10: get ready for trouble! And make it double!

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Childe's perspective:
I cannot believe I just told my dream man I find him attractive as fuck, I think my sickness might just be drunkness after all. This is so embarrassing how will I ever enter that bar without feeling super weird now?!

"Childe?" I heard someone's voice.
"What the fuck do you want Hu Tao?!" I yelled.
"Ey asshole calm down, I know you're in a bad mood because you just told the love of your life that you find him attractive as fuck. It's fine mate chillax~" she said mockingly. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Ey come on cheer up its just a crush for fuck sakes."
"It's not just any crush, it's Him.." I said
"Ew dude that sounded so cringe..." she said.
"Oh shut it!" I replied before getting off the couch and going into my room slamming the door after me.
"ALRIGHT STAY MAD! BUT YOURE GOING TO MISS KAEYAS BASKETBALL COMPETITION!" She yelled right after I heard the dorm door being slam shut.

"Damn we really love slamming doors huh?" I said sarcastically to myself. I should probably go to Kaeya's competition even tho I'm feeling shitty. He is one of my best buds after all, and I wouldn't want him to be sad just because I didn't come. Which he probably wouldn't even be he'd probably celebrate at this point I was just trying to make an excuse for me to get out of this fucking dorm. I went inside my bathroom and took a quick shower before putting something really random on. I'm not trying to impress anyone either right?

As I walked out my dorm I saw a familiar girl. Wait a minute..
"ENIRA?!" I yelled running over.
She turned around and yes it was her!
"Childe!?" She said before running over to me and hugging me. Of course I hugged her back.
"Enira?! Why how when where?!" I asked confused.
she chuckled.
"Yes yes calm down. I enrolled in the same college as you on purpose. Because one they have what I want here and two you're here!" She said before hugging me even more tightly.

"How is everything going I haven't seen you since like primary school?!" I said picking up here luggage and going in her dorm. I left the luggage in the living room and sat in one of the couches.
"Damn! I really can't stay long but it's so good to see you!" I said.
"For real! I thought I'd never see you again. You even gave me a rose with a letter attached to it saying you liked me! That was so cute!" She said and I kind off made an 'Ew' face.

"What's wrong?" She asked
"Enira I'm gay.. and I didn't leave that rose?" I said.
"Aww Childe its fine dw! I know you did and well if you still like m-."
"I should really get going! Uhm yea! Cya bye Enira!" I said while getting up and trying to get away from there as fast as possible, this woman is crazy what is she talking about. I even told her I'm gay and she kept going. Ew disgusting honestly.

This time my trip was a lot easier and more chill. I met Zhongli with the green haired dude along the way I said hi to them both even tho the jealously inside of me grew big as fuck. And to top it off they're sitting right behind me. I can hear everything they're saying. I hope this game ends soon man—
Kaeya please score all the goals and get us out of here thank you and you're welcome!

"Zhongli, you know that friend I told you about yesterday.." the green dude suddenly said.
"Ah yes Baizhu!" He said
Baizhu? So Baizhu is his name. Ugly name for ugly person with ugly ass personality. Ew. Who does he even think he is. Wait am I being weird right now? I'm eavesdropping.. I shouldn't be doing this.

"Well uhm the friend is actu-."
"LIYUE CENTRAL COLLEGE WINS!" I heard the judge say. As soon as I heard that I quickly got up and started applauding.
"KAEYA LETS GOOO!!!" I yelled as I applauded he looked at me and waved before shooting the proudest smile ever.

After everyone sat down I looked behind me. Zhongli looked sad or well weird? And Baizhu guy was gone. This is my chance!

I walked to the chair Baizhu was in quietly. "Good day mister handsome, what is such a pretty guy doing here all alone?" I asked sitting next to him and looking at him. He turned around slowly. And simply looked at me heart broken. "I.." he said but his eyes started getting red. He was on verge of tears and I understood this. I grabbed his wrist and ran out of there with him. I dragged him to the hallway and sat down on the floor with him. He sat next to me but quickly turned around and hugged me.

"Childe... I. I messed up really bad!" He said starting to cry. "What happened?!" I asked my eyes shining with worry. He explained everything to me and eventually started calming down.
"It's fine Zhongli he doesn't deserve you!" I said
"But it's not wether he deserves me or not.. Childe I work with him I cannot ignore him!" He said.
"I know but..."
"You know what nevermind Childe.." he said turning his head around.

"What Zhongli? Want me to play with your hair while you lay on my lap. And tell you everything's going to be alright?" I said jokingly.
"Zhongli I was joking.."
"That's a pretty tempting offer you know?!" He said and we both started laughing.

"Ok but for real, talk to him. If he just stormed off like that. Maybe he is jealous of the other guy?" I asked.
"Maybe but I genuinely don't want to know that so soon." He said as he got up.
"You know. I think I need some rest. I'll be going to my dorm. Thanks Childe cya later appreciate it!" He said as he walked away.

I just sat there with a heavy feeling on my chest. Why does it feel so wrong to comfort him. Why does is feel so wrong to tell him that he should give that guy a shot? Do I perhaps want him to give me a shot? No! Of course not! Right? I got too much to think about I can't add another worry to my poor little brain. It can't take that much. Everything that has happened the past few days is making me lose my mind slightly.
Specially now that Enira is here. She will make trouble somehow I just know it I can feel it. Maybe im not so happy to see her after all? I mean who would be happy to see her. I say she's a good friend of mine but she really isn't. We were just closer than average classmates in primary school. It's been years but she's still not over it? Plus the thing with the rose.. what rose? I didn't give her any rose I would never I've known almost my whole life that I like men. Specially in primary...

Not to mention Dottores email I haven't replied to it and he will probably start bothering me soon if i don't reply because we all know how the little fatui school gang is. Don't answer alright mate you're pretty much fucked. These guys will mess your life up. Tho. They're also homophobic meaning that they won't accept Dottore which means I might not get in trouble he might. Still that man can do a lot on his own. I know him well enough to know i shouldn't mess with him. I really need to answer that email. And quickly. God knows what he might do to me and or Zhongli.

A/n part 11 on its way rn!

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