio then carried his backpack and left. A few minutes later, Tokio asked one of the guards to escort him to one of the guest rooms.

When Tokio was inside the guest room, he placed the backpack on the side. Thankfully, there seems to be a shower in the guest room and Tokio decided to take a bath.

After bathing, Tokio decided to lay on the bed.

Before arriving at the Pegasus Castle, the System has revealed to him that the Shadow Realm is real.

Tokio always thought that since it was just a method of the 4kids to censor deaths back in his world, they didn't exist.

But it seems that the Shadow Realm exists in this world other than Nightshroud's world of darkness. It wasn't just a connotation of death anymore.

People who are pulled to that place are those who lose the shadow games from the Millennium Items Users or by other mystic circumstances.

But Tokio decided to call that Shadow Realm shadowlands instead since the place where shadow games or duels are held are also called Shadow Realm.

Thankfully, when Tokio asked if a place called 'sent to the stars' exist, it was confirmed by the system that such a place didn't exist.

The Shadow Lands is a place that is a bit similar to the world of darkness. The system told him that it exists between the world of humans and duel spirits. The in-between place of suffering for the losers of the shadow games.

A place of darkness just like the one that belonged to Nightshroud. Unlike forgetting themselves and being forgotten, being sent to the Shadow Realm means eternal suffering.

Just like hell.

Since Hell is also mentioned by Bakura in the jap version of the animation, Tokio wondered if they are the same.

The System has answered him that hell and Shadowlands are different from each other.

There is no fire or sea of fire in the shadowlands, only darkness exists and the countless creepy dark hands that were once shown in the animation.

Tokio was relieved that the retrieval of people sent to the Shadowlands is possible as told to him by the system. But to retrieve the two rare card hunters in that place, he must defeat the one who sent them there in the first place.

That means defeating Marik or Yami Marik which was impossible right now. Tokio thought that he wasn't still strong enough to have a chance to fight with Marik.

As for the alternative ways, ask the creator of the Shadow Lands to free the two rare card hunters which were more impossible than the previous method.

The System has told him that the owner of the Shadow Lands was Zorc Necrophades whose current parts are currently sealed in the Millenium Puzzle and Millenium Ring respectively.

By asking that means Zorc Necrophades must be 'complete' for him to be able to free those 2 rare card hunters in the Shadowlands.

Which was a great Nope in Tokio's opinion.

Currently, the Shadowlands has been ownerless for thousand of years because Zorc is incomplete and it was currently out of his control.

There was a 3rd method that was hypothesized by the system.

By hypothesized that means it was unconfirmed if this method was effective at all. According to the system, it has a 50% chance of success according to its calculations.

That method was Tokio being sent by the Shadow Lands and retrieving the rare card hunter souls by himself.

For that to happen, Tokio must need to be sent by one of the Millennium Item Users and lose the Shadow Game. And also, the Millennium Item User must pull Tokio out of the Shadow Lands with his Millenium Item after Tokio has retrieved the 2 rare card hunters' souls.

It could take days, weeks, months, or even a year.

It all depends on Tokio and the integrity of the owner of the Millenium Item who was willing to help him on his mission of retrieval of the rare card hunters' souls.

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