Chapter 69

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AN: Here is another update.

Oops. I made some errors so I edited some parts.

Chapter 69: Duelist Level

      After dealing with the antics of his club members, Tokio went home. When he returned home, both Minoru and Minori were sitting on the sofa chair in the living room. The television was turned on showing an advertisement about the Battle City which would happen a week and a day from now on.

Tokio noticed that they weren't paying attention to the television, he was planning to approach them and berate them for not turning off the television when they weren't even watching it. However, as he got closer to them, he noticed the item in their laps.

" Is that a Duel Disk? "

It wasn't just a Duel Disk but the Duel Disk that would be used in the Battle City based on the anime. It was certainly an improvement from the Duel Disk in Duelist Kingdom where the disk looks like a wheel.

Hearing Tokio's voice, both of the twins were startled. Minori glared for a brief moment while Minoru quickly composed himself to answer his older cousin's inquiry.

" Yes, Tokio-nii. It was delivered this morning according to Mom from the Kaiba Corp. Minori and I were planning to buy a duel disk from the game shops before the start of the Battle City... However, it seems we didn't need to buy them since the Kaiba Corp delivered a duel disk for us and gave them for free. "

Seeing the Duel Disks in Minori and Minoru's lap, Tokio decided to ask them. 

" Did Seto deliver a Duel Disk for me too? "

Minori, looked at Tokio with a doubtful look on her face while Minoru shook his head.

" Hey! Minori what is that expression for? "

" Why would Kaiba give you one? "

At the question, Tokio felt offended.

Why shouldn't Kaiba give him one? After the favors that Tokio did for Kaiba including losing to Yami Yugi pathetically, shouldn't he give Tokio a Duel Disk for those efforts?

What an ungrateful asshole.

Tokio decided to sit in one of the sofa chairs and turn his attention to the television currently playing Minori's favorite magical girl anime show, Minoru decided to placate the currently moping Tokio.

" I think that Kaiba-san has given us a Duel Disk for free because the two of us are participants in the Duel Kingdom. "

Tokio wanted to protest that he was also one of the participants but stopped the irrational decision before he could implement it and started having regret.

While Tokio continued watching the Magical Girl TV show and listening to Minoru, Minori added some information.

" It wasn't only that we are participants in the Duelist Kingdom, but we are also included in the Duelist Rankings. "

" Rankings? "

" Yep! After the Duelist Kingdom and Kaiba-san announced the Duel Competition happening in Domino City, Kaibacorp released a Duelist Rankings. I am ranked 5.  "

Minoru piped in.

" It was more accurate to say that it wasn't a ranking but a rating of duelist. The Kaibacorp has rated every existing duelist that plays duel monsters inside and outside of Duel City. "

Minori added another piece of information.

" Those who have a minimum rating of 5 are given a free duel disk as ordered by the Kaibacorp.  "

After hearing the information, Tokio has a grim expression on his face. Inside his mind, he was cursing Kaiba.

What the fuck?!

Does that mean that his rating is less than 5?!

While Tokio was thinking of storming the Kaibacorp and complaining to Kaiba about the rating that he received in his imagination, he heard the surprised voice of Minoru.

" .. Huh.. Strange. Tokio-nii, you are currently unrated. "

Tokio saw Minoru looking at his phone, Tokio decided to sit beside Minoru and took a peak at what is he looking at on his phone.

On the screen was Tokio's ranking.

[ Name: Horo Tokio
Age: 15

Duelist Level: Unrated
Ace Monster: Unconfirmed  ]

There was also an ID picture of him being shown. He was facing the camera with a sleepy expression on his face. It was his school ID picture.

After a brief pondering, Tokio decided to ask Minoru.

" What is your Rating? "

" Huh? Me? I'm Rank 7. "

" Can I borrow your phone for a moment? "

" Sure, Toki-nii. "

Minoru passed his phone to his older cousin. Unsure why a strange expression appeared on his face.

After a few seconds of Tokio typing, Minoru and Minori saw what their cousin searched for.

[ Name: Muto Yugi
Age: 16

Duelist Level: 12
Ace Monster: Dark Magician

Title: Duel King ]

Seeing what Tokio searched, Minori and Minoru aren't surprised. They have already seen it. After the declaration of Battle City and Duelist Rankings, the first thing that most people searched for in the Duelist Rankings was the ranking of the Duel King, the winner of the Duelist Kingdom.

As for Tokio, he wasn't unsurprised by the results. It was expected of the protagonist.

" Muto-san is the only rank 12 Duelist and the one with the highest Ranking. "

Minoru stated. After listening to Minoru, Tokio decided to search for Jonouichi Katsuya/Joey Wheeler's ranking.

[ Name: Jonouichi Katsuya
Age: 16

Duelist Level: 2-9.5
Ace Monster: Miss Judge

Title: Gambling Duelist ]

Seeing Joey's evaluation, Tokio's mouth curled up a little bit. Joey was different from Joey in the anime. However, it was interesting to learn that instead of the Red Eyes Black Dragon being his ace monster, Miss Judge is the one being placed there.

Also, there was a strange comment down at Joey's duelist ranking profile.

[ “ Don't rely on too much luck, you are unpleasant. ” ]

Is it from Kaiba himself?

" Tokio-nii, Only Jonouichi-san is the one who was only given an unstable ranking. "

After searching for Joey's results, he decided to search for Risa, Mayumi, Hailey, and Tomoyuki's results.

They have been given a respective 7, 5, 5, 7 result. After searching for his friends, Tokio searched for the Duelist Kingdom participants.

Mai, Weevil, and Rex were given an evaluation of 7.5, 6, and 5.5 respectively.

And for the one who created this Duelist Ranking himself, Seto Kaiba, the nerve of that guy ranking others when he can't even give himself a Ranking?!

[ Name: Kaiba Seto
Age: 16

Duelist Level: Unranked
Ace Monster: Blue Eyes White Dragon

Title: Kaibacorp President ]

Everyone already knows your Blue-Eyes White Dragon Obsession!!

After searching for the others, Tokio decided to search for one more person before giving Minoru's phone back to him.

[ Name: Akai Konami
Age: ???

Duelist Level: 11
Ace Monster: Undetermined

Title: Silent Duelist/ Mysterious Duelist/ Red Cap/ Esper ]

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