13: green matches yellow more anyways..

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Art cc: @arata_shibuya on twitter <3

Childe's perspective:
Everything is perfect! I'm going to Snezhnaya tomorrow! But first today I'm going to visit Zhongli at the café we got a lot to talk about. Since we won't be seeing eachother for some months or maybe weeks I don't know yet to be fully honest.
Even tho I said I'm meeting up with Zhongli, I need to tell all my friends that I'm going to Snezhnaya. Wouldn't want them to think I forgot them! Because I didn't. They mean the world to me.

"CHILDEEE!!" I heard someone yell, pft Hu Tao such a loud bitch.
"HELLO BITCH!" I said yelling as I put my phone in my pocket and jogged over to them.
"Hey man SSUP?" Kaeya said doing our handshake.
"Hello Childe." Ningguang said.
Xiao only death glared me but I saw his little smile in the corner of my eye I swear!
"Hi Childe!" Beidou said fist bumping my shoulder.
"The breeze is calm as always.." kazuha said. The duck mate, I'm not some poetic guy. Is this a greeting like a poetic greeting?

We all talked for some time about god knows what. But one thing that A blueberry head mentioned caught my attention.
"Childe, I know you're going to the café later, but just so you know I heard Baizhu will be there too. So be careful yes?" Kaeya said.
"Meh he is no competition for me!" I said putting my hands on my hips. And doing a proud face.
Hu Tao only giggled at o ur conversation and went back to talking with Ningguang about how her aunt is doing a promotion on coffins this week.

We talked for a while and catched up with eachother I told them I was going to Snezhnaya and they all hugged me except ningguang and Xiao tho I saw they're sad expression as if something would be missing if I went.
I hope I don't miss them more then they miss me..
Eventually they started to leave one by one. As they disappeared and as I saw them the last time for months my heart felt as if someone stabbed it a million times. Now it was only me and Kaeya here. It's almost as if just a minute ago I was running to them with the happiest smile on my face. It's as if I came to Liyue yesterday. And as if I met Zhongli with that messy bun and looking like a maid yesterday. But that wasn't yesterday it's was months ago..

"Hey uhm Childe." Kaeya said.
"I should also get going.." he said
"Oh okay.." I replied looking at my hands to distract myself.
"Hey uhm I'm not good at this seriously but be careful alright. Specially now with Zhongli.. I don't want any of my friend hurt because of one another. I care a lot about both of you." He said. On reflex I hugged him which he accepted and eventually hugged back. We stood there for some time tho it felt nice.

Because I'm really nervous about what might be about to happen. I'm scared that I may run in on Zhongli and Baizhu making out. I hope not. If I do, I don't know. I'll probably feel betrayed, outplayed? Outsmarted? I don't know. I do know that it'll break me both physically and mentally. I haven't felt this way for someone for decades. Maybe I have never felt this way at all. I might go as far as to say I love Zhongli. And that, that is harder said then thought. Specially when it comes to someone who might select you as the "second option"

Eventually me and Kaeya said our goodbyes. I stood in the park for a little more, scared of what the future may have in store for me. I don't think I've ever been this scared of meeting a friend. Well first time for everything's what they say! I eventually called a taxi. It didn't take long before a black car pulled up I paid the man and he thanked me, before putting on a rather familiar song.

"This generation
Rules the nation
With version
Music happens to be the food of love
Sounds to really make you rub and scrub
I say
Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side
Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side
It a go bun (give me the music, make me jump and prance)
It a go dung, ya know? (Give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance)"

Wait, could it be that.. this man is the same driver that drove me and Zhongli home on that day. The day I met him outside that stripper bar.. talking about the stripper bar. I still need to talk to that stripper to clear things up. After all if I'm after Zhongli I should clear things up with Rex Lapis.

"We're here!" The man said before continuing to vibe to whatever song he was listening to. I simply gave him a smile and got out the car. I waited for the man to drive off and waved at his car hoping he'd see me.

Alright Childe, don't be a pussy now. This is no Child's play. This is you're love life so prove Zhongli you're better then that snake obsessed glass wearing very gay dude. Because you are. You're hot and-. Alright enough this is cringe let's just get this over with.

I walked inside the café and looked around only to be met with nobody that looked like Zhongli... I sighed.. "hello sir how can I help you!" A waitress there asked.
"Is Zhongli here?" I asked.
"Oh yes he is in the staff room! Feel free to pay him a visit!" She said and walked off. I sighed again. Before grabbing all my courage and walking towards the staff rooms. As I walked to the staff rooms I started to notice details in this café I had never noticed there were pictures of different famous people. And the walls were painted a rose red Color. It's not ugly to be honest. I finally got met with a door that i was familiar with. The locker rooms. He must be here right?

I opened the door and peeked in only to be met with the thing I feared the most.
"Zhongli..?" I asked tears forming in my eyes as I said his name. Why do you make me so weak.. you asshole..
"You.." I said but couldn't seem to get any words out. He soon realised he got caught and quickly pushed Baizhu off.
"Childe wait! No! It's not what you think-."
"You tricked me.." I finally said. I can't believe I fell for his lies.. I can't believe I actually thought I had a chance. I'm such a dumb ass..

"Tricked you! Hahah! You're a funny guy ginger. Now I'm sorry me and Zhongli were doing something and you disturbed us. Mind leaving?" Baizhu said. I walked up to them. And looked them both in the eyes. Tears had already formed into beautiful oval shaped water droplets who were dripping down my cheeks as I spoke.
"Shut up you fucking saladhead." I said as I smacked Him across the face as hard as I could.

Zhongli gasped.
"Childe this is a misunderstanding!" Zhongli said as he clung onto my arm.
"Yeah zhongli?! I'm not stupid!" I said as I pushed him off my arm.
"Go find some other heart to break since mine isn't an options anymore yes?!" I yelled at him.
"Childe listen! I lov-." He said but I interrupted.
"No, no Zhongli. No you don't." I said and stormed off. I'm not listening to this bullshit any longer. I'm going to take a break that's what I'm doing. Now I'm certain I'll be staying away for a while. Because after all im not as important as I thought I was now am I..

A/n next chapters will probably only be Zhongli's pov because Childe will be in Snezhnaya! 😌

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