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Emmett's pov
I slept with her. God she was so fucking perfect. All I can think about is her. Although that's nothing new. I feel complete now that I've had her. Jasper says "was restraint hard?" "I didn't restrain myself much if at all. I didn't like...you know use our speed. There'd have been no point of taking that step if I did. I just...had her tell me what was okay and what was not" I reply. He asks "and choking her?" "I had her hand around my wrist as I did so, gripping it so I can feel if there was any slack in her grip or anything. I just...monitored it jasper. I can see not having her is killing you man. Just...go for it." I tell him gently as we walk. "You know why I can't" he sighs and adds "I'll just wait until she inevitably turns" I shake my head "jasper that's not what you want and you know it. It's not what she wants I bet either"

He looks to me "it's what's safe. I'm not safe for her." I tell him "she's your mate just as she is mine. There's no one else safer for her on this planet than us. You won't hurt her. And if by chance you do, she'll let you know immediately" "I can't take that chance with her emmett. I'd never forgive myself if I caused her any pain" he sighs. I tell him "jasper she likes a bit of pain. You'd be able to tell what's too much with your gift so it'll be easier for you" "not when I can't control myself as well as you. She's my mate and means everything to me no doubt about that and her scent doesn't bother me but hearing the flow of her blood...I can't emmett" "jasper!" I shout after him but he's gone. I just want them happy and for jasper to feel as I do now that I've had her.

Phoenix's pov
I'm at my locker now and it's closed on me and I glare over at jessica. "Didn't take you for a slut" she replies. "Didn't take you for a hater...oh wait I did. Now if you'll excuse me" I snap. She says "how did you do it? Get both emmett and jasper? They don't even look a girls way and you have them wrapped around your finger in less than a week" I chuckle "correction...they just don't look at you Jessica. I have them because they want me and I want them. What? Did Mike still not show you the attention you beg for like a bitch waiting for it's treats? It's pathetic. You know...if I wanted him, which I don't, he's too...kindergarten for me...I could take him."

She snaps "there's nothing special about you!" I say "no Jessica...there's nothing special about you...head of the volleyball team? Heard it. Student council? Heard it. Point being...you're just like every other basic highschool bitch in every town that exists. There's multiples of you but honey....therell ever only be one of me." She scoffs "I'm going to be valedictorian!" I roll my eyes "you claim to be the smartest but yet it's like you have no brain...not a shocker honestly. Are you done? If not I can continue to insult everything about you"

She snaps "the cullens will drop you and so will jasper" I chuckle "oh honey with the way emmett had me earlier I can bet he's not going anywhere and jasper? Well...I haven't had him yet but yet I can tell he's still not going anywhere" arms wrap around me and both the boys say "she's right." I raise an eyebrow at her who's gawking "the hell are you still standing here for? Leave!" I snap and she scurries off.

I feel my anger fizzle and I send Jasper a smile. I kiss him and he makes it short and I furrow my eyebrows. He said I was right but...what if it was a lie? Is he having second thoughts? Why would he pull away like that? I turn and kiss emmett and he pulls me to him deepening the kiss. The bell rings and we head to lunch.

The whole time we're there I talk to rosalie and Alice and emmett but jasper doesn't engage in conversation. Is he okay? Did I do something?

He's going to leave like everyone else my mind says.

No. That...that can't be true...he promised. I touch his hand and he tenses and pulls away making my heart hurt. I look at him but he won't even look at me. The bell rings and I grab my stuff and rush away ignoring Emmett's calls for me.

Emmett's pov
I can tell she's hurting from jaspers actions. I snap "the hell was that for jasper?! Just because you're feeling that way doesn't give you the right to take it out on her. She did nothing to deserve that!"

He tells me "it's better-" I cut him off "she just started to open up and trust us! You know she has abandonment issues and you pull that shit jasper?! Fuck off man" Edward says "emmett is right jasper...her thoughts weren't good" "what did they say?" I ask. "She was second guessing the promise you two made that you weren't going to leave. She was wondering if she did something wrong. And she pointed out that jasper was going to leave. Through all this she was wondering if jasper was okay" he answers and adds "her mind is a...complex place" I glare at jasper "fix it" and walk away. I find her in mechanics and smile "hey princess" she mutters "hi"

I've never heard her voice be so small before. I pull her into a hug "we're okay...alright? We're not going anywhere" she breaks away and asks "then why?" I sigh "he's...going through a lot" "yeah well...I'd expect that he'd want to talk or just...ask for space not make me feel like shit" she replies working. I slap her hands away from a heavy part and pick it up for her and she sends me a small smile "he had no right to make you feel like that princess. It's not my place to say why he's doing this but...I'm hoping he talks soon" I respond. She nods and I can feel her worry and pain still. New perk from us having sex. It hurts I can't comfort her the way I want to right now because we're in class. I do make sure our fingers brush against one anothers as we work to signal that I'm here for her though all I want is to hold her and take her pain away.

The day goes on and jasper says "she won't talk to me" "well you did make her feel like shit for being affectionate jasper. I'd feel like shit too if I were her." I reply. He sighs "I want to talk to her...where is she?" "With Bella I think" I sigh and we head outside to see her push Bella out of the way of a speeding truck. Jasper and I rush to her as Edward rushes to Bella but the weirdest thing is that the truck doesn't move because of us...it moves because of her. Her eyes roll back and jasper catches her as do I. She's hot to the touch. Not like usual but way more. She has to be like 115 degrees atleast. I tap her face gently "Phee? Phee?! Wake up!" I say frantically. Jasper says "let's get her to Carlisle" I turn to Bella "call Charlie" and with that we're in my truck her In the backseat and we're speeding off. I break every road law but I don't care. My mate needs help. How did she stop that car? She didn't even touch it and it....moved.

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