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Phoenix's pov
Now we're graduating. Shit goes by quickly and Alice is throwing a party. I gasp seeing a vision. The army is coming here. Not to Seattle. "Darlin?" I snap out of it and grab my fiancés hands and we meet in private. "The army is coming here. As soon as the snow starts sticking" I tell them. "Maybe it's the volturi actually behind this?" Carlisle tries. I shake my head "it's Victoria. The volturi have nothing to do with it. Though I can see why they'd just let it happen." Jacob asks "what damn army?!" We explain and the wolves agree to fight with us. Good.

The next day we're training and I smirk sending jasper how seeing him in charge makes me feel. What? It's hot. He gives me a look telling me to behave. Carlisle says "Phoenix is the newest member to our family. Her power is unmatched, she can mimic your power now by just looking at you but touch would make it happen as well." I tell the wolves "I'm only a threat to you if you're a threat to my family."

I lock eyes with Sam and shift into

I lock eyes with Sam and shift into

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I'm larger than the others. I shift back and they're all bowing to me. Weird. "Seems like she has a new power" carlisle says. I wonder if I can shift into anything else? I think and shift into an eagle

I shift back and say "okay so seems like I can shift into anything" soon jasper calls me to him and waves me over with his fingers

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I shift back and say "okay so seems like I can shift into anything" soon jasper calls me to him and waves me over with his fingers.

We use our speed and fight, but it faster than he is

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We use our speed and fight, but it faster than he is. He leans in for a kiss and I dodge him and disappear into a tree and he looks around confused and I jump down into him and he smiles and holds me in his arms and I kiss him softly.

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I hop down and stand with Bella and she says "you're cute together" I smile "I love them" watching emmett and jasper fight

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I hop down and stand with Bella and she says "you're cute together" I smile "I love them" watching emmett and jasper fight. I chuckle "cmon bear ya gotta do better than that!" As he stands and we continue to train. I kiss emmett and he smiles "so you can shift into animals now?" I nod "it's weird but I think i like it" I look and see jasper talking to Bella.

He kisses my head "everything's going to be okay" "what if it's not? I don't think I'll be able to take losing someone else" I sigh. "Hey, no talk of that. We got this. They don't know about the wolves. We have an edge and they don't know of your gifts either. They don't stand a chance" I nod and go to jasper "and I help him" I reply to his last statement about me. He smiles "you saved me from myself Darlin" I kiss his cheek "they've all been through a lot Bella. We didn't get a choice and you do. I hope you make the right one. No matter what it is" she nods "I want to be one of you. Not only for Edward, but for you too." I send her a smile "I don't want you to choose for anyone else but yourself okay?" She nods "it's what I want" I nod and we hug. She finally gave into edwards whining about marriage.

Days later

I ask the boys "are you sure you want me on the mountain?" They nod "she's after you as well Darlin" jasper says. I reply "but you can use me in the fight" jasper kisses me "please Darlin..." I nod "fine" I reply softly. I kiss emmett "I'll be watching. If you're in any trouble I'll be coming down" emmett chuckles "princess we're going to be fine I promise" they can't promise that. I nod and we go up the mountain. I'm in the tent with Bella and heat my body up pulling to her as Jacob comes in "I got it covered dog" I mutter. And he awkwardly leaves.

Edward says "thank you" I roll my eyes "it's not for you" "do you really hate me that much" he asks. I reply "you treat her as if she's not able to make her own decisions. And control her in ways I don't agree with. She's her own person." "Jasper and emmett control you" he says and I roll my eyes "no they don't. They don't try to either. If I didn't want to be here I'd be on the battlefield and they'd accept my decision. You order her around and when she says no you make her anyway, because it's convenient for you. It's borderline abusive. And this isn't even including the fact that you left her for months in a depression to hallucinate and have nightmares of you. And now you've guilt tripped her into an engagement so she'd be able to turn when she wants to do it. If she wants you and wants to be with you, then let her make her decision."

"You didn't decide this either" he says. I scoff "I decided to be with jasper and emmett. I decided to love them in every way. I don't care that I didn't get the luxury of choosing to be immortal. All I want is them. If I didn't want to be here any longer I'd get someone to kill me. But I'm still here. That's my choice edward. I chose to stay, because I love them and I want to be here" "you're okay with Bella being like this?" He questions "it's not my decision to make. I back her decisions because I know she knows what she wants and because when I had nothing I had her. I won't stop her from having what she wants and I won't let you do so either"

When I wake I hear Bella telling Jacob to kiss her. What the fuck? I get out the tent and I read what happened from their mind. I push Jacob away "kiss her and I'll rip your head off. She does not love you that way and never will. Go join the fight if you want to be an idiot. We have Seth." He leaves. I push Edward "the fuck is your problem!"

My head snaps over seeing Victoria and Riley. Edward takes on Riley while I take on Victoria. Riley is dragged off by Seth and I shock Victoria and glare "this is for my family" burning her from the inside out slowly so she screams in pain the way I imagine my parents did. And she crumbles into nothing. We get down the mountain and I hug and kiss my fiancées. I note a newborn and see she's afraid. I smile walking over "Bree right?" She nods "I'm Phoenix. Welcome to the family" she smiles "thank you"

The volturi come and they're useless as always. We ask for mercy for Bree but Jane orders Felix to kill her. I step in his path glaring my eyes glowing and he steps back in fear "don't touch her" Jane says "pain" and I shield Bree and snap "she's part of this family now. Leave or I won't be so nice" they retreat after we tell them Bella's turning date is set. Carlisle nods my way at my actions and I tell Bree "I'm sure you'll settle in great. Get used to the animal diet as well" with a smile and carlisle goes and takes care of Jacob who got hurt like an idiot.

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