➙When you're accused of cheating Pt. 5

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You were going to visit him during a concert, to support him
But while you were cheering for him, he wouldn't even spare you one single glance
Which concerned you, because normally he would occasionally smile over at you with his eyes gleaming
When the concert was over, you decided to confront him about it


"Gareth, are you okay?", you asked as you finally made your way to the crowd. The boy across you just ignored your attempts of speaking to him.

"What is up with you? Why are you ignoring me?", you asked, now a bit annoyed by his antics. Just then he turned towards you with his arms crossed.

"You wanna know why I'm ignoring you? After you cheated on me, really? I thought you were through with me now, that you would leave me alone after you made it clear that you don't want to be with me.", he spat, before turning around and picking up his drumkit. You furrowed your brows in confusion, trying to understand what he was talking about.

"Gareth, what are you saying? Why would I do something like that?", you asked, upset about him thinking things like that about you. He scoffed, while shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe because you're tired of me and all the things we've been through just weren't enough for you.", he continued, before shouldering his bag and turning around to leave the hall. You ran after him, grabbing his sleeve to prevent him from walking any further.

"Gareth, that's bullshit! Who'd tell you something like that? Do you not know that you're literally all that I want?", you shout, trying to get him to understand. Unfortunately, Gareth is a very stubborn person, which isn't always easy.

"Apparently I'm not! Do you know how much it hurts me that I thought you loved me when all you did was throw me away in the end? I really tried to be a better person for you, I even got into less fights or stopped myself before it was too late! And now all I get is this? Really, Y/N?", he yelled, his voice a lot louder than before. This startled you, since he never raised his voice at you before.

"Gareth?", you asked, still trying to calm down. He stared at you blankly, before tilting his head and smiling at you with fake sympathy.

"Who even said that?", you asked with a quiet voice, tears building up in your eyes. Gareth noticed your change in tone, and his face seemed to soften ever so slightly.

"E/N.", he said, voice still as cold as before. The tears that were welling up in your eyes were now running free, as your voice trembled slightly.

"A-And you still believed them? Is that really all I was to you? That you believed my biggest enemy easier than me? Even though you know their ways?", you said, with a shaky tone. The curly haired boys eyes widened, your argument seemed to make him hesitate only a tiny bit. You turned away from him, feeling sorrow spread in your whole body. You didn't hear any footsteps behind you, guessing that your argument didn't convince him.

As you walked out of the concert hall you noticed that it had started to rain, the sky was a dark gray.

"Shit.", you cursed, remembering that you didn't bring any umbrella. So you just decided to walk home in the rain, your mood was destroyed anyway. The wind wasn't being helpful, having your hair fly all around your face. When you finally arrived at your house and got out your keys to unlock the front door, you only slipped out of your drenched shoes but didn't bother any further to change into warm and dry clothes.

You don't know for how long you sat on your couch, staring onto the ceiling, until suddenly you heard a knock on your door. It was still raining, and you decided that you'd just let the person interrupting your peace keep knocking until they left. But after ten minutes you were fed up with the noise, standing up and walking towards the door. After you opened it, you couldn't even see who it was because the person bolted into your house like there was no tomorrow.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you quickly, stunning you. You only got out of your small paralysis as you heard them sobbing into your shoulder. The grip the person had on you tightened even more, leaving you out of breath. After some seconds you recognized the scent and voice of the person in front of you, and your eyes widened.

"G-Gareth?", you whispered quietly. He shook his head, still doubting he believed so easily.

"I-I'm so sorry Y/N. I was a douchebag today, and there's no way I can make it up to you. I just want you to know that I love you and I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore.", he said in between hiccups. Was it really Gareth? He'd never cry in front of you, he'd always try to be strong for you. But no doubt, it was really your curly haired boyfriend sobbing in your arms.

You didn't even care about the previous situation anymore, only wanting Gareth to feel better again. So you lifted your arms up to wrap them around his trembling frame, which made him flinch a little. He lifted his head up to look at you, his face red and his eyes puffy. You used one hand to wipe his tears away with your thumb, the gentle touch soothing him.

Gareth hesitated for a few seconds, but then he seemed to make a decision. He leaned forward and gently touched your lips with his. It wasn't a long kiss, maybe for around 10 seconds, but it showed his true emotions.

"I love you too Gareth, and I still want to be with you.", immediately after saying it his face lit up, leaning forward once more.

I'm so glad...

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