Prologue: gun to your head B*tch

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Author: hey hey Dino here lol, yeah this is a modern au zhongchi/chiLi ff so yk if you're uncomfortable with any of those please click out of the fic yeah this is my 2nd ff so I apologise for mistakes in grammar or if it dosent make sense or if things go to fast, enjoy the prologue!!

Tw: Child abuse, sexual harassment and killing

10 years ago
"YOUR A USELESS CHILD! USELESS!" Zhongli's mother yelled at him while threatening to hit him. Zhongli only looked at her with fear and tears in his eyes. He only wanted to be loved by someone or to be more specific his mum.

He was just a kid he didn't know how to help out he couldn't just get a job. Well he could but he was only 12. "GO GET A JOB AND HELP OUT FOR ONCE YOU LITTLE TRASH! IVE BEEN WASTING MY MONEY ON YOU NOW YOU GOTA PAY ME BACK!" She said as she threw an empty wine bottle and Zhonglis face leaving a scar on his chin.

Zhonglis mother picked him up and dragged him through the hallway and kicked him out the house. "COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE GOT A JOB IF YOU COME BACK BEFORE OH JUST YOU WAIT ILL KILL YOU!" She said threading and slamming the door at his face.

Zhongli laid there pretty helpless, he was only 12 he couldn't get a job not to mention he was scared and hungry and he was bleeding from his chin. 'I miss the times when mum showed love and affection' she was my everything is what Zhongli thought. He truly missed his mother. Without any other choice Zhongli got up and started heading towards some random road, there he saw a lot of bars and clubs and drug dealers and even some prostitution. He walked fast by them wanting to avoid anyone from those places, until someone grabbed him by his ass. "AA" he screamed. "Sh, I'll pay you don't worry.." the man said as he lifted Zhongli and looked at him with lust. Oh no Zhongli knew what the man wanted he tried to get off him but couldn't. "Come on don't be so nervous it's fine it'll feel good~"
Zhongli suddenly fell to the ground and saw another man heading towards him he looked at the other man and saw he was shot. He gasped. "Don't worry I'm not going to harm you, I just heard a scream and followed the sound. I'm actually a guard at the bar over there." The man said "oh.." Zhongli replied. "Oh yea my name is Mr. ping! Why are you out here little one?" Mr. ping asked. "Uh, I need money.. because I'm.." what should he say he didn't know "because you're?" "I'm homeless" "oh, I don't have a lot of mora on me currently but take this" he said as he handed Zhongli some mora. Zhongli took it and bowed at the man a million times saying thank you and apologising for the trouble "now now go get yourself a meal kiddo" mr ping said. "Ok, thanks again" Zhongli felt bad for lying but knew he needed to, he headed towards his house and away from that scary, dark road..

An: I might only post the next chapter tomorrow ehh

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