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Zhongli's perspective:
OK HOLY MOTHER OF HUTAO, In all my years of living this hell of a life, have I never seen a single attractive gay dude. BUT THEN SUDDENLY Some random snezhnayan ginger comes in and proves me wrong! Like wow that's a great way to start a school year I must say. Not to mention I met him looking like a housekeeper. Ugh he probably thought I was one before I told him. Goddamn it universe. I was getting my hopes up! Well either way. Mustn't lose all hope just yet! I just met him, who knows he might be a player just like Osial and Guizhong were.. OR he might be the nicest person on this planet earth.

"Earth to Zhongli.." someone said. Oh my roommate Kazuha. "Oh hi sorry" I said "you zoomed off for quite some time what were you thinking of?" He asked "oh nothing! I'll go take a bath now after all school starts soon!" I said getting up and walking away from the situation ain't no way I'm telling anyone about this ginger guy what if I sound like some kind off weirdo? Or obsessed dude. Or something like the schools newspaper would write! "Zhongli a crazy guy looking like a maid, obsessed over rich looking sneznhayan?!"

As soon as I'm in the bathroom I stand there just taking deep breaths. Play it cool. Yes cool.
I took of my clothes and went in the shower making the shower quick. Because I was almost late.
"ZHONGLI WERE ALMOST LATE!" I heard what seemed like Hu Tao and Xiao's voices together yelling.

"COMMING TWO SECONDS!" Ugh, my hair is still wet. Guess I'll need to use a bun again today. I swear I'm so done with life at this point. As I opened the door. Xiao quickly realised my hair. "I didn't have time to dry it I got to bed late yesterday and eventually I overslept.." I said before he got time to comment.

"Right.." he said looking well like Xiao? You can't really read his facial expressions it's almost as impossible as finding out who Hu Tao is dating.. why am I the only single one in my friend group, am I all that bad- I mean yeah my past jobs might make me look bad I guess.. and my current job. It's not exactly what people my age are expected to do. But no one else hires me so I got no choice and well I need to pay for my college somehow.

"Zhongli?" Someone asked. "Huh.." oh I was in the classroom already. I saw ginger hair in front of me and ocean blue eyes. "Oh hello Childe.. I'm sorry I've been kind off thinking a lot lately and I get lost in my thoughts. I apologise." I said quickly bowing. "Why are you bowing I ain't no king!" He said while he put a hand on my shoulder. "Come on! Let's go sit over there together! I still got work to do and there is some time to kill before class!" He said as he grabbed my wrist. Oh yea right there's a reason why he is rich.

After a while he was still working and I was just looking out the window.
"Ey Zhongli, don't you have work to do?" He asked, I how do I answer this.. I can't just say ah yes I work at a café and at a stripper bar at the weekends!
"Zhongli?" He asked "oh yeah work uhm, I've already finished everything!" I quickly said.

He didn't seem to believe it but went with it "alrighty!"
FINALLY the bell thank god. Which class do we even have?

After class at the cafeteria

"That was the most boring first class of the year ever!" Hu Tao whined. "Actually Zhongli, who's that ginger?" She asked. "Ginger? Oh yes his name is Childe." I said. "I see well, are you going to the stripper bar this weekend?" She asked looking slightly sad. She has been trying to get me to change jobs, but I can't I don't have the courage. And not to mention nobody wants me either. I mean I'm just a man with no special skills. I'm have good grades but still.. "uh I don't know Hu Tao, maybe.. you know I need the" "yes the money I know don't worry I'm not coming for you, just worried you know. I'm scared that some nasty old dude tries to hit on you." She said. Oh Hu Tao if only you knew, if only you knew..

"Yes, don't worry Hu Tao!" I said "let's get some food now!"
After we got our food we sat at the table we usually sit at. Xiao, aether, Kaeya, Albedo, Venti, and Lisa were already there. "Hey Zhongli!" Someone said. Oh it's him. "Hey Childe, would you like to sit with us?" I asked. "Uhh, I don't know Zhongli. I'm sorry I already have plans with Scara and Signora.." he said looking a little sad that he might've let me down. "Oh okay! Don't worry Childe maybe some other time!" I said trying to sound happy, even though Hu Tao and Xiao clearly noticed the disappointment in my voice. "Alright thanks Zhongli! I'll see ya!" He said and ran off to god knows where.

After school

"Ok and after that!" Hu Tao was speaking to me but we were just standing there in the middle of the hallway I was staring at Childe and his friends, he had a purple short haired friend which seemed to be a man. And a blonde girl she was really tall almost as tall as Childe himself. He caught me staring and winked at me. HAHA Funny right? It's a friendly sign right? I just met him yesterday of-course it's a friendly sign.

"Are you even listening to me Zhongli?" Hu Tao asked. "I'm sorry Hu Tao I wasn't, I was too busy thinking about who your girlfriend may be." I said. Looking teasingly at her. "It's your mum" she said and then she started wheezing. I started laughing too, I have to admit her laugh was funnier than the joke, but seeing my friends happy made me somewhat happy. I looked at the time. "OH HOLY SHIT, Hu Tao I better head off to the café, or else I'll be late! And I definitely know someone that won't be happy if I'm late!" I said while starting to run. "OKAY! BYE ZHONGLI!! GOOD LUCK" i heard her yell I smiled to myself, you know life might be hard sometimes but my friends are just so amazing they always make me smile even if I'm bawling my eyes out they manage to do it. And you want to know the best part, they're all able to do it!

Just as I arrived at my workplace I saw Childe. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
"Hey Zhongli!" Xiangling yelled. I quickly ran over to her and put a finger over her mouth. But it was too late Childe saw me. How embarrassing.
"Oh hey Zhongli, you work here? That's really cool! It's one of my favourite cafés out of all the ones I've tried so far! And now I like it even better because you work here!" He said as he hugged me as a way of greeting me.

"I need to get into my uniform I'm sorry.." I said
"Ey, don't be sad it's alright! Let me go with you!" He said. "Ok.." I said kind off unsure. We went inside the staff room. Well this is awkward. I don't think I'm supposed to change in front of him. "I, uhm.." I coughed trying to get his attention.
"You alright Zhongli?" He asked still staring at the locked behind me as if it was Mona Lisa.
"do you mind turning around I'm trying to change!" I said extremely quickly.

"I'm sorry Zhongli didn't quite catch that could you say it again please and a little slower this time yes?" He said with a slight teasing tone in his voice. My heart was beating extremely fast right now, this is so embarrassing..

"Ah yes sorry, I said could you please turn around I'm trying to get changed.." I said again I felt like I sounded rude but well what's done is done.
"Oh yes I'm so sorry!" He said as he turned around now facing another wall.

After I was done changing I went over to my locker and 'typed' in the code. I got some things out, and locked it again. As we were heading out Childe was looking at the door slightly confused. "What's up?" I asked.

"It's locked.."

It's what now?! The door is locked. I'm locked inside a staff room at a café with Childe?! LIKE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE DUDE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE SCHOOL?! I looked out the little window that the door had. Only to see a familiar little smile. I ran over to the door and started beating the shit out of it.


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