Chapter 11: Dear Brother, Why?

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Warning: More feels in this chapter. You may need more tissues and a knife to stab a bish. That is all.

>>Tadao POV<<


The man standing before me was none other than my brother. Shin Hajime. Why, why, why?! Why does it have to be him?! His long blonde hair was dripping wet and blowing all over the place from the wind. He had his work outfit on. This disturbed me. His work outfit meant that; it meant that he was still living there. He was still living in that dark terrifying mansion. Osamu Manor. I shivered at the thought of his name. "Dear brother isn't it just a convenience that I found you here?" He gave me an evil devilish smirk that frightened me. I took a step back slowly. "Tadao where do you think you're going? We have much to catch up on. Oh and how master misses you terribly." He fake pouted. I was scared for my life. I wish Kioshi were with me. 'Wait! He doesn't love you! Get that through your feline head!' 'But...maybe he really is sorry. Maybe, he really does have no choice?' My mind was scrambled from all these mixed feelings. Hajime had always hated me since the day I was born. Our parents had always paid more attention to me. He was always left out and that made him angry. He sought revenge on them and he did just that. When he was only 14 years old he killed both of our parents. He turned into an evil beast that scared the living shit out of me. I loved my brother but I was so terrified of him that soon that love turned to hate. I despised my brother for his actions. "Tadao you really should stop day dreaming. It's quite annoying and we must get you to master immediately. He doesn't like to wait for long." Hajime said. I took another step back trying my best to breath but it was like he was inhaling my life force. I wanted to turn and run. I wanted to run away from everything. My past, the present, and the horrid future. "Tadao if you don't come willingly then I'll be forced to use extreme measures." He let out a psychotic laugh which made me tremble in fear. It was like my feet were glued to the ground. Hajime walked closer towards me. I turned around to run from him but, "Oh no you don't! You aren't getting away that easily! Your gonna pay for escaping! Hahaha, I can only imagine all the terrible things master will do to you." Hajime had a tight grip on my wrist and was practically cutting off my blood circulation. "H-Hajime! Please! Don't do this!" He only gripped onto my wrist harder when I said this. "Ahh! That hurts!" He smirked at me and gripped tighter. It felt like my wrist was going to fall off. I bit down hard on my lips to keep from screaming out making me bleed. "Aw come on, let's hear those pitiful screams." He gripped on tighter. 'How is he so strong?!' As if it was even possible he gripped tighter and then *crack!* "AHHH!" Hajime broke my wrist making me scream out in pain. He cackled behind me. I started to cry, all I wanted was to be with Kioshi. Why did this have to happen? "Kioshi. Kioshi. K-kioshiii!" I sobbed. "Kioshi? Is that your supposed new master? Boss will be upset about this. I doubt he'll spare your life." He turned me around and shoved me towards the car. Hajime opened the door and slammed my body down on the seat causing me to hit my head on the top of the roof of the car. I felt blood run down from the side of my ear and slowly I began to pass out.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was lying in a warm bed and the room was dark. Was it all a dream? I wondered. I began to feel around looking for anything that might give me a clue as to where I was. My hand felt something soft yet hard and warm. I pushed it slightly earning a sleepy moan. Kioshi? I got closer to it but before I could see its face it grabbed me and pulled me into its chest snoring softly. "K-Kioshi?" I whispered. He didn't answer. Oh well, I guess we'll see later. Sleep consumed me once again everything going pitch black.

"Wake up. Tadao wake up. Wake up!"

My eyelids fluttered open the bright sunlight temporarily blinding me. "H-huh? Kioshi, what is it?" "Kioshi?! Who the hell is that?! Tadao wake your ass up!" That, it can't be! Please let this be a dream! I felt someone slap my face hard making me jolt up in bed. "What?! Ow you didn't have to do that!" "Actually I did. You wouldn't wake up and you deserved it." I turned my head around slowly to the source of the deep husky voice. "good morning Tadao." My eyes went wide from fear and I let out a loud gasp. "Surprised to see me? You didn't expect your little rendezvous to last for long did you. You know eventually I would have found you but instead you found us haha." I started to hyperventilate. 'Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!' I told myself. I looked him In the eye noticing the scar running across his cheek. "Osamu, please let me go. I'm sorry I escaped please forgive me. I'll do anything just please let me go." A tear ran down my cheek. He put his hand on the side of my face using his finger to wipe it away. "Oh Tadao I would but you see, I just can't live without you." I shivered when he said this. "P-Please! Kioshi....k-Kioshi! Please let me go!" He slapped me again but harder. "Don't yell at me! I am your master and you do not talk back to me!" "I'm s-sorry" I sobbed. "That's more like it, now get dressed I have work to attend to." I got up slowly stroking my now raw cheek. 'Kioshi....please save me.'

Authors Note: yes another cliffhanger but not as bad as the others. Your welcome lol. Hope you liked the song, I thought it went well with this chapter so you know. Anyways please vote and comment! I'll update again soon!

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