Telling the world could change me....and us

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Trevor POV
Today's a normal day. a normal 25th April day: It's spring now and we are in the middle of raw motion dance conventions in Halifax. they're the best let me admit. Everyone turns up with so much anticipation and motivation it's sensational. Tomorrow we have pump it for preemies which is going to be crazy good!

But here's the thing. I do my raw motion classes sometimes alone, sometimes with Lamar, sometimes with Jordan. but when I do it with brittany it's different. It's like we are purposely letting the world know our little secret. one that we have been keeping since season 1 of the next step.

Brittany POV
I arrive at the venue for PIFP and I am about 1 hour earlier than usual as I promised to meet trevor here. he turns up sure enough 20 minutes later
"Hey!" I scream as I wrap my arms around his head/ shoulder reaching in to kiss him as we are at the back of the venue: in secret.
"Hi babe. how are you?" He says kissing back
"Very well thankyou. ready for today?" I ask him
"Yeah psyched"
"Same. Shall we make our own way in?"
"Yeah we are going to have to. how much longer can we keep this a secret? I mean only the cast and crew and our parents know and even they were so ooie and awwie it was rediculous! but it was pretty funny!" he says laughing. I start giggling too until he starts tickling me and I just any help but laugh so hard
"Stop it trev!" I squeal
"Ok ok. see you Inside in 10?" He asks
"Sure. bye" I reply sweetly before giving him a short goodbye kiss

I wait 10 minutes before I go inside and start rehearsing waving to Trevor at the door pretending we are friends; which we are but more than that in general.

Then the show starts (I don't actually know how everything went in PIFP so I am making this up)

"You all know her as Riley from the next step and her exquisite talent, beauty and inner self shows off her wide range of personality qualities. Please Let's welcome to the stage Brittany Raymond!!!!" I hear my name being called as I run down the aisles towards the front

*******AFTER THE SHOW**********
We go backstage and get ready for the meet and greet session after the performance. we have met so many great fans so far and I just love them all they are so sweet!
After the meet and greet me and trevor go home as we are exhausted. we bring in all our fan mail and gifts which takes about 10 minutes to transfers from the car to inside. we both o and get dressed into our pjs and snuggle up on our couch.

Trevor asked me to move in with him about 1 month ago. the cast and crew of the next step know along with our families but no one else.

"Do you want anything britt?" Trevor asks from the kitchen
"A cup of tea would be nice" I reply
"Sure. half milk no sugar?"
"Perfect as always" I shout

He come in 5 minutes later with my tea and some banana chips to crunch on while we watch The Next Step season 1 episode 19: The First Date episode. I love it! I remember that day so well it's like it happened yesterday.
"Do you remember doing the kissing scene?" I ask trevor when the episode finished just as Riley had finished saying:
'As far as first dates go.....this one was pretty perfect'

"Yeah. yeah I do. we had only gotten together like 2 nights before and no one knew. it was really funny cause afterwards everyone was gossiping about typical trittany partnerships and relationship goals and we were the ONLY ones who knew that it had already happened." he remembered
"Yeah that kiss though...."
"I know was pretty special. not only was its James and Riley's first kiss but our second kiss after our date the night before" he recalls
"Yeah but I'm glad where we are now. but Trev when are we going to tell the world?"

"When the time comes, the right time, it will happen my dear girl" he said kissing my cheek before getting up to go to bed.
"Wanna have more fun tonight?" I asked
"That's not even a question. come on. let's have some fun" he said as I chuckled taking his hand and slowly making my way up and to our bedroom

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