Chapter 8: An Unexpected Visit

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~Time Skip 1 Week~

>>Kioshi POV<<

I had just gotten home from school. Tadao was asleep on the couch so I decided to go put my things together for my graduation ceremony tomorrow. Exams were finally over and my stress was slowly going away. I had spent all my time studying and thankfully it had paid off. Tadao was excited that after graduation I would be staying home most of the time. I still had to find a decent job but I can promise that I'm not going to college. I'd rather not waste another few years of my life in hard, boring school. There was a Internship available at Green Corp. and I had already sent in my application forms. All I had to do now was wait for them to call back about their answer. As I finish putting my stuff together for graduation I hear a knock at the door. 'Who could that be? I never get visitors.' *KNOCK KNOCK!* "Coming!" Tadao was wide awake now and was staring intently at the door. I pulled it open only to find the people that I least expected. I stopped breathing when I saw their faces and everything around me gradually got darker. Blackness consumed me and I didn't hesitate to invite it. I could hear voices murmuring around me. "Do you think we should have called first?" I knew that female voice from anywhere. Cold as ice and filled with annoyance. "Maybe, but do you honestly think he would have welcomed us with open arms when we arrived?" This voice was harsh and unemotional. "Hmm, you're probably right." I slowly opened my eyelids. "Oh my little baby! You had me worried sick for a minute there." The and only cold hearted woman before me was my mother. I gave her a look of utter hatred. "Don't you dare call me that you vile woman. I am NOT your little baby!" I spat at her. She jolted backwards at my response and looked at me with shocked wide eyes. "How dare you call your mother that! You should be ashamed of yourself Kioshi!" My arrogant father yelled at me. He slapped me on the cheek and the mark got redder by the second. I stared at both of them pure hatred practically seeping out of me. "What are you two doing here, huh?! Can't you see that I've been perfectly fine without you half of my frickin life?!" I growled at them. Tadao jumped onto the couch then, taking my attention away from my parents. 'Good. He's still in his cat form.' My parents noticed him too and they gave him a look of disgust. Tadao hissed at them furiously, obviously upset with them for harming me. I looked at him, my eyes filled with shock, happiness, and pure lust. I slowly stroked his back trying to calm him and let him know that I'm okay. "Well. Seems you have a little friend." My mother said. My dad was watching me with close attention causing me to squirm a little. I picked Tadao up and sat him in my lap. Bending down slightly to whisper in his ear I said,"It's okay Tadao there's nothing that you need to worry about. As long as you stay in your cat form everything will be okay." I look back up to my parents and glare at them. "Why the hell are you even here? And don't give me that bullcrap about how you have changed your ways and decided that all you need in your life is your dearest son." "Ahem... Well Kioshi we realize that you are graduating tomorrow and we wanted to be there for that life changing moment." My father said choking on his words a little. "Yes dear, we wanted to see you take your big step into the real world as a grown independent man." I scoff and say, "Well your a little late mom, ever since you both left to go live in America and leave me here by myself at the age of 16 I've been an independent young man." I stated matter of factly stretching out the word mom. She pressed her lips together and looked down at her hands in her lap. I was furious at them for having the AUDACITY to even look me in the eyes and lie to me. Something was up and I could tell. Of course it wasn't just graduation. They had something up their sleeves that they didn't want me to find out about yet. I balled my hands into tight fists and tried to calm myself down. Tadao looked up at me and saw the rage in my eyes. He licked my hands and slowly all my stress and anger began to melt away. How could I not give in to such an adorable little guy like him. Tadao was my weakness and the only one that I truly cared and loved for. I sigh in defeat and look back up at them. "Whatever. But that had better be all your here for. After graduation your both leaving and going back to America, understand?!" I growl in a low husky voice. They stare at me and then finally nod their heads okay. "Well your probably going to be sleeping here tonight huh? If so you guys can have the bed and I'll just sleep on the couch." "Thank you Kioshi. For letting us stay. We promise to be on our best behavior. We..... We love you..... Kioshi." My mother said. I didn't respond back, I just simply glared at the wall in front of me trying my hardest not to punch a hole in it. My mother and father slowly stood up and told me goodnight. They left shutting the door to my bedroom. I grabbed a pillow and the throw blanket from off the couch and set myself up with a makeshift bed on the couch. At least it was comfortable. I plopped down exhaling a long breath. "Ugh why? How could this possibly happen to me? And why now?" I mumbled to myself. Tadao crawled up my chest and meowed trying to reassure me. "At least I have you to keep me sane Tadao."

~Afternoon Graduation Ceremony~

I was dressed up in my black graduation gown and hat. My parents were in the front row smiling and taking pictures. God, it was so obvious how fake they were being right now. But at the same time you could tell they were trying their hardest to make me happy. It just wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to fall for their stupid act. They had just finished with the L's and we're starting to call out the M's. That was my cue. I was first up. "Makoto Kioshi." They announced. I walked up the platform accepting my diploma and plastering my best fake smile on my face. I walked back down the platform and made my way back to my assigned seat. The rest of the ceremony was pretty boring and I almost fell asleep. That was until they finally finished and played the school anthem after the valedictorian gave his speech. Confetti spewed everywhere and everyone threw their hats up in the air. I did the same and then my parents came rushing over. They looked so happy and excited it was almost intoxicating. It scared me actually. "Congratulations Kioshi!" They said in unison. "Yeah, thanks." "Aw don't give me that glum look. We have something very important to tell you Kioshi." Okay now they were REALLY scaring me. "And what exactly would that be mother?" She gave the biggest grin ever in her entire life as she pulled something out from behind her back. I was expecting a present like brand new car keys or something. Instead though a petite young girl came out from behind her. She looked about my age. "You're getting engaged!" My parents announced together. My mouth fell open and my eyes went so wide that my eyeballs practically popped out. "E-ENGAGED?!"

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