5 Surprises (Part 2 of 5)

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Brittany Pov

We arrive in Paris for or second day of the 5 day adventure. I get out the clue cards Alex gave me and grabbed Alex by the hand as we ran off to do them.

1. Catch a transport that will take you to he main shopping area. anything will do
2. Start walking our way around the shops until you find a very rich and famous jewellery shop- one that you know very well.
3. The shop stats with P and ends with Andora.
4. Ask the lady at the desk for a present.
5. Once you get your present, you will get your 2nd surprise from me and tomorrow clues.

Wow. I thought. ok. well I already know that if I catch a train into the main city that it will get me to the main shopping area. trevor give the shop away so I know I am getting something expensive.

I run out the door of the hotel with Alex as we dash our way through Paris to get to the train station. we hop on and take a 30 minute approx. drive through town and eventually get to Central- where all of the richest most expensive jewellers are.

We reach pandora and get to the front desk the lady asks us our names. due to security reasons, she needed my fingerprint and as trevor already got hold of my finger and gave my print to the lady when e ha already stopped in here yesterday, the lady needed to match my print to see if was the actual brittany raymond.

After the scan came out successful, she automatically goes and gets it present
"What do you think it will be?" Alex asks as we nervously await
"I don't know. I really don't." I say
"I do." she says
"Oh Alex stop messing around with me. you know I hate suspense and surprises- I always like to know what it is so then I'm not in shock." I say
"I know but this surprise won't give you shock- trevor has done it and you should trust him hon he has put alot of his time and effort and don't forget money into this so please please please like it."she says

Just after she says that out comes my surprise.
"Ahhhhhh." I scream
"Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. this is like a reunion or something." I scream I think the whole shop now knows something's up.

I run over to jennie and gig and kiss her cheek and just am gob smacked at how incredible it is that she is here. she is my present. she should've been my surprise- I would've been happy with her. I have probably gone more wild with her presence than I will with my actual surprise

"Brittany- it's so good to see you again!" he says hugging me back
"How are you?" I ask
"Yeah I'm good- I am married now to Lamar and we are so happy. it was such a shame you and Trevor courant make it though- it would've been nice I catch up." she said
"Well you know chicken pox can't really be put out for inspection! I caught it first and then trevor couldn't resist not being able to kiss me for that long so as soon as he kissed me, it felt amazing, but he caught it as well so we were both bed rest for 2 weeks scratching like hell. we were so disappointed. Anyways. are you knocked up yet?" I ask

"Oh gosh brittany- it's supposed to be your day not mine. " she says
"Yeah yeah. she had her day yesterday too you know." Alex said
We just glare at her smirking
"So jennie are you pregnant?" She asks quite funnily and out of the blue while changing the subject

"Ha! and yes I am but don't tell the others- I want it to be a surprise." she says. when she refers to others she means the media. ever since we stopped filming for the next step we have been eyed like a hawk and the cameras bright white light will never not et annoying. I swear if I could I would make a campaign to too the media but that would be if I could. that campaign would probably ruin my reputation. forever.

"Wow! that's amazing. You must be really happy." Me and Alex say in sync
"Thanks you guys. anyways- I think you are going to need this- I believe it's from your one and only." she says handing me the box
"Oh god- what's did he do." I say aloud
Thy glare at me with confusion
"Did I say that aloud?" I say laughing
"You sure did girly." they say also laughing

"Oh my....god. it's beautiful. Aww he shouldn't have." I say this time meaning it aloud. I all of sudden feel tears running down my cheeks
"What's with tears sweetie? " jennie says
"Isn't it supposed to be a happy moment?" she adds

I clip on the pandora bracelet and just hug Alex and jennie.
"Aww honey what's wrong?" Alex asks hugging me back
"I just..... I just...... he did all this for me..... and I .... I ....... can't even .........do anything.........back...... I mean I can't even hug and kiss him............All I want to.........do is just kiss him and say........thankyou for all this........ But....... I can't.." I say through tears and short inhales and exhales as suggested by the girls

"Oh sweetie come here. " She says pulling me into another tight hug.

"It's fine. don't worry you will see him in 3 days and in the mean time we can catch up together as girls I mean trevor may have told you this but every cast member you meet, gets to say with you until the 5th day. so we get to all stay in a hotel together and catch up. I can't tell you who exactly but I promise that's we'll have an amazing time and before you know it you and Trevor will be reunited again. ok. it's alright." she says calmly

Alex jut stands there and smiles at us also then join the hug. I have had such a wonderful day. i feel much ether now but I just can't help but laugh at the fact that we have made such a scene at the Pandora Shop- it's actually really funny 😂😂😂

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