Phoenix's pov
It's been a week or so since Bella's found out and was told that the cullens are vampires. And her and Edward are dating. People are talking but they still seem to talk more about emmett jasper and I. It's the weekend and I wake in the boys' bed in Emmett's shirt and a pair of shorts and smile thinking of last night. Jaspers been clingy not that I mind, emmett is as well still. I see the boys watching me sleep "morning princess" "morning Darlin" they greet. I smile "hi" I kiss them both and we get out of bed...barely. We end up just cuddling. I curse looking at the time "shit Edward should be here with Bella in a bit" we sigh leaving our bubble not bothering to change out of my mates clothes. They're used to it, and everyone tends to wear their mens clothes here anyway. Esme least out of all of us but still. I have clothes here as well as at home, the boys insisted. I smile "smells good esme!" she smiles "it's Italian" rosalie says "is she even Italian?" "Her name is Bella" esme says. I shrug "might be distantly Italian I don't actually know. But if she doesn't eat I will"She smiles and emmett helps her cut the food as do I. Jasper gives me a kiss and leaves for a short hunt. Emmett's veins pop in his hand and all I can do is stare. I blink and look away before he catches me. He chuckles "saw that princess" his voice low. I mutter "shut up" he turns and says "make me" with a smirk and I put my hand over his mouth and he licks it and I make a face he chuckles "what? Got no problem with my tongue being else-" I cut him off with a kiss. He pulls me to him and I break away "shut up" he chuckles "well that's how you should do it the next time" I roll my eyes "next time I won't let you" referring to what he was talking about.
He asks with a smirk "you sure about that?" I roll my eyes "yes...wanna know why....there's two of you" he chuckles "oh really?" I nod and say "really" he throws my over his shoulder and I squirm "emmett" laughing and he says "I'm not putting you down until you apologize!" "Esme make him put me down" I beg and she chuckles "emmett no playing in the kitchen put her down before she gets a head rush!" He huffs and puts me down "next time she won't be here to save you" I stick my tongue out at him and he surprises me by taking it into his mouth kissing me deeply. I break away "really?" He shrugs and we continue cutting the food.
I snap my head up hearing Bella. She comes in and Edward introduces her, like she can't talk for herself. He looks at me and I shrug. Get out of my head if you don't wanna hear my loathing of you then hedgehog. He rolls his eyes. Emmett waves with his knife in his hand and I slap his shoulder "stop it you look like a psychopath" and then I mutter "ow" feeling slight pain in my hand from the action. He takes my hand in his and checks it "are you okay?" I nod "yeah em I'm fine" esme offers her food and Bella says she just ate because she doesn't want to be rude because they don't "they're fine Bella. Esme makes me food all the time. Emmett helps. When he took over he burned the pancake so he gets a A for the effort" emmett kisses my cheek and chuckles. Jasper and Alice come in and Jasper immediately takes me into his arms as I cut the food and rosalie breaks a bowl and jasper says hi to Bella and rosalie is made to clean up and I say "I'll eat" and esme chuckles "you always do. It's like you're a bottomless pit" I shrug and work with jasper wrapped around my waist his head on my shoulder stopping the knife when I almost cut myself "thanks cowboy" I chuckle and so does he at the nickname I've given him. He kisses my cheek "careful Darlin" I nod and we finish the food and Alice perks up "the weather will be great enough to play baseball in two days!" I look at he boys and emmett chuckles "of course you're coming with princess" jasper mutters "I'll even let you wear my custom hale jersey" I smile and kiss his cheek and soon I eat the food and Bella leaves.

Shared|| jasper hale and emmett cullen
FanficIn which Phoenix Kyle is the shared mate of Emmett and jasper.