I now pronounce you Husband and Wife...

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A/N: if you want this to be part 2 of my first one shot- take it that way but I kind of write it as a one shot not a two shot. ha ha. I hope you like it xx

Brittany POV
"Trevor Tordjman do you take Brittany to be your beloved wedded wife for ever and ever?" the priest says
"I do." he says
"Brittany Raymond do take Trevor to be you husband forever and ever?"
"I do" I say
"May we have the rings please?" The priest asks the best man and maid if honour.
Isaac hands trevor my ring and Sam (my sister) gives me Trevor's .
Trevor slips the ring on my finger and smiles up at me. I then place his on his finger and smile back.
"I now pronounce you. Husband and Wife. Trevor you may now kiss the bride." he says

He lifts up with veil, holds my cheeks with both hands, tilts his head and kisses me. it is a short kiss. but the best one. the one I will never forget.
"I love you." He says
"I love you more" I say back
Everyone claps and cheers and then Trevor scoops me up bridal style and takes me back down the aisle and into the back exit. we finally have time to ourselves but are soon joined by the bridesmaids and groomsmen as they all start filing out.

We have photos next before we head to the Reception at the studio. Frank let us use it as we were looking for some place memorable- and the studio was perfect. we have spent so many years there and shared so many memories together. we had out first date there.

Trevor POV
The crowd is filing out making there own ways to the studio while the bridesmaids and groomsmen (A.K.A the next step cast) make there way to the beach across the road from the studio to have photos taken. i have been dying to get a chance to ask Brittany about something but have been so busy with people and paparazzi that I haven't had a chance.

We walk across the road with cameras flashing everywhere. I am starting to get annoyed with them so I turn around to them and say:
"Hey!" they all pause and are silent
"Yeah you. can you all stop. we just want some privacy without having a white light flashing at our faces very two seconds. you can possibly come back at the reception but while we are getting photos from a professional photographer at he moment you all really aren't needed." I yell. they all mutter and walk away.

"Thankyou. they're so annoying." Britt says relieved
"Tell me about it" I say
We arrive at the beach and we are up first. here's my chance to ask Britt.

"Hey! we did it!" I say while the cameraman is getting ready.
"Yeah. I'm so proud of us. I almost cried but didn't and I can't believe we are married now!" she says
I kiss her and then whisper in her ears
"I know about the baby hon"
"What baby?" she asks
"Our baby. Victoria and Jennie found the test in the trash last night when they were at our place. they thought it was yours."
"Well it wasn't. one of them are lying." she says puzzled too
"We'll figure it out sooner or later- it's for to be one of them. maybe it's Sam- oh no she's not even dating ha ha. maybe vic?" I suggest
"I will see. ill try and get one of them to open up when we get the bride and bridesmaid photos. lets just focus on us for a while shall we?" she says
"Yeah. ok. oh look he's ready." I say. I got to say in some ways I am relived. I don't know if I am ready for a baby yet. I mean we only just got married. but I would've been happy if she was pregnant. now all I can think about is that Isaac or Lamar are going to be fathers soon. is that a good thing? will they be happy? they're not even married yet!

As the night goes on. we go back to the studio and we eat and dance and kiss- alot. I see Britt and walk over to her.
"Hey babe. what's up?"
"Vics pregnant" she says
"She is. I knew it. Lucky Isaac."
"Each I know I'm so happy for them. but Trevor?" she asks
"Would you have been happy if I had been pregnant or do you think we're not ready?" she says
"I would've been fine either way and would've be there for you very second if you were. "
"Ok good."
"May I have the first dance with my beautiful bride?"
"Of course."

Wow. what a night! I'm so so so lucky!!

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