Umm....we're dating

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Trevor POV
"So when are we going to tell them?" I ask Britt as we sit in the break room having something to eat and just chilling
"Mmm. maybe wait a few weeks. I like our little times like this." she says seductively as she moves closer to me, sitting and cradling her legs around me.
"Yeah" I kiss her passionately
"Me too" I add as I kiss her again
We continue making out until we hear footsteps outside the door. we freeze as Britt jumps off me and sits down back on her seat acting naturally.

But nothing happens. No one comes in. That was weird.

We wait for about 10 more seconds before she jumps on me again and we continue kissing each other for a further 10 minutes. then we decide to go back out to studio a to start rehearsing out group dance which was scheduled to commence in 15 minutes.

We start walking but Brit stops me at the doorway.
"Carry me?" she asks cutely with wide eyes
I sigh, chuckling a bit
"Hop on" I say and she giggles as she hops on my back
We walk into studio a where most of atroupe are already, rehearsing or just marking their moves for their solos.
In about 10 minutes we were going to rehearse as a full cast, the Smile at the End of The World song of which we start season 2.5 off. its an amazing dance with really good choreo. its just fantastic, I can't wait.

Me and Britt walk into studio a giggling and having a great time, when the cast and crew who were in studio a talking and snacking and laughing. Freezes. Is absolutely silent.
"Um hey" Britt says getting off my back laughing a bit


"We...Are we late?" I ask looking at Britt nervously


"Hello?!" Britt says obviously getting frustrated


"Ok someone please just speak. what have we done wrong?" I ask getting fed up.
"Why dot you tell us?" Alex says finally speaking. the rest of the cast just glare at us
"What?" Britt says
"What are you talking about?" I add

"Oh really? You playing that game?" jennie says piping up quite intensely. Tension is starting to form and I can feel the room boil.
"What game?" Britt asks innocently
"The game where you tell us what is really going on!" Lamar says quite viscously.
I look at Britt and she looks at me. both with the same look
"What do we tell you!" I ask

The room is silent. even the crew are silent at this point
"You know" Isaac says quietly
I sigh loudly and Britt looks at me nodding anxiously
"Ummm. We're dating" I say nervously and quietly
"Yeah. that's what we thought." Alex says stepping in front of us as Britt hangs her head

Silence again

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alex asks
"Why did you keep it a secret?" jennie asks
"What's so secretive about that?" Lamar asks
"We are so close to you" vic says
"We are almost like family" Jordan says
"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Isaac says
"Why did you not tells us something this big?" Zac says
"Seriously guys" Logan says
"You should've told us" taveeta says


I feel terrible. I look at Britt who looks like she is on the verge of tears.
"We wanted some time to ourselves. we have only been together a month and we thought we would tell you in a couple weeks but obviously you guys couldn't wait" I explain pulling Britt into a hug. she lets go after a while
"How did you find out?" she asks shakily
"We were about to go into the break room to eat when we heard kissing and people in their already. when we looked through the crack in the door it was obvious that it was you guys." Lamar explains

Silence. Then Britt starts crying and I pull her into another hug
"We're sorry Britt. we didn't mean to be so forceful." Alex explains taking Britt for me, pulling her into a hug as I just sigh, again.
"It's ok. it's fine. I just wasn't expecting to find out that way" she explains calming down eventually.
"We're really sorry guys. we were just mad it didn't tell us and now we feel really guilty." Lamar explains
"It's ok. honestly. It's good that you know now" I say as everyone slowly gives me and Britt a reassuring smile and hug
"And we are so happy for you by the way. we are so sorry" jennie says happily
"It's ok. thank you" Britt says sniffly as she walks over to me giving me a kiss
"Ooo Trittany has already started. the fans are going to go wild when this news is out of the bag!" Alex says as we all giggle

Then I remembered. The fans.

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