3: drugdealing?

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Zhongli's perspective:
"Uh Zhongli?" I heard Childe say.. "WHAT?!" I said yelling back. "Calm down we will eventually get out your acting like we're going to die in here" he said ok he does have a point but bro your not with the hottest man you've ever seen are you? Exactly so you have no right to say that.

"Yeah right ehh." I said sitting on a wooden bench inside. I'm so done with life what if we get stuck in here till like tomorrow I have work tomorrow! Whatever I don't like that job either way.. Childe came over and sat beside me putting his hand on my knee.

"I know you're worried but don't worry seriously, worst case scenario we break the door. And one thing I can tell you for sure is we are getting out of here sometime" he said while squeezing my knee a little. Oh no dear MY WORRYING ISNT ABOUT STAYING HERE STUCK. ITS ABOUT YOU OH MY LORD. Like you're too fine for me that's the problem. And I might as well die out of being stuck in this room rather than die out of looking at you because if how-

"Yeah, yeah don't worry about me!" I said making a fan out of my hand a few hours went by. Why does nobody want to come in the staff room for gods sake. It's starting to get super hot in here. "Uhm Zhongli..." he suddenly said looking all sweaty. "Yes?" I answered. Looking at how his T-shirt was wet of sweat it was practically glued to his body. Like you could low-key see his Abs.

"Do you mind if I take off my shirt?" He asked. OH ME OH MY. I instantly turned into a tomato.
"Oh, yeah, uhm, no I- I" I couldn't speak geez.. "YEAH I DONT MIND!" I yelled. He looked at me in shock because of how loud I yelled. "My apologies" I said. He simply nodded and took of his shirt. I swear I tried to not look but my eyes have a life of their own as they kept wandering back to his well built body. God he's attractive.

"Uhm Zhongli you mind not staring like I know I'm ugly but please." He suddenly said he looked disappointed and disgusted by his body. "I-"
"Childe, you're not ugly? Who made you think that?"
"Well it's a long story" he answered "well clearly I have time considering we are both stuck here for god knows how much time." I said.
"Righ, well then. It started years ago before I moved to Liyue I used to be kind off popular at my school and since I was gay a lot of guys tried to hit at me. Because of my 'well built body' and some of them managed to. Some of them forced me which also equals rape. And some others I actually liked and well wanted?" He said and looked at his feet or thighs or to be honest I don't know I was more busy looking at his face.

I saw a teardrop fall from his eyes and he quickly brushed his eyes and turned away. "Childe, don't fear. You can cry in front of me I don't mind.." I said looking at my feet too.
"You know, this might impress you but I'm not all that you know what Hu Tao said. I'm actually quite well bad? I don't know to be honest.." I said
"Huh why? You just seem like a casual guy who works at a café for a living." He said.

"Technically that too but before I got this job I needed to pay somehow and I guess what I did was sell drugs.." I said kind off scared that he might back away and tell me how terrible of a person I am for doing that. But instead I felt arms around my waist. He was hugging me. I didn't think twice about it and hugged back while bawling my eyes out. How pathetic did I look. Wish someone took a picture of my expression.

Well the moment didn't last long for short after someone opened the door. Oh and you guessed who it was. None other than the famous H-u T-a-o. I looked at her than I let go of Childe I waved to him and smiled before you guessed again. Chasing her down to her death..

Childe's perspective:
Damn Hu Tao really I was having such a cute moment with Zhongli did you need to. As I opened the door to my dorm I could hear moans and well whines coming from my roommates room. Geez. How horny are those people. I went to the bathroom and I swear to god I could hear skin slapping well Albedo I'll be praying for you and your sins don't worry. Might as well call Barbara for this too.

I went to my room an stuffed my face in my pillow can't they be done soon I just want to listen to some relaxing music not Albedos moans and Kaeyas grunts. After some minute sit finally went quiet. Finally I put on some music and started working and studying. But before I noticed it was 9pm and I was oh my lord starving like hell. Ugh only those stupid snack machines again I guess. I put on some sweatpants and a hoodies then last my shoes and rings. I mean I gotta look at-least okay in case I met someone hot or Zhongli. Why Zhongli tho... you know what never mind. I headed towards the cafeteria with my AirPods in. Just vibing. When I got to the cafeteria I got what I wanted and eventually was heading back before I heard someone whine. And then footsteps I looked over to the other hallway only to see a drunk person. Ugh.

"Uhm excuse me sir?" I said getting closer "ven *hic* ti is the *hic* name, ehe~ where is *hic* Xiao?" He asked oh so this one belongs to Xiao I didn't bother answering him and just dragged him to the stairs. I'm not picking him up.. guess I'll just need to drag him up the stairs too. He seemed to not want it since he tried to drag himself away from the stairs but I was stronger of course he was drunk too. I went over to Xiao's dorm to see Zhongli open the door? What was he doing here thought his roommate was Kazuha.. As soon as he saw me he started  giggling. "Guess you caught the drunkard today huh" he said and welcomed me inside i went inside only to see Xiao.

I think Xiao really despises me but meh.. "would you like some tea Childe?" Zhongli asked. "Oh no really it's fine I should get going really I don't want to be a bother to you guys.." I said as I stood up and gave him a pat on the shoulder before smiling and saying goodbye to everyone yes even the drunkard. I headed back to my dorm in complete silence I felt lonely. I barely have friends I should really get some new ones.

As I came in my dorm I locked the door and went to my room with the snacks I don't feel hungry anymore.. I looked at a picture of my family.. I miss them. Oh Tonia Anton and Teucer you better all be happy even if big bro isn't there to protect you guys.. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm the next day feeling the lack of blood sugar oh god I'm super hungry. I quickly ate the snacks I bought yesterday and took at shower before getting ready. While I was walking to class I crashed into someone. A blonde and tall woman. She was wearing a dress instead of the uniform. "I'm sorry" I said while dusting myself and giving her my hand to help her up. She took it and said "oh yeah it's fine, names Signora. Yours?" She asked "oh mines Childe I said. I looked behind her to see little boy with purple hair. "And who is that behind you?" I asked. "Oh this is Scaramouche or Scara for short"
"Oops, look at the time we better head off well I hope we see you around Childe! You should definitely sit with us at lunch sometimes we have a whole ass friend-group called Fatui well cya!!" She said as she walked away the little dude followed her and well I just went the way I was supposed to go. To class yay class everything I need right now definitely not being sarcastic!

Author: I changed the title and cover cause I got a better idea and liked it better than the old one lol. So yeah bye bye ^^

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