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Jaspers pov
We've heard everything. Why would people think she's murdered her parents? She's unsure about if we'd both be okay with sharing. She's unsure if we'd stay. Of course we would. She does feel for us. I tap emmett "we should go" he shakes his head "I'm not okay with leaving her unguarded" "me either but I feel wrong hearing her discussion" I sigh. "Now we know exactly how to tread with her jasper. Make her know we're both okay with sharing." He replies.

I nod and we listen to her work on school until after midnight. Eventually she does go to bed. Her breathing even. We head home and Alice asks "how is she?" I smile "she's great. She fell asleep" she nods "you three will be the cutest throuple ever!" Walking off. Rosalie asks "are you sure bringing these humans in our life is wise?" "She's our mate Rosalie and edwards blood singer. Emmett and I need her if were going to survive this eternity any longer." I tell her. She says "but the volturi" "alice will Phoenix turn in the future?" I ask and she nods.

I hate the thought of her going through that pain. But it also excites me that eventually we'll be together forever. And I know emmett feels the same "then there's nothing to worry about if she's going to turn" emmett speaks up. Rosalie says "people will talk" emmett roles his eyes "people talk already. She didn't know us and yet shut jessica Stanley up for talking about us" emmett says. Carlisle says "Phoenix is their soulmate rosalie. There's no way around their bond. And it's not up for any of us to make a decision."

I nod and esme smiles "We'd love to meet her. Bella too edward" "how can you ruin her like this? Be okay with luring her in and eventually having to end her life" Edward asks her. I snap "you act as if she doesn't have a decision edward. She'll always get the final say. Always." Emmett snaps "you got a blood singer. Not a mate so you don't know how it feels to be away from her and how strong our feeling are edward. We are not luring her in."
"I killed my actual mate. I know how that feels. Who's to say jasper won't" I don't let him finish the sentence choking him against the wall "don't you ever! Ever! Accuse me of possibly killing my mate the way you did yours!"

He gets free and says "your bloodlust is hard to get rid off" I throw him into a table "I feel nothing but adoration for my and Emmett's mate. The blood doesn't even bother me! And with your record i wouldn't be surprised if you drained Bella soon as well" "jasper!" Esme scolds referring to the table edwards body broke "im sorry esme. But I was not going to take what he just accused me of lightly" Carlisle asks "does her presence really not affect your issue?" "It fills all the other scents around me. She smells amazing but it doesn't make me hungry...it soothes me in a way I've never thought possible" I reply. I speed out and go on a hunt annoyed at what just happened. How dare he assume I'd harm my soulmate. She's mine. So beautiful, sassy, kind. I've only got to spend a bit with her but she's become my everything.

Emmett speaks "I know you'll never hurt her" "good" I say. "Does her scent really have that effect on you?" He asks and I nod "I can't even think about or acknowledge the other scents...just hers. Her scent is good. The best thing I've ever smelled and soothes me and my demons" he clasps my shoulder "I'm happy you no longer have to hold your breath. And feel that jasper" I send him a smile "what does her scent do for you?" "It makes me excited. But calms me and makes me want" he replies. It seems her scent makes us better. I nod and we hunt and go over how we can get her to be ours. We have english with her tomorrow. Emmett caught a peek at her schedule when he purposefully bumped into her. Maybe we can even get her to sit at lunch with us. Maybe

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