Mothers Approval

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Trevor POV
I'm sitting down on the couch, my legs flopping over the sides while Britt's is stretched out across the 4 seated lounge chair clutching her stomach. Charlotte our 1 year old daughter is upstairs still asleep as it is 7:30 in the morning. I move my hand and place it on top of her stomach with her hand as well
"Two weeks to go babe" I say excited. She smiles and looks at the tv again
"And on our Celeb Buzz today we have our two Celebrity dancers from Toronto also known as James and Riley from the Next Step, being spotted yesterday at the Riverside Cafe down by the Toronto River in the later evening. the pair looked extremely happy- Brittany wearing a nice maternity floral jumpsuit with a bug and floppy black and white shade hat as well as bold black sunglasses and trevor looking classy in his black half ripped jeans and grey and striped tshirt as well as converse shoes and sunglasses. Brittany, being 8 and a half months pregnant, was obviously quite weary and careful about her physical activity participation with both of them on the look out for non-alcoholic drinks and of course no random dance break out parties on the street as we have seen before from the talented duo. So Brittany and Trevor, from us at Breakfast Toronto- we remember you as teenagers never seeing this day would come as it is now and we wish you the very best and good luck upon the upcoming arrival of your new addition. Now we have David with our Sport." The reporter says as a segment on Breakfast Toronto.

"Wow. Finally a non-hassled, free and supportive report. now that's a first" she says attempting to stand up but can't so she turns to me
I help her stand and then I turn to her
"Toast or English breakfast muffin?"
"English Breakfast Muffin sounds nice thanks trevor. Just peanut butter in it please with a cup of tea?" she asks
"Of course" I say smiling before getting to work
"So. what do you want to do today?" I ask her as she looking uncomfortably sits down on the bar stool as she waits for her breakfast
"Ah well it would be nice to catch up with Isaac and Victoria. I haven't seen them in a while" she says
"Ok that sounds like a good idea. I really want to see Lily too." I pipe up. Lily is their 2 year old daughter. she is adorable. I hope we have another girl but I also want a boy too but definitely NOT twins. Too hard for both of us to manage. We are both clueless for the sex as we don't want to know. we've both always loved surprises so we thought it was the best way to go
"Yes definitely. I can't believe shes 2! it feels like yesterday she was born" Britt says as I hand her her muffin and tea.
"Thankyou. I think I will call them now and ask them" she says
"Ok" she picks up her phone and dials vic and Isaacs home number in and it picks up after 2 rings. Britt puts it on loudspeaker.
"Hao?" the voice picks up. we automatically know its lily
"Oh hi lily. how are you?" Britt says sweetly. she will make a great mum
"Gooooood." she replies. she still isn't the best at talking but it is really cute
"That's good. can I speak to your mummy for a sec?" Britt asks
"Yep!" lily replies before running off to go and get Victoria. Britt giggles
"Hey Brittany!" Victoria says happily into the phone
"Hi! Your little princess back there is very cute. how has she learnt already to get the phone?" Britt asks
"Oh she taught herself. very clever I find it so adorable though. anyways what's up?"
"I know it is so cute! uh we were thinking of catching up with you guys today maybe at our house?" "Yeah that sounds like a great idea!" she replies
"Ok see you in two hours at our place?" Britt reassures her
"Ok bye vic"
"Bye brittany see you soon" vic says and then we hang up

"Ok I am going to go as get changed and wake up Charlotte and then we will get ready for them to come over" I say excited. today I have for something else planned for Britt. well I should probably say tonight

Since we had Charlie we have gotten really close Britt and I. she sort of just brings our relationship closer together. Even though britt and i are 27 and we always have been close, SHE makes us a family. so I have a special beach date planned for Britt and I to go on tonight. I have asked vic and Isaac to babysit for us already since they are coming over today so it will be easier

I have planned for a picnic on the sunset and then watching the waves crash into shore while we just sit and eat and chat. it'll be nice and Britt had no idea. shell probably disagree on going out as she doesn't want to leave Charlotte and she's too tired. that's why I'm going to make sure I spend as much time with Charlotte today so then Britt can know what it feels like to be alone and actually not be tired

I'm going to take Charlotte to the park this morning while we wait for the others and also play some games and watch movies while Brittany sleeps and catches up on some rest. Then I'm going to secretly pack her bags for tonight when Britt and I are at the beach. we will come back around 10-11 and pick Charlotte up on the way home otherwise if Britt approves, we will leave her at Isaacs and Victorias. hopefully that happens cause I want to spend more time with my girl.

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