4: i hate it

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Zhongli's perspective:
Why did I sleep over at Xiao's dorm seriously- I wake up to Hu Tao listening to CPR and material girl remix... Xiao groans and goes back to sleep. I simply stare at the ceiling. While Xiao's roommate Aether slept at Venti's that's why Hu Tao is here. You know we usually sleep at each others dorms it's complicated. Well my classes only start later today which is pretty nice. Almost all my friends have classes currently which makes me a loner for like 2 hours or something. I could go out or something maybe visit and old friend or I don't know hang out with Hu Tao well I certainly know that I should get ready first.

As I took a shower I might have started to sing along to whatever Hu Tao was listening to, when she stopped the music I kept singing. And I could hear laughter outside. Xinyan and Hu Tao they're so dead. I got out quickly and didn't bother drying my hair for like the third time this week before putting on my clothes and running out the bathroom with my hair in a bun and just random clothes that made me look like a maid. "You little fuckers!!" I said and ran after them both when I got them I started tickling them and they were laughing really loud I swear I could hear Xiao groan.

Class was about to start finally I headed down the hallway, only to met my biggest fear. Childe chatting with my bullies. As soon as they noticed me they smirked. And started heading towards me I headed the other way but they were too fast. Childe only thought they were walking somewhere so he followed when they got to me one of them grabbed me and pushed me to the ground.

"Look look if it isn't the little stripper ZhOoNgLiI" he mocked my job and name in one sentence.. Childe seemed shocked by my second job, but seemed more mad because of the other boys he couldn't get past a few of them so he couldn't help.. guess I'm on my own. The guy punched me in my face and kept calling me names like slut or you know.. when they were done I swear I was about to hawk my eyes out. Childe didn't follow after them he went up to me quickly and started hugging me.

"Shh it's okay I'm here now.." he said as he pat my back, how is he not disgusted by me? My job isn't he? Disappointed? "I knoW what you're thinking. 'Isn't he disappointed?!' Nope I don't care what jobs you have and even if it's a lie I don't care lets just not keep secrets for each other alright?" He asked.I simply nodded he didn't seem to care about classes right now and instead headed towards his dorm. He opened the door to his dorm carefully seeming scared. "Why are you scared?" I asked slightly laughing a little too. "I'm not it's just usually I hear inappropriate sounds from my roommates room. It's traumatising really." He said as he put me on his bed, my heart started to beat very fast like if it was running a whole ass marathon.

Don't think dirty stuff Zhongli he is only trying to help. "You alright there?" Childe said. "Ah yes I'm fine.." he got some like bruise cream or whatever you call it and applied it on my chin. He was gentle it was almost as if he had experience in doing this stuff.. well he does have a few younger siblings they might get hurt all the time.. "why don't you rest I'll warn the principal we will miss school today and warn them why too.." he said as he headed out. "Wait aren't you going to stay?" I asked. "I am I'm going to be on the couch, just call if you need me.." he said and with that he was out of the room gone just like that.

Childe's perspective:
Well the fact that Zhongli got punched really hard today made me able to skip an exam. Let's goo, but I do wonder if Zhongli really works as a stripper.. is he okay. Maybe I should ask him when he gets better, those bullies were definitely up to no good. Or well bullies is what some people may calm them.. I call them Dottore, Capitano, Pierro and Pantalone.
(Non-confirmed fatui harbingers well except for dottore if you've read lord which I except you have)

They are all fatui like scara and signora but scara and signora are nice, nothing like those little shits. But really the biggest question going around in my mind right now is: are Zhongli's jobs what he says they are? Or is he lying? Maybe he is scared?
I guess we will never know unless-

"Childe.." I heard someone come over to me. I looked behind me to see Zhongli almost falling over. Oh my! "Zhongli are you sick?!" I asked while lifting him up bridal style.. "let's get you back in bed you shouldn't be." "Thanks Childe" he said as he hugged me. "Zhongli.." you know what I better shut up. I tucked him in his bed and decided I should head out to get some medicine. "Zhongli I'll be heading out, to get some medicine it's quite late already 6pm.. I'll make sure. I'm fast!" I said confidently. "Alright.." he said weakly.. poor Zhongli I'll be fast for him! I though as I ran out of the bedroom and over to the 'dorm entrance' I put on my shoes and didn't even bother with the jacket as i opened the door and slammed it shut ready to run my ass off.

Zhongli's perspective:
Great I got Childe to fall for it, he thinks I'm sick. Well I better hurry he seemed like he was going to get the medicine as fast as he could. I'll just lock the door and see what happens. Pretty sure he didn't bring a extra key.. alright let's go. I thought while packing my bag. And check. Better head out before he comes back and with that said I put on my shoes and ran out the door. I made sure it was locked before leaving completely. I started running down the hallways to the escape exit thingy. It was the better exit currently in case Childe came back. I'll just call a Taxi over at that street. It's kind off far from my school so I should be fine.

I was waiting for the taxi I had called through an app. Then someone pulled up it was the taxi. I got in and said my hellos. Turns out this man is quite young, he told me that he liked to go to this stripper bar quite often and that his favourite stripper Rex Lapis will bet here today. He also told me he was sad he couldn't make it. Pft another horny old dude..
"Excuse me for this question, but you happen to look a lot like Rex Lapis. Are you perhaps Rex Lapis himself?" He asked looking at me up and son in a uncomfortable way.

"Yes sir my apologies for not telling you." I said back.
"Ah nah it's okay I figured it out since you looked like him and your going to the same stripper bar he works at." The man said. A few minutes later the man pulled up to the bar and I was about to pay until.
"No need to pay me with money, you can pay me with a kiss or a private session instead~" the man said. I sighed shit like this happens everyday..
"I appreciate the offer really, but I would rather pay with money.." I said as I tried to put some mora on his hand. But instead he grabbed me into the car and almost forced me to kiss him but I smacked him across the face quickly and left the money on the seat. And with that i ran into the club, knowing I can't escape him either way.

"And no Rex Lapis is up!" I stepped on stage only to hear a bunch of yelling and screaming people. Some screaming my name others touching their private stuff.. damn those people really don't get bitches do they? Is was about to start when I heard the door open and there I saw Childe. Was he looking for me?! Why in a stripper bar?! Did he find out?! Lucky for me I was wearing a mask. So he can't possibly figure out who I am or can he? By the hair.. he wont find out. A lot of people have this hairstyle either way. It's not like a thing I own. I also spotted the taxi driver staring at me intensely but not at my face but rather somewhere else. With that I avoided everyone's gaze and simply started to perform.

Author: sorry for late update I'm working on two stories at the same time and school makes it exhausting tbh.

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