Chapter 12: New Discoveries

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Well hello my lovelies! I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry so here is a new chapter to fill you up with Dramatic Yaoi goodness. Enjoy!
Also there is smut in this chapter so just be aware!

>>Tadao POV<<

Osamu was gone and I was left alone in his room locked up in that horrid cage.
Half the day has gone by and not once had I stopped crying. My shirt was soaked, my throat was dry, and I had a terrible headache. Nobody has come in to check on me, not even the maids. My stomach felt like it was eating my insides. I wanted to go back to Kioshi. I wanted to hug him tightly and never let go. Just thinking about him made me cry harder. I'm so pathetic. Kioshi doesn't love me. He's marrying...that...girl. Kioshi never said her name exactly so I wouldn't know who she is regardless. The pain in my heart was unbearable. All I could ask myself now was, "Does he even care? Did he care? Or was it all an act?"

>>Kioshi POV<<

I woke up to a cold empty bed. Last night Tadao had ran out of the house and hasn't come back it seems. When he left I couldn't control my tears. They came out in a burst and were determined not to stop. I had cried myself to sleep. I hate myself so much. I don't deserve to be alive. I hurt him so much. I don't deserve his love. I hope he'll come back. My eyes started to swell with tears. I clutched my chest and let out a pitiful whimper. "Why?! Why does it have to be like this?!" I said as I sobbed into my pillow. Tadao. Please don't hate me.

>>Tadao POV<<

I woke up due to hearing loud footsteps near my cage. I peeked through my eyelids slightly and tilted my head up. Osamu was staring down at me. I opened my eyes all the way and sat up on my hind legs. He bent down and stroked my tail causing me to purr and moan at the same time. My tail was sensitive to people petting it. I bit down on my lip slightly to stop the noise but it only got worse. Osamu opened the cage and picked me up. He cradled me in his arms, scratched behind my ears, and stroked my tail all at once making me purr and moan profusely. I felt my face heat up from hearing myself make such a noise. Osamu smirked and chuckled at my reaction. In a split second I felt my body go flying in the air and land on my back on his soft black silk bed. He strutted over sexily and gave me a mischievous lusty look in his eyes. I shivered and sat up, only to be pushed back down by a strong gentle hand. Osamu bent down to my ear and said, "I missed you all day my darling." I blushed and averted my eyes from him. He pushed my raven black bangs out of my eyes and kissed me passionately on the lips. I didn't want to give in but how could I deny his sexy passionate gentleness? I closed my eyes and kissed him back in seconds. He stroked my tail harder making me moan in his mouth. Osamu took this chance and deepened the kiss. His tongue swirled around in my mouth, exploring every crevasse. His hot tongue battled with mine. Osamu won and straddled my hips. He slipped his hand under my shirt as he licked my neck up and down with his hot tongue. He started to fondle with my nipples tweaking them. He nipped my neck with his teeth making me yelp in pain and pleasure. I'd have a mark there tomorrow. I took his shirt off and ran my hands over his hard toned chest. I saw his eye twitch a little as I did this. He ripped my shirt off into pieces and through it across the room. He started to grind into me making me groan into his mouth as he started to kiss me again. Our tongues and lips moved in synchronization. There was no space between us. Osamu ground harder into my hips making me grip his long midnight blue hair. "A-ah." I moaned. I felt my member twitch and I couldn't take it anymore. I flipped Osamu over and licked up his neck while grinding into him harder and faster. He moaned at my sudden change in attitude and I felt him get hard under me. I pulled back up to look in his eyes. I bit my lip seductively and whispered "Master. I've longed for your touch." This made him snap. He flipped us back over and pulled my pants and boxers off in one swipe. He rubbed my hard member with a force that not be reckoned with. I arched my back and clawed at his silk black sheets. He stopped suddenly making me pout. I was about to protest when I felt his blazing hot mouth encase around my hard on. "O-oh!" I groaned. He licked around my tip slowly, and licked up and down making my member drip in saliva and pre-cum. Any longer and I would come. He saw my frustrated look and mumbled, "No. Not yet. Not until I say so." I whimpered but nodded my head okay. He opened my legs wider and deep throated me. He bobbed his head up and down and moaned, sending an electric shock through my body. I gripped and pulled at his hair pushing me deeper down his throat. "Fu....Osamu-Kun!" I yelped. He gave me one last long lick and said I could come now. I released into his mouth, some dripping from the corner. He swallowed every last bit with a loud gulp. I got on my knees and leaned towards him, licking the corner of his mouth. I slid my hand down his pants and boxers grabbing onto his hard cock. I started to pump it, slowly, then gradually got faster. Osamu moaned and started to unbuckle his pants. He took them off and laid down on his back. I started pumping faster making him moan slightly. Right when he was about to come though I stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. I just smirked and bent down taking him in whole. He gasped quietly and bucked his hips. I gagged a little but didn't stop. He clutched onto my hair and slung his head back letting out a loud groan. As soon as he came in my mouth I was thrown into a doggie style position. Osamu positioned his member at my entrance teasing me a little. "Osamu....AH!" He thrust into me making me cry out in pain and pleasure. He stayed still for a moment letting me adjust to his size. "O-okay" I said. Osamu thrust into me again rocking his hips back and forth. "O-oh! Ah....." I moaned. I haven't had this much pleasure since......that night. My eyes filled with tears remembering it. Osamu wiped my tears away and kissed the shell of my ear. He thrust into me again hitting my sweet spot. I clawed at the sheets moaning loudly. "Ah!" Osamu started pumping my member and thrusting into my sweet spot. The pleasure was unbearable making my eyes roll into the back of my head. A mind numbing orgasm was taking over. "I'm gonna...." "Me too..." We moaned to each other. I let out an ear splitting moan as we both came at once. His sweet juices filled me up to the brim. Osamu bent down and licked the sticky mess off my stomach. We fell down next to each other, osamu hugging me tightly to his chest as we both fell asleep.

>>Kioshi POV<<

When I woke up this morning I realized I had slept threw one whole day. Tadao still wasn't back and I was practically pulling my hair out stressing over him. Where could he possibly have gone?! I should go look for him, I thought to myself. Buzz buzz! I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. I took it out of my pocket and flipped it open. "Hello?" I said. "Oh! Kioshi, good, you're up." "Yeah. What do you want?" "Today you're going to Osamu manor to have dinner with Jin and meet her family!" "Huh? Osamu manor? Jin? What are you talking about?" "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you the other day that the girl your going to marries name is Osamu Jin!" "Oh. So where is the manor at then? And when should I go?" "At 7:00 and I'll send you the coordinates." "Okay. But I'm not promising that I'll be on my best behavior." I said into the phone. But she had already hung up. Sighing I got off the couch and checked the clock on the wall. It was 6:14 so I should get ready. Bing! My mom sent me the coordinates. Huh, so that's who that big manor belongs too. The large ominous manor has been there since I was born. 'Don't be late!' My mom sent me. I rolled my eyes and shut my phone. Tonight should be interesting I said to myself sarcastically.

>>Tadao POV<<

I opened my eyes to find that Osamu-Kun was missing. Judging by the light coming from the blinds it was late afternoon. I yawned rubbing my eyes and sat up. The door opened up slowly and quietly. Osamu popped his head in looking at me. "Oh good your awake." I nodded my head and stood up letting the sheets fall to the ground. He pushed my bangs back and gently kisses me on the cheek. This kind gentle act was getting suspicious. But...maybe he actually did miss me? Maybe he actually did care? Osamu interrupted my thoughts saying, "We have a guest coming my dear. So I want you to dress up nicely." He put a black suit with a dark red tie in my arms and told me to get dressed. I put on the suit but when I tried fixing the tie I messed up. I walked out of the room looking for Osamu for help. He came around the corner and laughed when he saw my messed up tie. He walked towards me and fixed it. He trailed sweet kisses up my jawline until he reached my ear. "You look so handsomely adorable that I might not be able to control myself tonight." He whispered making me shiver. He pushed me against the wall kissing me roughly and pinning my arms above my head. He licked his hot tongue up my neck back to my lips. His tongue roughly licked and bit at my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I let him in but he pulled back out the instant he stuck his tongue in. He released my arms and turned sideways. I looked in the direction he turned and saw a maid standing patiently before us. Osamu cleared his throat and said, "Yes?" "Sir our guests have arrived. Well, one of them actually." "Who?" "Your daughter sir." "Oh. Let her in. I'll be down in a moment." She bowed and rushed off. "Daughter?" "Yes, my daughter and her soon to be husband are joining us for dinner." "Oh." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest. He kissed me passionately and said, "Tadao dear, please behave yourself tonight. Your brother will also be joining us so don't overreact when you see him." I pouted at this. He chuckled continuing, "Also, when our guest arrives they'll most likely freak out at your ears and tail so just stay calm and reassure them that everything is alright." I nodded my head okay. Osamu tugged on my hand making me walk beside him. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I heard an ear splitting shriek. "Oh daddy! It's been so long!" A teenage girl ran up to Osamu hugging him tightly. "Haha, yes my darling it has. How are you my blooming flower?" "Just fine! And you?" "I'm much better now that I've found my most prized possession again." He looked over at me smiling. "Oh! And who might this be?" She examined me taking in my ears and tail. I waved and said, "Hello, I'm Shin Tadao." She grinned and replied, "Well aren't you just the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" "Yes Tadao will be joining us tonight and so will his brother." "Two? What exactly are you anyway?" "I'm a neko." "hmm, I've heard of you before! I've just never seen one." She said smiling. "Well I'm Osamu Jin, nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out. I shook it and smiled. A maid walked in then. "Sir! Our other guests have both arrived!" "Let them in." Osamu said. She ran over to the door, opening it. "Welcome to Osamu manor. May I take your coats?" I saw my brother walk in with a straight face, practically throwing his jacket to the maid. He growled when she accidentally dropped it, giving her a death glare. Her eyes widened and hurriedly picked it up apologizing to him. I shifted closer to Osamus side. He put his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer into his side slightly. He gave me a reassuring look and smiled. I smiled back but my attention was soon taken away from him to something else. I heard the click clacking of dress shoes and saw a tall slender man with dark red flowing hair walk in. He unbuttoned his jacket, gave it to the maid and walked over to us. When he was close enough for me to look at his face I gasped in shock. He took his attention to the sound and looked at me. His eyes widened turning with anger and sadness to concerned and loving. My eyes filled up with tears as I let out a small whimper, "Kioshi?" The corner of his eyes filled with tears as he dropped down to his knees, grabbing my hands in his. "Tadao."

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