"Ahoy there"

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Brittany POV
"This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard the Celebrity Solstice this evening for your 10 day cruise to Italy. we are currently departing and will arrive in Rome, Italy at approximately 06:30 am in 3 days time. We hope you will enjoy this cruising experience and we thankyou again for choosing The Celebrity Solstice. We hope that we provide you with he memories and moments you will never forget. Captain Out." I hear the Captain speak over the loudspeaker as we are unpacking our bags.

It was a present we got for Christmas from our parents as a joint present suggesting that Trevor and I and Chloe take some time off. Chloe is our only child and since she and into our lives 2 years ago we have never really had some one chilling so I guess it was really nice for our parents to give such a gift.

We finally finish unpacking and having lunch overlooking the Port and we straight away go to the daycare centre they have on the top deck- sort of like kids club but for littles. we thought that would be perfect for us so that we could get some adult time in.

Once we sign in we just explore the ship; cruising around the 16 levels, pool and spa, mini gold course, athletic track, day spa, sauna, gym, kids club, outdoor lawn, dodgem carts, theatre room, epinade dining room, cabin decks, casino and disco room. it really was a full ship.

"I think we should head back now." trevor says to me as I scoop up Chloe into my arms.
"We should get ready for our date night scheduled for 8. Remember?" he says
"Of course. The question is how do you remember?" I ask
"Well it's anytime I get to spend with you so of course I will remember it." He replies
"Awww that's sweet." he just nods and sheepishly smiles
"Yeah yeah. now hand me Chloe and I will go and drop her off at the little kids thing while YOU go and get ready." he says emphasise you. I jut laugh and hand him Chloe before going and getting changed

I open my cabin door and choose my dress. tonight was formal night so I had to wear something dressy, but then again I did all the time. ha ha. in the end I chose a lemon yellow dress that had a round neck and was a long dress (in picture.) I also wore nude coloured heels.

It came to my make up and hair and by now I knew trevor had walked in as I could hear him zip up his pants and keep crashing everything out in the room. I decided to curl my ombré tinted hair and keep my fringe partly shown for style. I applied heavy makeup applying lipstick, mascara, concealer, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow and of course I sprayed perfume and body spray. I felt well hygienic and really pampered.

I walked out of the bathroom and I couldn't see trevor anywhere. I was bit confused but then saw a bye on the bedside table saying that he had gone early and would be waiting down there for me. I took my handbag and phone and made my way down the million layers of he rocking ship to the grand epinade dining room where we would be eating. I counted a number of 17 guys who were checking me out along the way but I just kept walking

"May I help you ma'am?" the waiter asked as I walked in and squirted my hands with sanitizer
"Ahh yes please. Table for Tordjman." I say
"Oh yes. right in the middle centre- just under the fourth chandelier." He said pointing to the the glowing light above our table where I could just spot Trevor's head
"Thank you very much" I say
"No worries. you have a wonderful night."

I walked over to my table and was greeted by Trevor on the floor. he had already seen me and had fainted. Great I thought.
"Trevor?" I whisper
"Get up its ok." I say
"I think he's been taken aback by your beauty." an old woman says to me laughing. I start laughing back as it was pretty funny
"Ha! Yeah it's all right though he does it all the time. Babe come on wake up!" I say again
"Mmmmm. what happened?" he says finally sitting up
"Ah you fainted." I reply
"Oh yeah right now I remember." he says as I help him stand

"Why did you faint?" I ask again
"Well.......you made me faint. That dress just looks absolutely stunning on you and you look absolutely smashing in it. Seriously you look really hot. Yellow is actually your colour." he says. I start testing up inside but I don't show it.
"Thankyou and I promise if anyone ever comes near me I will grab a fist and security? I counted 17 guys on my way down here that hit on me. it was pathetic." I said

"Oh really. I think I need the fist!" Trevor said
"Hi yeah sorry of eavesdropping I couldn't help hearing your conversation. but I think this man loves you more than anyone you came across on your way here. I think u should give this one a chance. " She says. I laugh
"Ha ha. yeah he does love me. he said it when we had our first date, all the dates after that, when we met each other, when we got married, mad our first child. he says it alot at home. so yeah he is the right one for me I think I'll choose him." I say
"Oh your married and have a child? oh I'm terribly sorry I won't interfere again." she says
"Oh it's ok. honestly. we are very happy though." I say she just smiles and nods and returns to her dinner

After the conversation with the lady trevor hands me the menu and we order our food. we have dessert and finally decide to leave. trevor grabs my hand and I kiss him once more before heading out of the restaurant.

"Feel like a walk?" he asks
"Only with you" I reply
"Top Deck?"
"Sure." We walk in silence until we get to the top deck and out of the elevator.
"This has been the best night. I have had the best time." Trevor says as we look over the balcony pole on the very top in the moonlight into the water.
"I know. it's been magical just having our own time for once."
"Mmm. I love you Britt." he says looking into my eyes
"I love you too." I say and then we kiss passionately for about 2 minutes under the glowing moon. He grabs my cheeks and kisses harder and harder and I return after every time and it just reminds me of the old days.

I loved the old days......The kid free days, the vomit free days, the going it late days, the filing days, the days with the cast. oh! I loved them so much!!
I break the kiss and stare into Trevor's eyes. he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am just the luckiest girl alive to have him in my life.

"Hey Trev?" I ask
"You are just the best. do you know that? I have loved you even more and more ever since we got married and had Chloe and since this next one and I am just so lucky to have you" I say staring into his eyes still
He smiles and then looks at me confused

"Wait What did you just say?" he asked
" I said that I was really lucky to have you." I repeat
"No before that"
"Oh that ever since we got married that I have loved you even more."
"Yeah but you said something about Chloe and then something about how someone else came along."
I smirk knowing that he knows what has happened and I just smile and raise and eyebrow. he just looks anticipated and encouraged.
"Oh yeah I'm pregnant" I announce

"Really?" he asks surprised
"Yeah- 3 weeks along. But don't tell anyone yet. Ok?" I tell him
"Alright. I promise. I'm so excited. do you know if its a girl or boy yet?" he asks
"Find it out after the cruise." I tell him
"Right. ahhh Britt- two children. how amazing is that??" He says excitedly
"I know. I can't wait." I say
"I love you." he says
"I love you too." I say back and hen we deeply kiss again before going back to our nightly stroll along the too deck.

What a night! What a night that I will never ever forget

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