8: mixed feelings about you

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Btw cover is mine actually I took that picture woohoo (vacay lmao)

⚠️Making out yk not smut but just well, people making out 😋⚠️ I warned you~~

Childe's perspective:
I'm so done. I'm actually standing outside that stripper bar the same one that no was standing outside a few hours ago. This is driving me mad, man.. I mean he is driving me mad. I mean- my feelings are driving me mad. I don't even know why I care about him this much, it's not like he feels/does the same right?! I could be taking drugs I bet he wouldn't even mind. He would probably give zero fucks. So I really don't understand why the fuck I bother spending my precious time caring about him..

Okay who am I trying to trick, I might just might like Zhongli.. ITS A HOMIE THING. Everyone does that I mean just look at Pierro and Dottore they go around being "fake gay" the whole time. It's a bro thing bromantic. You know. Definitely not a real crush just a simple little bro/homie romance. Romance? Maybe I'm taking it a little too far there. Either way I'm not going to forget why I'm actually here. I'm here for him. Or well. Rex lapis. This guy had caught my eye and it turns out I feel like I know him or well like we've met before. I feel this sort of connection.

I might've not told anyone but the first time we had eye contact, yes it happened multiple times during that one time I was here don't bother asking. Or you would just be wasting time. Well either way during that first time I felt like a spark in his eyes a gold spark something similar to.. well uhm. This is awkward, to Zhongli's. But really I can't compare my homie to a stripper, I bet Zhongli would be offended if I did. After all most people my age were taught my their parents that if you work as a stripper you're a lowlife.

Which I totally disagree with.

Yeah, me a rich snezhnayan.

Disagreeing with my parents?

Isn't it all daddy's money?


It isn't

I think I've said that multiple times.

Well either way I should probably head in I've been standing outside the bar the past 15 minutes just thinking about random shit that pops up in my head. And when I tell you everyone who passes by me stares at me as if I am some kind off alien. I mean I'd do the same. Imagine you wana go in a stripper bar with your bros and some random person is in the way. I'd rage. Oh goddamn it there I go again, just thinking instead of actually doing anything. I'll just go inside already, after all I actually feel like I need a few drinks. Especially after that terrible proposal made by Dottore. Yes yours truly Dottore.

I finally step inside after years of thinking about useless things i probably shouldn't be thinking about but who cares honestly. "Childe?" I hear a familiar voice saying. I turn to it quickly while stepping to the side so I'm not standing in front of the door. As I stare at the person who just called me. It suddenly hit me that this voice was none other than the man I was just thinking about a few minutes ago. Yes indeed Dottore. "I.. uhm.." I say while laughing nervously.

"No need to be nervous Childe I'm not going to pressure you into answering.. I know you've read it. It said read on the email.." he said as he turned back to the bartender. The bartender seemed mad if you ask me she was very short.. so short she looked like if she was 12.. she had pink hair and seemed a lot more interesting than my main concern currently. I walked up to her and her facial expression was easy to read. It had this getawayfrommeyoudrunkard look. "Ugh, not another one.." she said as she sighed.

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