1: One eyed bitch

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An: this whole chapter is Childes POV have fun!!

I can see Liyue I'm on a plane right now on my way to Liyue, a new life, new college, new opportunities, including getting a boyfriend hope I find some hot dude somewhere. If you ask yourself, is he a virgin?! Nope, I'm not I've had a bunch of one night stands with hot dudes in sneznhaya but they all ended up leaving me the next day. But this time I feel confident as if someone amazing is going to come in my life and change it completely

"Dear passengers, we will soon be landing, please put your seatbelts on. We thank you for flying with geoair and hope to see you on board again soon~"
Uhh yeah no ain't seeing me here anytime soon unless I come back heart broken. My mum sent me out here to study but I'm just here to find someone. It's all that's missing in my life. Or else it would have been perfect I mean I'm a rich guy with amazing siblings and supportive parents. What more could I ask for, well technically a partner I guess. As soon as I was done with my thoughts I looked around to realise I was the last on the plane. Shoot, I got up and grabbed my bag running to the exit. Luckily it was still open.
I said my thanks to the flight attendants and started walking towards the airport.

It was fancy with what seemed like traditional Liyue decorations. I saw a lot of fine dressed people of course I looked better but you know doesn't hurt to give someone else a little credit. I started heading towards the exit of the airport it was only 4Pm and I still had some work to do. I know impressive a rich kid works. But you know not all is mommy's money. Some is my own hard earned money!

Maybe i should head over to the college and see who is my lucky roommate! I head out the airport and call a taxi. As soon as I got out of the taxi at the college. My mouth dropped. ITS VERY BIG! How am I supposed to find my way around this place geez. "BOO!" Someone said. I slightly jumped and turned around to see a short girl with brown hair and red eyes. "Hello?" I kind off asked/said "HEY! My name is Hu Tao and welcome to our college I'll be giving you a guide and showing you to our dorms I believe your name is, Childe, Tartaglia?" She said extremely fast I barely got anything.

"Yes Childe works. And thanks Hu Tao?" She nodded and took me around every single building before going to the principals office to get my dorm and keys.

"Wow, you're quite unlucky you got the one eyed wannabe pirate gay bitch that keeps flexing off his boyfriend to everyone." She said. "Although he can be funny sometimes, I've heard rumours that his boyfriend comes over almost the whole time to do the devils tan-" I cover her mouth quickly. "Maybe you can just tell me about your other friends yeah?" I said trying to change the subject. "ALRIGHT!" She said sounding overly excited like Teucer when we go out for some hot cocoa. "Ok so we can start with 5swirl!" She said "5swirl?" I asked. "Ahh yes, it's the most popular dudes in the school. We can start with their drunkard Venti. He is my roommate actually, he's really fun bet y'all would get along smoothly. Then we got Kazuha, everyone loves him. He is too peaceful for me ew. Anyways! Then we got Xiao my brother! He is the best! He's a little uhm shy tho. He barely speaks to anyone except for me, venti, aether, and Zhongli!" She said "who's Zhongli?" I asked. "Oh yea, it's some gay dude in my class he's real nice. Not to mention a hard worker. He got lots of jobs and pays for college himself." She said, poor guy. Probably works his ass off everyday only to get education maybe I can become his friend and help him somehow?

"Oh look we're here at your dorm. Well good luck with the one-eyed bitch!" She said and ran off. I took a deep breath before grabbing the keys and opening the door. When I look inside the first thing I see is two half naked men about to do the naughty. I cover my eyes as quickly as I can. "OMG IM SORRY!" I quickly yell. "I- uhm.. it's okay, you must be my roommate?" Someone said, I couldn't really see who cause I was overly busy trying to not look at the men. Universe seriously I'm gay. Don't you get that! Stop teasing.

After they got changed and I settled in we all sat on the couch it was a tense atmosphere, everyone was embarrassed. "So, you must be Kaeya? And.. uh. I'm sorry I never got your name" I said looking at Kaeya and the blonde dude. "Albedo, albedo is my name. I'm Kaeya's boyfriend and I'm normally here often. I'm very sorry for the situation earlier we will do it in his room next time." He said as if it was a complete normal situation to tell a stranger you will have sex with your partner somewhere else instead. Kaeya giggled he must have realised my reaction to how Albedo was so okay with saying this stuff.

"Yeah don't mind Albedo he almost never gets embarrassed, so Childe. Tell me where are you from exactly you don't seem to be from Liyue." Kaeya said trying to start a conversation to get the atmosphere a bit up.
"Oh, yeah I'm from Sneznhaya." I said. "I see tell us more about yourself and your family for example." Albedo said.

"Well I have three younger siblings Tonia, Anton, and Teucer. My parents are quite rich and we have a steady life in Sneznhaya or atleast I've never had to sleep in the streets or look for food in the trash. I'm a ceo of a popular hot chocolate company in snezhnaya. Which also means I'm going to try and pay college myself soon. And we'll that's pretty much it. Why don't you guys tell me about yourselves?" I ask "sure, I'm Albedo I have one younger sibling called Klee she's really adorable! And loves to blast fish with bombs.. my mums name is Alice and she's a single mother, but she has never struggled either." Wow, so he never had a male figure in his life. I'm sorry for the guy.. "uh well my turn I guess, I'm Kaeya I work for Favonius model agency, I work there as a model which means I pay for college myself. And sometimes help Albedo out a little too. I have lost all my.. biological family
. I do happen to have a sworn brother called diluc, he hates me tho. But that's a long story."

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss.." I said feeling slightly guilty for asking. "Don't worry man, anyways me and Albedo are going to head out to the park for a romantic date~~" he said while winking at Albedo. And Albedo seemed to melt there at the same place. As soon as they got out I sighed finally, some alone time! I got to work and started doing some work stuff on my computer. Then suddenly my stomach seemed to call for me. Oh seems im hungry.. I wonder if the cafeteria is still open by now.. I check the time. 7pm.. hmm I'll go check. I put on my shoes quickly and grab some money. I head out the door. And start walking towards the cafeteria.

Well the cafeteria itself isn't open but there are some snack machines that are. I go over to one of them. And get myself some snacks I put them in my bag. Before leaving. While walking in the hallway while I was deep in my thoughts I was looking at the floor it seemed oddly interesting.
Ouch! Oh my gosh I bumped into someone. I looked over to see the most attractive guy I've seen in my whole entire life. He had long brown hair with yellowish tips tied into a messy bun. He was wearing a white shirt with some jeans and his glasses made him even more attractive.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you sir!" I said as I got up and dusted myself off. "It's quite alright, you must be the new student. Ahh what's your name again.." "CHILDE!" I quickly yelled his formality and his voice is so deep matches his face. He is absolutely stunning.. "oh yes that's true, nice to met you childe I'm Zhongli." He said as he put out his hand to shake mine. I shook his hand, it was soft and his veins in his hands he had veiny hands.. AWESOME!! wait what did Hu Tao say about him again? "Right uhm, I'm sorry but do you happen to be friends with Hu Tao?" I asked "ahh yes Hu Tao, she's a real prankster she's a great girl tho. She probably told you everything about me she really looks up to me. What exactly did she tell you, I don't want you getting high expectations for me.."

"She only told me you were hardworking, and she mentioned something about your sexuality I think. Well don't worry I accept you! I'm gay myself so."
I said feeling proud of my sexuality. "Yes.. I'm gay too. Well childe it was great meeting you, hope we're in the same class tomorrow I'll see you!" He said and waved as he left. I waved back. And went back to my dorm. Oh wow Kaeya isn't back yet. Well mroe time for me to work! I got my computer up and some snacks and kept working while eating. It was getting late so I decided it was best for me to take a shower and head to sleep.

I took a quickly shower and didn't even bother drying my hair. I put on some sweatpants but left my chest uncovered. I lied down on my bed. Wonder what tomorrow will look like. I really want to met this Zhongli guy again. Seems Hu Tao really was right, he seems out of this world. He's definitely out of my league, but I won't lose all hope! Not yet atleast. Good night Teucer. That was my last though before I fell asleep after a long day.

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