Regardless of the Win (CSA)

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Brittany POV
I walk around my apartment: Makeup less, hair styled less and fashion less. Haven't done anything. But I have too. It's part of being an actress. Just the beauty and the reputation for being beautiful. Being an actress- your face being shown in the screen all the time people recognise out for being that person on the screen not behind the screen where you are a completely different person: make up less, hair styled less and fashion less.

It's 3:30. now leaving me 2 and a half hours to get ready before Trevor comes over and we get in the limo at 6:00. It's actually really exciting. my first award show. being nominated for an episode where I had to break up with my on screen boyfriend. one of the hardest cause it felt like I was doing it in real life.

Probably one of the main reasons behind my nomination. with now the world knowing about the former impossible trittany relationship status, everyone now seeing season 2 of the next step knows its hard to break up with your on screen boyfriend when you're dating the portrayer in real life; as it could jeopardise your outside relationship and friendship.

I walk around my apartment to my room and get out my gorgeous long red dress that I will be present in tonight, my shoes with are heels god bless me of course I chose them and of course my jewellery and accessories which I chose from home as I feel more natural with them on and to be honest the jewellery that the jewellers I here to choose for me, didn't quite work with my style and taste so I politely declined their offer.

The hair and makeup department which I hired to come and do my hair and makeup for me are coming at 4:00 which leaves me time to have something to eat and check my Instagram and twitter before I hear the beauticians at the door

I let them in and they set up before starting almost immediately. As they start on my face and work downwards effectively and efficiently pretty much exactly how I wanted it to be, I read through countless magazines, with one of them being an article on my nomination surprisingly and also my relationship with Trevor. I text Trev also who according to him is figuring out what flower to put on his suit and I said to him; I think you have either been paying too much attention to when we filmed the season 3 Aunt Kathy's wedding episode or you have been to too many weddings cause to don't need to wear a flower on your suit for an awards show. He was of course relived which was not surprising. I could tell that from the moment we went and picked out his tux for this event, that he was nervous- and so he should be. neither of us have gone this far into a career and to be at an awards show for me being nominated and trevor being invited is a huge deal.

It's almost like I've blinked and they're done because its now 5:30 and they're done which is perfect timing and I look amazing. They have put my hair into a fancy up do and out loads of makeup on to make me look both professional and stylish which I love. They also ironed my dress and polished my heels while they were here too which was good cause now all I had to do was get into the dress and then wait for trevor and his god fish mouth to stand open waiting for me at the door.

I thank the hair and make up stylists after they wish me good luck before slipping my so called slim body into this beautiful dress I bought. then I waited. I waited and waited. I took pictures and I waited. I sent texts and I waited. I sent pictures and posted pictures and I waited.

Then the doorbell rang. Now its show time!

"Hiiiiiiiii. oh my god brittany you look" Trevor said god fish mouth wide open exactly how I had expected. then he fainted. now that was a surprise.
"Trevor babe are you ok?" I ask him bending down as he slowly awakes and sits up
"What.....What happened?" he asked slightly confused
'You ahh fainted" I told him
"Did I?"
"Well you ask yourself; how come you're on the ground?" I say sarcastically
"Haha yeah I fainted. why did I though" he asks as he stands up
"Me. you were saying how beautiful I looked and then you dropped like a bomb" I told him
"Did I? well.....I'm not surprised- your beauty is with it my dear girl" he said before leaning in to kiss me passionately more than enough times
"Now. come and let's get you a Canadian Screen Award!" he said excitedly

We wait at the top of he driveway before the limo pulls over
"Trevor Tordjman and Brittany Raymond?" the limo driver asks
"That's us sir" trevor said
"Then you're in for a ride. hop in" he says getting out of the limo to open the doors

"We sure are. shall we?" trevor says smiling while holding out his hands
"We shall" I reply returning his gorgeous smile and hopping into the limo and riding all the way to my first award show. probably the one that I will remember forever.

Regardless of the win....

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