Expecting expectations

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Trevor POV
Today was the day we come back from our honeymoon. A sad day cause we get to end all of our private sessions if you could call it that and a happy day cause its still the very start of a long journey of my married life with Brittany.

"Morning gorgeous" I whisper as she groggily and tiredly while moaning opens her eyes and moves her hand up and then down before smacking it back down on the crisp white bed sheets
"And good morning to you too" I say sarcastically. she groans again before rolling from facing me to facing the other direction
"Well someone's in a good mood" I say sarcastically again trying to lighten her mood
"How am I supposed to be happy. I like spending time with you. and just you." she says tiredly moving back round to face me again. I smile
"That sweet. but beautiful we have to move out today otherwise we will never move out at all" i say giggling
"Well so that be it then" she says unhappily before covering her ears and face with her pillow, almost bending it over her face.
"Oh Britt this is going to be a long morning" I say giggling still

"Come on. we have to go Brittany. the plane leaves in two and a half hours and we have to be at the airport in 20 minutes!" I call from the bottom of the stairs.

But it's silence. I hear no response but running towards a room. I walk mysteriously up the stairs ad walk into every room checking where my new associated wife could possibly be. maybe she don't want to go and was still in bed. maybe she was on the upstairs balcony taking every last minute if air of the Bahamas in as she could.

But of course I find her in the bathroom, down bending by the toilet throwing up.
"Oh Britt" I say as I drop my bags and rush over to her. I pull the hair out of her face and rub her back softly before rushing to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

I come back and she was leaning against the bathroom cabinet catching her breath. looking as pale as ever the poor thing. I hand her the glass of water and then go ad sit down next to her.
"Are you ok?" I ask her
"No" she moans
"Ok I'll be right back I'm just going to postpone our flight 24 hours so then you can get better. I don't want you flying in this state ok?" I ask her before standing up and going to get my iPhone 12S Gold an dialing the airline to postpone my tickets a day later. the manager understood so I went back to Britt and told her that.

"You ok?" I ask as she sits up on the edge Of the bed with me. I feel her forehead and its fine. not too got or cold just warm
"Yeah now I'm ok" she replies giving me a soft smile and I wrap my arms around her as she buries her head in my chest
"I'll be right back" I standing up and grabbing my phone, keys and wallet
"Where are you going?" she asks
"Somewhere. I'll be back in about 15 though so make yourself comfortable" I say
"I love you" I heard her weakly call out to me
"Love you lots lots more babe see you soon" I call out before heading out the door to my miscellaneous place

She emerges from the bathroom with the pregnancy test in her hand. her face emotionless which isn't any easier for me
"So?" I ask her
"You were right. I guess all those nights here really payed off cause I'm two weeks pregnant. exactly how long we've stayed here for." she says as she runs into my arms and gives me a hug
"Did I say that? I knew I was right. wedding nights always pay off" I say giving her kisses up and down her neck.
"Yes you were right. I can't believe I am going to be a mum!" she says excitedly
"Yeah but believe it cause it's true!" I say
"I wonder why gender it is?" she asks
"Girl" "Boy" we both say at the same one me saying boy not girl
We giggle until we decide to call the cast to tell them what was going on.

I wonder how they will react?

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