5: who is that?!

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Childe's perspective:
I'm starting to go crazy Zhongli is gone like gone gone. I tried to knock at the door a gazillion times but no one answered so what did I do that's right. Decided to look around the whole city eventually I came to the well worst part of the city I guess.. it was a street full of stripping bars and well prostitution. But anything for some random guy I just met a few days ago I guess! I looked around and found a bar that caught my eye more than the others. Ok guess that will be the first one.

I opened the door slowly kind off scared that some drunkard might hit on me or think I'm a stripper or a prostitute. I walked around the bar until I lost all hope he wasn't in the bar ugh.. where is this man he is making me crazy. Why do I even care. I guess I might as well look at whose currently performing. I looked at the stage only to see a beautifully built male with the exact same hair as Zhongli just that it was different styled. He has broad shoulders just like Zhongli.. could it be? NO CHILDE OMG what are you even thinking.

I sat down somewhere while looking at the man performing. (Warning: terrible explanation of pole dancing)
I watched him as he swung himself around the pole. Damn I wish I was that pol- Uhm.. I mean they wish you know all the drunkards staring at him in some way like I'm-going-to-hit-on-him. I decided to ask  around to see if I got this dancers name. I also decided it was best to ask the people selling the drinks at the bar so I didn't need to communicate with drunkards

I approached the bar only to see someone very familiar. HU TAO?!
"HU TAO?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I yelled as I ran over to the girl she looked up and saw me her eyes widened and she cursed. "CH-CHILDE!! I MAY ASK YOU THE SAME WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN A STRIPPER BAR?!" She asked "well I originally came looking for Zhongli but this damn stripper caught my eye and now well.." I said not quite finishing my sentence as I was scared of being judged. "Don't worry bro that stripper is our best indeed. And is a favourite to a lot of costumers specially men." She said

"So he's gay?" I asked bluntly. "MY, you're straightforward." She said as he looked over at the stripper who seemed to be almost done. "Well his name is Rex Lapis or that's his stage name. If you wish to know his real name. That you gota ask yourself. And it's extremely hard to speak to him. Only if you get his eye and get a private session. Which only like 2 people have the past years lol" she said. "He has worked here for years?!" I asked completely unaware of how weird that question may be. "Well yeah, would you like a drink?" She asked

"I guess, I'll just have the sunsettia cocktail.." I said as I handed her the mora. "Hehe! It will be done soon~" she said as she realised that I got my eyes on a certain stripper again. You guessed it it was Rex Lapis. He was almost done. I could try my luck out and see if I get some kind off 'private session' I mean this will be extremely embarrassing.. and extremely hard. I MEAN JUST LOOK AT WHAT HIS WEARING- no Childe think with your brain not with your dick.

As soon as he was done I asked Hu Tao for keys to the backstage rooms and stuff you know. She handed me them still kind of unsure as to why she did so. But I didn't care I simply snatched them from her and ran to the door which said "staff only" well I guess I got the keys now so I'm technically a staff member. Ok no why am I trying to lie. I didn't bother to think twice before opening the door and behind it was a long long LOOONNGG hallway full of doors which had names on them. "Staff" "Alatus" "Barbatoes?" I said the names quietly as I passed by the different doors. Then I reached Rex Lapis's door. I knocked on it 3 times but no answer. I knocked again and again but still got no answer

Soon I left quite disappointed over the fact that Rex Lapis has already left, or maybe he just didn't wish to have any guests. How did I end up in a stripper bar either way.. I came here to look for Zhongli not to please myself with some stripper that probably didn't even notice me in the first place. I sighed before walking over to the bar counter. "Ey Bitch.." I said calling out Hu Tao. She turned around and simply death stared me because of the nickname. "I get your mad because you just lost the opportunity to find the love of your life. But I still ain't no bitch so don't bitch me you bitch." She said sarcastically as she grabbed the keys from my hands with a slight giggle.

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