Awkward! (Jiley Special)

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Brittany POV
I walk into Studio A and everyone is rehearsing and getting ready for Nationals. Emily is at the ballet bar with Michelle talking about dance captain stuff and the other girls are mixed with James, west, eldon and hunter I guess just talking random. I walk over to my cubby and place my dance bag in there and taking off my jumper stuffing it in there as well before I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist

I turn around and I see my cute boyfriend standing there gazing into my eyes. I lean in and we kiss before he pulls apart
"Hey!" i say as we pull in a hug
"Hi. good you showed today" he said pulling away and staying into my eyes again. this of course lead to a full on make out session until Emily yelled from the corner of the room interrupting our kiss or should I say kisses. she clears her throat several times before she yells our shipping name.
"Riley. James. hello!!??" she yells. i pull away from our make out and turn to her.
"Yes" james asks impatiently
"if you want to behave like you're married go ahead, but don't go taking 'the next step' if you know what I mean in front of us. I mean seriously. Get. A. Room" she yells and everyone starts laughing at the 'the next step' part as it is our Dance company. I feel my cheeks getting warm but before I know it, James is scooping me up bridal style and taking me out to the back of the studio to the costume closet.

"James where are we go--" I ask but before we can finish he smashes his lips onto mine and we begin making out again. in the middle of breathes we are either gripping onto each other further or moaning each others name. I like it this way though. I like that I'm able to do this again with James. Nationals is only 3 weeks away and I got back together with James 3 weeks ago after what happened with....aghh Beth. you don't know how much I hate her!

James grips my waist even more but I let go and push him against the wall of the costume closer so it's more comfortable. I hop onto his hips and scoop my legs over his waist and we continue passionately making out. Half way through I pull apart as something immediately just jogged my mind

"What?" James asked
"The costume closet." I manage to spit out as I walk to the door
"What about it?" he asks
"You can only open it from the outside. remember Emily and hunter?" I ask him
"Yeah but why's that so bad?" he asks confused
"Well we can't get to rehearsals"
"Yeah.....but that's an advantage Ri" he says seductively
"Mmmmm? Whys that?" I ask moving closer towards him again
"More make out" he whispers guiltily
"Of course. that's the James I know" I reply before hopping onto him again as we press out bodies against each other on the wall for support.

Emily POV
I am leaning against the ballet bar with Michelle discussing the nationals routine when I call everyone to the front as we are ready to start dancing.
"Ok everyone lets start with everyone in a line on the floor" I say before noticing something wasn't right
"What's happened" I yell
"What do you mean?" Michelle asks
"Well there's love. no romantic looks and definitely no making out. where's Riley and James?" I ask now obviously planning it in my head. of course they're missing
"I don't know" everyone replies
"Ok I'm going to go and look for them. Michelle start the routine for how we discussed" I tell her and she nods before I walk off to find the lovebirds
"Riley" I yell wondering through studio b
"James. hello? where are you?" I scream through the music room
"Jiley. are you in ther-" I ask as I walk into the costume closet to see. Riley and James!!???
"Ewwwww. What the hell. ok. yep. scarred for life. seriously did not want to see that" I literally yell at the top of my lungs.
They pull apart from there little make out and turn to me
"Hi Emily" Riley says awkwardly
"Hey" James says waving
"Why are you? what are you?" I start
"Doing?" Riley finishes
"Well you said get a room so we came here and we would've gone back when rehearsals started but the handle is only on the other side but James only just realised that today so just as he closed it we realised we were going to be in here for quite a while so we mad ourselves useful" Riley explains. my mouth is still open from shock and regretfulness.
"Ok....yeah. better....ah..head back A....then" I say awkwardly
"Yeah. yes we should. thanks for opening the door and letting us out Emily" James says
"Oh no worries. At. All" I say obviously regretting what I just said. I honestly cannot get the image of me walking in on my baby sister making out with.....James. It will probably stay there a while.

But I am NOT looking forward to my walk home with Riley this afternoon. Shall be quite and Awkward one.

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