Chapter 5: Confessions

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>>Kioshi POV<<

"Alright class that will be all today, don't forget to study for your upcoming exams. And have a nice weekend!" My teacher said. I was excited that the school day was over and it was the weekend, that way I could spend my weekend with Tadao. I don't know why but every time I think of him my heart starts to race. Tadao is the only real friend that I've had in awhile, not to mention any real company. For once my weekend won't be as boring and lonely as they used to be. Packing my stuff up quickly I rush out of the classroom. I still have to go shopping and I don't want Tadao worrying about when I will return. I don't remember anything about the new lesson today. I had been paying attention but then my mind drifted off into space and instead of my paper filled with notes it was filled with drawings of black cats. Tadao had been on my mind all day and I hoped he wasn't too lonely. I reach the convenience store and grab a basket. I didn't need much, just the essentials. Milk, bread, more tuna, and some other seafood for Tadao and I. As I pay for my groceries I decide to pick up some ramen takeout.

>>Tadao POV<<

"Ugh, it's so boring here without Kioshi. And I'm starving; that can of tuna didn't last very long. *sigh* I hope he gets back soon." I roll up into a ball and change into my cat form. I prefer to sleep in my cat form because it helps me sleep better. I tuck my tail in and flatten my ears. Soon sleep consumes me and I start snoring quietly.

>>Kioshi POV<<

My shopping trip was over finally and I was rushing home not wanting to be apart from Tadao any longer. I-I miss...him. It was hard to admit this to myself but it was the truth. I missed Tadao all day. As I reached my apartment I sighed happily. Finally I'm home. I unlocked and opened the door, and walked in. I peeked into the living room after unpacking the groceries. I took the takeout over to the coffee table and set it down. Tadao was in his cat form sleeping soundly with a few quiet snores here and there. I smiled at his adorably peaceful face and reached out to pet his back. He purred at my touch and I sat down next to him. Pulling him onto my lap carefully so I don't wake him, I continue petting his back gently listening to his sweet purrs. I close my eyes focusing on the trance inducing sound. I feel a rough wet tongue against my cheek licking me. Slowly opening my eyes I realized I had dozed off and Tadao had woken up. "Mew." Tadao said to me. I scratched behind his ears and said "Tadao, could you change into your human form please? I brought takeout home and it's going to get cold if we wait any longer." Tadao jumps off my lap and runs into the bathroom. When he comes back out he has his clothes from earlier on. I opened the lid off the bowls of ramen and gave Tadao a fork to eat with. I figured since he didn't know what toast was that he wouldn't know how to use chopsticks either. He takes the fork out of my hand and fiddles around with it. "Tadao. Do you know how to use it?" He shakes his head no and I reach over to take the fork from his hands. "Here, you go like this." I held the fork in my hand and scooped up a mouthful of noodles for him. "Say ahh." "Ahh, mmph." I stuck the noodles in his mouth and told him to pull it off the fork and chew. Tadao swallowed, and asked for more. After I fed him a few more bites I let him do it himself. "Mmm! This is delicious master!" Tadao exclaims. "I told you not to call me master Tadao. My name is Kioshi, not master." "Oh yeah, sorry ma-Kioshi!" I laugh at him and pet his head. Tadao purrs with content and nudges my hand to continue. I pull away after a few minutes. Tadao and I had finished eating and as I walked into the kitchen Tadao followed behind me. I threw the trash away and turned around. "Tadao, you should probably take a bath." He nods his head in agreement and walks with me into the bathroom. I turn the water on to warm and wait for the tub to fill up. "Kioshi, you know how you asked me about my previous owner?" "Yeah, what about him?" "Well um, he-he used t-to beat me because it made him happy seeing me in pain. And he used to keep me locked in a c-cage." He whispered staring down at the floor. "Tadao I would never do that to you. I promise I won't hurt you." I say. Tadao looks up at me with tears at the edge of his eyes. He ran toward me and hugged me tightly, sobbing into my chest. I hug him back holding onto him gently. "Hey. Stop crying Tadao. You don't have to worry about that bad man anymore. I'm your new owner and I will always protect you and I promise not to hurt you." I gently tilt his head up so he can look me in the eyes with my hand on the edge of his chin. "K-Kioshi. I l-love y-you." Tadao says to me. I feel my face warm up and my eyes widen a little. I lean down close to his ear and whisper, "Tadao, I love you too." I turn my head to look him in the eyes and slowly move my face closer to his. Tadao leans in also and soon our lips are locked in a passionate kiss. Our lips move in synchronization, each kiss more passionate than the next. I deepen the kiss and lick his bottom lip asking for an entrance inside. Tadao gladly gives me permission to do so. My tongue slips in exploring the inside of his mouth. Our tongues start to battle for dominance but of course I win. I pull away from his lips making him give a slight whimper from the loss of my touch. I kiss his jaw up and down and slowly lick up the base of his neck. Finding his soft tender spot I bite down slightly. Tadao moans in pleasure from my love bite. I nibble a little more at his neck while reaching down and pulling his shirt off. Tadaos sweet moans only make me want him more. My growing erection throbs. I pull my shirt off as well and bend down to Tadaos chest. While I kiss his collarbone my fingers fiddle with his hardening nipples. I pinch them slightly earning a loud groan from Tadao. I lick them swirling my tongue around in circles. I could see Tadaos member harden and poke out showing a tent in his loose jeans.

>>Tadao POV<<

Master was making me feel weird. It felt really good and I wanted him to continue. My old owners used to do this to me but they weren't as gentle and always made bruises on my body. Kioshi started to trail kisses down my stomach towards my hardening member. I moaned out in pleasure gripping the edge of the sink behind my back to keep me from falling backwards. Kioshi looked back up at me. "Tadao, do you want me to continue?" "K-Kioshi...p-Please....AH!" Kioshi had slid his hand in my boxers the second he heard me tell him to continue. He started stroking my member. At first he went slowly but got faster with each moan I let out. I was dripping pre-cum and I wanted more. Kioshi could see the lust and desire in my eyes and took the hint that I wanted more. Kioshi pulled my pants and boxers off in one swift movement. He began to pump my member getting faster and faster. "A-Ah! K-Kioshi... More, p-Please!" I shouted at him. He went faster and I felt my climax begin to come closer. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he took me whole. "Aahh!" He moaned sending vibrations through my body as he began to suck it. I grew harder and I felt him sending me over the edge. "AH! Kioshi... I'm-im gonna..." I came in his mouth not finishing my sentence. He swallowed it taking me out of his mouth licking his lips. "Kioshi I'm sorry I tried to tell you." "Tadao it's fine there's no need to be sorry. Besides, I liked the taste of you inside my mouth." He whispered in my ear causing me to squirm. He laughs at my reaction and picks me up carrying me to the tub filled with warm water. As he set me down into the water he grabs a washcloth and begins to clean my body. He puts shampoo in his hands and starts to massage my scalp. When he is finished and is done washing the shampoo from my hair he pulls me out and starts drying me off. "I'll be right back with some pajamas for you to wear." He says. I stop him before he leaves "Kioshi I sleep in my cat form usually so I don't need anything to wear." "Oh okay." He smiles at me warmly and waits for me to turn into a cat. I change and he walks over picking me up and carrying me to his room. He sets me down on his bed and goes to get changed. When he comes back he turns off the light and pulls the covers over him. "Night Tadao." "Mew." I say crawling over to him. I curl up into a ball nuzzling against his side and fall asleep. He pets my head as I drift off and soon he falls asleep as well.

Authors Note: well guys I hope you all are liking my book so far. And a special shoutout to mofokittty for all the support and kind words. I know this was a long chapter but I couldn't exactly find a good enough stopping point so I decided to just keep going. Anyways I shall update again soon so don't worry. Please vote and leave comments if you are loving it so far! Thanks! ^-^

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