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(HELLO EVERYONE!! So like, Stranger Things 4 came out 3 days ago, so I kinda got motivated to pick this up again!! I hope you all like it :]])

You guys sleep in Mike's basement, obvi.
One word, chaotic.
Like there'd be a lot of pillow fights you'd have together and both of you don't want the other to win at any costs
There's feathers everywhere
And probably some empty candy wrappers
You go to sleep at like 3 AM and wonder why you're tired the next morning 🤨
His mother is complaining about the mess you made 🙄

Really shy about it
Also shy about asking you about ANYTHING
Like if you can sleep on the same bed, if you can watch a movie, anything
He follows you around the house and there's like a movie night
He falls asleep on you and you're like 🥺
Waking him up again in the softest way
He looks like he's on drugs tbh because he seems to question everything
Taking his hand to lead him to the bed and cuddle, VERY CUTEEEE
You guys wake up like its in a movie tbh, sunshine, whatever

Would probably read to you :((
Like you sleep at his house and he's playing with your hair silently
Really happy to be with you honestly, he grins to himself the whole time and it's adorable
Having those late night convos about things you've been through together, appreciating each others existence and laughing about all the stupid stuff that happened as well
He's so nice :((

Chaotic #2
Honestly I think Erica would interrupt sometimes just to piss her older brother off
"Hey NERD, I found your old action figures, can I use them?"
"No Erica, leave me alone."
Then you chime in
"Honestly Lucas, don't you think your younger sister could play with your action figures? Aren't you a good older brother?"
"HA see nerd, your partner is siding with me"
Being shocked in a playful way
"How could you betray me like this Y/N :0"
Turns out to be a fun evening though, you guys made a small party with 80's songs and it was such a cool night!!

I believe that the first few sleepovers with El would be a teeny tiny bit awkward.
But then it got a lot better because she got used to doing it!
Soft smiles at you
She's so in love and her eyes say everything
Looks at you like ☺️😍
LITERAL hearts in her eyes
A lot of hand holding, also a movie night
Trying out new hairstyles woooo!!

Like to everyone else she's cold, you're one of the only people she's herself with
It's not even a real sleepover, more like an all-nighter with one hour of sleep
You guys question your life choices after everything
Probably watched movies and listened to music all night
Your parents were out for the night, so you had the house to yourself :>>
Having an epic dance-off and falling onto the floor laughing hysterically
When y'all came down you literally passed out on the floor and slept there
Nothing more to be said :DD

Like he goes from
"I love you so much :(("
In a few minutes because he won the tickle fight
Probably slow dancing to a few songs which is like really soft again
Stares at you with hearts in his eyes
He's like very thankful for you
Wondering how he deserved you
Him explaining you how he does his hair for you to try the same afterwards
He falls asleep on the couch with you on top of him, it's so cute honestly ughhhh :((

Definitely rocking off to songs together
Having a small karaoke night
And like you're having the time of your lives
Then getting some food and digging in
Honestly a lof of fun, I'd recommend
Making silly faces with him
Braiding his hair and putting makeup on his face
"Look I'm pretty now"
"Shush you're always pretty"
"Awe no you're prettier"

Making fun of shitty movies together
"Omg look at the main character trying to dance"
He'd play the drums with you but they're like super loud and it's late so sadly that's a no :((
I'm convinced he can sing, don't ask me why
So you'd just sing a few songs together while harmonizing and it's just so much fun!!
You'd play with his hair a lot BECAUSE JUST LOOK AT IT IT'S SO FLUFFY I WANNA TOUCH (sorry)
Playing with his hands when you're falling asleep
"Goodnight Bub :)" (I'm sorry I didn't know which name to use HAHAHAHAHAHA)

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