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"What was that sound? The horns?" Dr. Julien asked in confusion looking around for answers

"The Celestial Clock has reached zero. Garmadon's ultimate weapon is now operational and the Final Battle between good and evil has all but begun." Sensei Wu replied looking in the distance

"Now Lloyd must face his father." Mistako added looking at him sympathetically

"But where's Nya?" Dr. Julian questioned making Jay look down at the ground and Kai put his hand on Jays shoulder reassuringly

"She's been taken by the Overlord, but we'll get her back. At the moment, there are bigger things at stake, including all of Ninjago itself." Sensei said

"Who cares about Ninjago? Nya was my—uh, my...you know." Jay snapped stumbling over words

I looked at Cole who seemed a little spaced out during this whole thing

"And she's my sister. I know her being captured is tough, but she's tougher. Tougher than most of us. We'll see her again." Kai promised going up to Jay

"Lloyd, your focus gives strength to invoking the power of the Golden Dragon. You cannot lose faith now. Everything rests on your shoulders." Sensei stated making me sigh not everything is resting on him

"But Sensei, you saw what happened when I tried to face my father. I-I froze. I can't fight him." Lloyd replied looking away

"You must. It is written in the scrolls." Sensei responded sharply

"Remember, your father is just as scared." Misako acknowledged

"You won't be alone. I'll be right behind you. You have my Wind." I asserted going up next to him drawing the blade

"You have my Earth."

"And my Ice."

"And my Fire."

"And Lightning."

"We're all in this together, kid." Cole encouraged

"What are we waiting for? Let's suit up." Lloyd said


"They won't know what hit them." Kai smirked as we hid behind a bush outside the base

"Time to chop wood." Jay remarked breaking the wooden gate open

"Ninja, go!" We shouted entering the base for it to be empty

"Uh, where the heck is everybody?" Jay asked

"Ugh, and here I was all ready to release the thunder." Cole sighed

"The ultimate weapon is gone." I pointed to the place it used to be

"We're too late. Nya? Nya!" Kai yelled looking around

The Falcon screeches from up above "My Falcon friend wants to show us something." Zane responded I follow the bird as it shows us tracks.

"Whoa. That's one big weapon." Lloyd commented

"It appears to be heading toward the coast." Zane informed

"But why? Wouldn't he try to use it on us?" Lloyd asked

"Not on us. On Ninjago. He always wanted to turn our world into his own image. Now we know how it will be done." Sensei stated

"But if he starts turning things evil, the balance will shift and allow the Overlord to cross over into our world." Misako informed

"Then we have to make sure that my father never fires that weapon." I replied and everyone began running but when I heard Zane yell for his father I stopped and turned around to notice Dr. Julian panting

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now