"Show me that big rock of yours..."

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Brittany POV
Tonight is our anniversary. that 3 year memory that we would share. tonight was amazing. the best night of my life. want to know why?

To celebrate our anniversary we decided to go the fair at the wharf. We had already exchanged gifts. Trevor said that his present to me was still to come tonight and I was completely oblivious to what it might be. I gave Trevor a photo album about our past 3 years together, a canvas handwritten with all of the places we have lived together, a frames picture of the two of us, chocolate and a new royals Royce watch which is really expensive. he loved it and didn't feel guilty either which was a good thing.

Yesterday we had lunch with the cast to celebrate and they all raised their glasses to us. it was good to see them again as we haven't seen them since the how finished 4 years ago at the End of season 8. It was pretty phenomenal how far our show went. it was so emotional to see it all go.

We got into the limo with the paparazzi following us like crazy in cars behind all the way to the wharf. we hopped out of the car covered in jackets and disguises and made or way to the entrance. we payed for our tickets and headed straight for the show. the show was at the fair an since it was the closing night there were fireworks. it was amazing. Trevor and I just kissed the whole time- the poor people behind us. ha ha.

We then made our way to the Ferris wheel and since we were well known were led right to the front of the que. Trevor and I always had this tradition where we would always go on the Ferris wheel at night so then we could see the gorgeous views and kiss in the moonlight. usually we would go around 5 times but this time it was different:

We got around 2 times and then we got to the bottom again. Once we got there all of these flashing lights from the paparazzi were shinin in my face so I could barely see a thing nor know where Trevor was. once I could see I was already up the top again but Trevor was no where in the cart. I looked everywhere but couldn't find him. I was freaking out so much I nearly started crying.
Until I looked down.

There on the footpath there was a big love heart made shape with people standing in the heart to cover it. In the very middle there was a big crane with Fluoro coloured lines around the edges of the poles. on it stood James and the crane came right to me.

I was at the top of the Ferris wheel and the car stopped. the door opened and so I could see Trevor properly and then on the crane seat he looked at me in his gentle eyes and got down on one knee. I was in tears. literally. bawling my eyes put still in shock but in complete happiness.

"Brittany you have been in my life for 10 years and I have danced with you for nearly 9 years and have been wonderfully in love with you for 3 years and definitely more to come. you are the best to my friend and the girl to my friend. I want you to be my wi to my fe and my lov to my er." I laughed but was still crying through laughter

"Will you make me the happiest man alive and Marry me?" He says holdin out the most expensive and gorgeous ring I have ever seen.

"Yes." I say. I nod and smile.
"Yes. of course ill marry you." I say
He smiles and puts the ring on y finger an then we kiss passionately.

We then get down from the Ferris wheel together as Trevor hopped back in the cart and made out the rest of the way down. by this sage we wanted to go home as we knew lots of people would be wanting to ask us questions and we jut didn't want to spend our anniversary Doing that.

So now I am in the limo looking out the window holding hands with my beautiful fiancé, recalling the events of a night I will never ever forget.

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