Chapter 9: Engaged?!

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>>Kioshi POV<<

E-ENGAGED?! My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. I started to hyperventilate as my blood began to boil. I will NEVER marry her! I don't care what my parents say this engagement isn't happening whatsoever. My face was an extremely dark crimson red and my fingernails were digging into my palms so hard that my hands started to bleed. If looks could kill the whole world would be dead right now. I KNEW something was up! Why would they come here all the way from America just to see me graduate. They've never even called before. No visits or letters or packages.
Why a planned marriage though? Could it be that they'll gain something out of it? Could it be wealth? Exceptional ratings for their work? Who knows, all I know is that I refuse to marry this girl and I refuse to let them stay at my apartment any longer. They promised no funny business. They lied. Of course I expected this though, how could I ever trust them after all that's happened? "Honey? Say something dear. Are you alright? Do you need to sit down? Oh! Your hands are bleeding! What happened?" That's when I snapped. "You want me to say something?! FINE! I am NOT alright! I do NOT need to sit down! And YES my hands are bleeding because I was trying to control my anger! You think you can come back into my life like nothing from the past happened?! Well your wrong! You RUINED my ENTIRE life! How DARE you have the audacity to even THINK that I would marry this girl! She's not even pretty! I HATE YOU BOTH! Just go back to America and leave me alone! I can marry anyone that I want, you don't have the right to tell me who I can and cannot marry!" I was breathing heavily from not taking a single breath and my blood stained hands were in tight fists ready to hit anything that got in my way. I was beyond furious. It was like my inner demon came out. The girl that had come out from behind my mothers back started to cry softly avoiding any eye contact from me. My mom looked traumatized. It was like I had shot her in the chest or something. My dad was staring at the ground. They looked so pathetic that I almost felt sorry for them. Not. They deserved what happened just now. They needed a reality check and I gave them just that. I noticed everyone around us had gotten extremely silent and was staring at us with shocked expressions. 'Shit. I caused a scene. Oh well.' I just stood there with a smart ass smirk on my face enjoying my parents embarrassment. Serves them right. "Now then, if you'll excuse me I have to be going now. They might call me back about my application forms." "Wait Kioshi. We understand that you are upset with us, but here us out. We didn't intend on this to happen. We had no choice. You see, your father has lost his job recently. And sales are so low lately that I had to get a second job to keep us stable. But even that didn't work. Then one night your father was so upset that he decided to get drunk and go gambling. He made a deal with a very important and rich man that if he won he would come work for this mans famous company. If he lost you would have to ask for his daughters hand in marriage. He lost. The man cut a deal with us though, if you married his daughter then your father would go work for the mans company. So we agreed. Kioshi you have to understand, we were desperate! I'm so sorry!" She started to cry uncontrollably and she fell down to her knees. I just stared at them. I was angry, confused, hurt, and surprised. My parents were so successful that I had never imagined this happening. Why did my dad lose his job? And how could he be so stupid as to do something like this. I....I actually kinda felt bad. Admitting this was so hard it was as if someone had rubbed salt in the wounds on my hands. I didn't know what to do, and my mother was having a mental breakdown in front of everybody. I knelt down next to her and awkwardly hugged her. She lifted her head up to look me in the eyes. Her makeup was smudged and her tears left stains on her cheeks. "Kioshi. He-he said t-that if you didn't marry her then he would. He said that he would....he would." "Yes?! What is it for gods sake woman?!" "He said that he would kill you!" She started crying uncontrollably again. "W-What? Kill me?" I was so distressed right now. 'Would he actually kill me?' "I would not take these words lightly Makoto. When my father says that he will kill you he really means it. I've seen it happen about a thousand times. If he doesn't get what he wants then someone will suffer traumatically." The girl said looking at me with a serious expression and wide eyes. I was frightened now. What if he did actually kill me? What would happen to my parents? W-What would happen t-to TADAO?! I started to freak out hyperventilating again. TADAO! I can't let anything happen to him. Where would he go?! Who would look after him?! NO! He CANT go back to his old owner! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. I felt something hot and wet on my cheek. I was crying. Tadao. I'm so sorry. I can't let this happen. I have no choice but to marry this girl. Please, forgive me.

Alas, another cliffhanger. It's just cruel isn't it? *sigh* well I will update soon again. I know so much FRICKIN FEELS in this chapter. I hope you guys are loving it so far. Please vote and comment. Love you guys! Laters!
~Savannah ^-^

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