Chapter 1: My new friend

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It was late afternoon. I had just gotten out of school, because I got detention. Again. I breath in the fresh air. I smell ramen in the air from the local restaurants. My stomach growls. *sigh* "yeah I know. Just wait a little longer, okay? We're almost home." I walk down the road a little farther. I stop. 'What is that noise?' I think to myself. It gets louder once I stop moving around. I realize it's coming from my right. I walk into the alley way expecting to see an old homeless person. Instead though, I see a cat. It's black fur is matted and I could see his little tiny ribs sticking out. I felt bad for the poor guy. I walk over to it hoping it won't wake up. I reach down to pick him up but instead I find myself stumbling backwards. I look down and see that the cat had noticed me and was rubbing his cheeks on my pant legs. I chuckle softly. I bend down on my knees and pet behind his ears. He purrs in content. I smile at how adorable he is. "Say, what's your name little stray?" He meows. I laugh knowing that he can't talk cause he's a cat. I pick him up in my arms and hold him up against my chest. He purrs once again when stroke his back. "You want to come live with me little kitty?" He mewls and flashes me a pointy toothed grin. I laugh wondering if he can actually understand me.
We arrive at my apartment and I fish around in my pocket searching for my keys. I pull them out and unlock the door. It was dark outside now so I turned on a light as I set him down gently on the carpet. He followed me as I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bowl and filling it with water for him. He lapped up the water slowly, taking his time. I watched him closely while I tried to come up with a name for him. I gave up soon after he was done drinking the water. He looked up at me and meowed. He licked my hand that was resting on my lap. I smiled at him as I pet his head gently. The phone rang suddenly and I got up to answer it. "Hello?" I said into the receiver. A machine answered back. It was just a stupid telemarketer. I hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen going towards the refrigerator. As I opened it and I felt him rub up against me again. He meowed and stood up on his hind legs looking in. His paw touched something and I realized he was trying to tell me that he wanted it. I took it out and saw that it was a can of tuna. Using a can opener I opened it. I set it on the ground for him to eat then got my own food.

After we were done I cleaned up and walked to my room laying down on my bed. I was thinking again about what to call him and soon sleep consumed me.

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