12: should i stay or should i go?

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A/n: quick note before we start PLEASE READ THIS! This chapter includes a tiny bit of neck bitting kissing and licking and well kissing. So uhm if you're uncomfortable just skip the part. I marked those parts with "_____"
So you guys know when to skip and when to stop! Enjoy you're reading!
Oh and read the a/n at the end too thanks!

Art cc: Tory_c44 on Twitter

Childe's perspective:
Days, weeks passed and no news from well... me. I've been locked up in my dorm the past one and a half week. I asked the principal for some time of and told her everything that happened. She said she would punish Dottore, tho I highly doubt. Not even Kaeya is allowed inside my room. Im too embarrassed to go out and face all those fake-os. Even Zhongli, he just. Stood there. I can't even explain the betrayal I felt then. It was almost like being stabbed by a hundred mini but extremely sharp knives in your foot.

But I could see the genuine worry in his eyes and the confused look plastered on his once happy face. It's December. And almost Christmas. I can't believe I've been in this school for already 2 months. Time flies, just like the airplane I'll be going on this Friday. It's currently Wednesday and my bags and everything are already packed. Yes, I'm just that excited to leave this country. This country of Liyue..
I don't know how I will tell everyone maybe I won't.. maybe I'll sneak out and just lock my dorm room. No, that's too childish I'll need to face them eventually.

I know Zhongli might stay here, Kaeya and Albedo will probably visit Mondstadt same with Venti and Aether. While Heizou, Kazuha and Xiao may be headed for Inazuma. Xiao promised he'd visit Inazuma with Heizou and Kazuha. It's they're homeland after all and Xiao really appreciates them.
Hu Tao will probably be staying here same with Ningguang and Beidou. Well then. I guess leaving might not be so awkward after all. Since so many are going. I bet they'll understand. Family comes first always! That's what everyone has told me ever since I was little atleast.

Before I knew it 30 minutes passed and someone knocked at my door.
"Yes you may come and leave my food inside." I said knowing it was Kaeya.
"Hah, so you want to eat me now?" I heard a voice which didn't sound like Kaeya.
The person behind the voice opened the door slowly but I could still feel the slight wind currents it made. Standing next to the door was a tall figure with dark brown and gold hair. Yes none other than Zhongli.
"Oh trust me, I'd gladly eat a slice of you." I said teasingly. He chuckled and simply sat down beside me on the bed.

He laid his head on my shoulder.
"So what have you been up to, it seems awfully lonely in this room." He mentioned.
"It is, specially without you~" I said trying to flirt with him.
"You're such a flirt." He said as he lifted his head and looked at me smirking.
"Oh don't give me that smirk. You clearly know who tops who." I said confidently.
"Whatever you say mister top." He said rolling his eyes.
"Zhongliiiiii" is said clinging to his arm.

"Whaaaaaat" he copied me and started clinging to my arm too.
This kept going for minutes until I stopped.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed and he felt it too.
"Ok Zhongli for real now." I said looking at him in the eyes but clearly he was avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah?" He said
"I might be going to Snezhnaya for some weeks." I said quickly trying to get it done with.
"You what?!" He asked looking at me shocked.
"It's Christmas holidays plus you know how much prettier Snezhnaya is than Liyue in the winter!" I said malding.
He sighed..
He sighed..
He sighed..

"Childe, it's only some weeks right? You would come back?" He said looking at my neck?..
"Uhm, of course! I can't be away from you guys for too long either! And why.. are you looking at my.. neck. Like that?"


Suddenly i had no time to think Zhongli launched himself onto me and started licking, biting, kissing my neck aggressively.
"Z-Zhongli ?!" I asked but a muffled pant escaped my mouth as I said his name.
"You said you're top, where's that top energy?" He questioned looking at me straight in the eyes.
"Atleast close the damn door if you're going to fuck me!" I straight away said.
"What you want me to fuck you?"
"What?! I mean... i.."

He kissed me..
He kissed me..

But on my lips, it felt genuine. And so magical. Almost like those meaningless fairytales from when I was younger that I'd read everyday with the same excitement for the happy ending.
This kiss made me realise one thing. I don't want the stripper.
I want Zhongli.
I don't want Dottore.
I want Zhongli.
I don't want Zhongli to be with Baizhu because..
I'm jealous. Because I want him to be mine.


As he let go. He started looking down at himself looking disgusted.
"Im sorry! I didn't mean to I.. omg I'm an idiot I'm sorry I couldn't resist it." He said scolding himself.
I thought for a while before getting up locking the door and turning around again only to be met with his gaze looking straight at me.
"Childe? I was joking about the fuck part.." he said
I didn't reply and just went over to him, picked him up and sat down with him on my lap.

He didn't move but looked at me confused.
"What happened to the important bromance?"
"Fuck that, Zhongli." I answered.
He simply hugged me and starting doing my hair somehow. It so short it might be a impossible task.
But this man can do the impossible. I know it..
"Hey uhm. What are we."
He asked.
"I don't know"
I answered.
"But I do know one thing, we aren't just friends" I said looking at his thighs. They looked so squishy..
he caught me staring and started laughing really hard.
"HEY! What's so funny!?" I asked genuine.
"It's so funny how it looks like you've never felt the touch of a man, and how you're so clueless! It's so cute so keep doing it." He said as he played with my hair making little braids and undoing them again.

He gave me a genuine smile. Before hugging me even tighter.
"Baizhu can fuck off." I said.
"Oh about that.. I'm not sure.. if I'm able to just tell him off like that." He said.
Suddenly everything stopped my brain had to process this a million times before saying.
"Take your time, I'm not going to just take you and we'll never let you be free and make your own choices. But I can't promise i won't avoid you if you start dating him. May the best man win." I said.
"Indeed" he said and clinger onto me like those cute baby koalas
"Just don't make me wait too long." I said

He nodded and got off my lap. And headed towards the door.
"I'll see you Childe. I'll be thinking about.. us. And I'll also miss you while you're gone. Please. Be back soon. He said before leaving. And shutting the door behind him.

You know. Now I'm worried for even more things. What if Zhongli catches feelings for Baizhu while I'm gone and forgets me and THIS completely. Well he started it. Last time I checked he was the one that launched onto me like a rocket. And started leaving those marks on my neck. They kind off look good on me tho.. this makes me question my life to be honest.. 'looking good in hickeys' sounds awfully weird..

Im worried that people might replace me it's one of my biggest fears after the fear of failure.. Zhongli said he'd think about it but so many people don't keep Their promises I'm scared he is one of them. I know him well, but that Baizhu dude is real competition. This feels like my soccer game all over again. That one time we were losing so hard but in the end I scored us three fresh goals and we won. This time perhaps I should go. And make him miss me so much he realises how much he loves and misses me.

But on the other hand we have this slight worry that he might not end up liking me and might end up leaving me for that green weird snake obsessed guy. But Kaeya speaks so highly of me him too. Is he really that good. Is he really better then me. A super hot gay guy that's a ceo for a Snezhnayan company that's super caring and loves his family. And will constantly check up on you. He probably isn't even half of that! Hah! Childe wins again! Just like in death match in VALORANT! I never lose! And if I do  I'll never admit it.

But there's a question in my head bothering me more than anything ever has. Making me all dizzy, making me see different worlds, planets, dimensions. Making me maybe even delusional. This question being such a scary question as:

Should I stay or should I go?

A/n my hc is that zhongchi are actually switch! And don't have a defined top or bottom. I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like that I mean.. sucks... yeah. Bye I'm tired I want to sleep I have pe class tmr 😍🤗

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