The grandmother's ring

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Brittany POV
"I'm so excited about tomorrow's party Britt it's going to so much fun. Like that challenge Lamar set for everyone to only have 1 drink the entire night is crazy!" Vic said as we say in Starbucks drinking our coffees .
"I know Trevor and I have bought all of the decorations, food and our byo drinks for ourselves since its byo for everyone. i think that this will be just a good time to relax and forget about life for the time being and catch up as friends." I reply
"Yeah totally." then vic just stares off into space
"Hey vic?"
"Just a question- really randomly. has trevor talked to you or Isaac or the cast about proposing? cause I really think he is my Mr Right and I am starting to get really impatient now" I admit
"Mmm. Britt you know I can't tell you if he is or not cause I have no idea. he probably told Isaac but you know Isaac would never let anything out of what he's been told to keep in" she replies. I sigh
"Why?" she asks
"Because. ok so I have this wedding ring right, that my great grandmother gave to me when I was 11 saying it was my grandmothers (her daughters) ring when she got married and since my grandmother has past away now; he wanted me to have it. now I don't want to give anything away to Trevor but I really want him to propose with that ring" I say desperately

"Oh. that's so sweet. hey I promise you, when the right time comes, he will propose and as soon as I know he will propose I will tell him about it. Ok? don't worry!" he assures me
"Thank you vic. you're the most wonderful friend. now should we get going?" I ask. she nods while looking down at her phone assuring me that it's Isaac saying that he's gone out with Trevor for a while so she can come home with me and talk for a hit at my apartment. We pay for our coffees and then hop in my car on our way back to #24 apartment that Trevor and I share.

We get to the elevator and walk up and walk towards my door. however when we get to the front we are blocked by what looks like a security guard standing with his arms crossed with dark shades over his eyes
"Hello? Officer George" I ask referring to his name tag
"Hello. what's your name?" he replies
"I'm brittany Raymond and this is my friend Victoria Baldesarra"
"Right ok well I'm sorry girls but there is a crime scene in there and you cant go in" he says. I sigh loudly clearly upset
"What? what happened?" vic asks
"Well there was a lot of fighting between two girls who we haven't identified yet and so it got quite violent and the entire building was evacuated" he replied
"Can I go in sir? you know check it out?" I ask him
"No definitely not. It was your apartment we don't want anyone else getting hurt" he replies
"What about me?" vic asks
"Well if you're careful you can. yes" he replies

He walks in and I just glare at her with extreme jealously.
"Why? why her and not me? I don't care if I get hurt!" I scream whisper to he guard
"Because you just can't" he replies
"No bits you just. no. I will tell you when you can go in. in a few minutes though. not yet" he replies
I sit down and slide Down the wall taking my phone out and scrolling through my messages
I text trevor telling him why has happened and then turn my phone off.
"Ok ma'am you can go in now" the guard turns to me as I get up and find my keys and open the door

"Vic oh my god that was so stressful out there. I honestly thought I was never going to be all--. wait where is everyone. Victoria? Trevor? Isaac?" I scream through walking in pitch black to the light switch . I turn it on
"Oh my god" I steam as I see balloons and streamers and banners everyone but still no people. Until I see the handsome young man who is just looking as hot as ever come out from behind the couch. he kneels down on one knee. I just gasp and so does everyone else as they start appearing from behind various furniture. I just burst into tears

"Brittany. I have know you forever almost and i know you have wanted this for so long and I have too it have never had the right time and place to say it. I love you so much and it really would make me more than happy if I could spend the rest of my life with you. So...." he says as he opens the box with me grandmothers ring in it

"Trevor how did you?!?" I say really confused but overly excited
"Don't even worry about it." he said really fast
"Would you make me the happiest man alive and please Marry m--"
"Yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes!' I squeal interrupting his proposal and scooping him up into my arms and just heavily making out within him. well not making out but "passionately kiss" if you would call it that.
"Britt. Britt honey. I know you're excited but do you want the ring?" he asks
"Oh yeah. I completely forgot I care about you more than anything!" I reply
"Who told you?" I ask
'See that blonde over there. told me only just 20 minutes ago." he told me as he pointed to vic and slid the ring on my finger. I kissed him like five times before letting go
"Just hang on a minute" I tell him
I walk over to vic and just give Her the biggest hug.
"Hey girlie. you right there?"she asks. I giggle
"Yeah of course! but I'm just so thankful of you. I couldn't be so much happier that I have you as a friend cause you made this happen!" I tell her still in tears
"Yeah but so did your hunky liking fiancé over there" she Says referring to Trevor.
"Yeah I know. but thankyou. it means alot" I say before smiling at her and make my way over to Trevor
"Hey where's Isaac?" I ask him
"Oh you mean officer George. yeah he's still put there. he thinks he's actually a security guard." He replies
"Oh my god- that was him" I reply laughing so hard
"Yeah. he's exploring his inner raccoon I think!" he replies. I just laugh and smile thinking of how wonderful this day has turned out to be. how lucky I am to have so many wonderful people and how grateful I am that Trevor found this gorgeous ring.

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