9: "just so you know I'm gay. And your attractive as fuck mate"

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Childe's perspective:
I have never slept so bad in my whole existence, like man I genuinely woke up a gazillion times. And the fact that I'm sick makes it worse. Tho I'm better now. I'm not fully good. I still need some more time to recover but the school disagrees so I'm walking to class with the cringiest smile plastered on my face. I swear I look so stupid while trying to look normal.
A for effort.

I wonder if Zhongli really is-.

I need to stop thinking about that damn stripper or else I'll fr never find real love. I'm so gay I swear..
Like my bro. I've never had dirty dreams about anyone ever! Like I'm genuinely normal or os I thought. I don't feel so normal after that oh gosh. But really can you judge me?! Look at him. Anyone would be drooling over that guy no matter gender. Well as long as you like men you would be.

"Good morning Childe!!" I hear someone run behind me. As I turn around I can already recognise they're face. Oh my I wish I couldn't. Or, I wish it was someone else.
"Zhongli! Hah.. uh.. what a suprise!.."
"You good? You don't look to well Childe.."
"Guess what, the principal didn't let me take more days off.. even tho I still have fever. I hate this i swear."
He started laughing. You know I never realised but Zhongli is pretty cut-. I mean his laugh is nice! Yeah..
I started laughing too.

We walked together to our class it wasn't awkward as all those stories about how two people are in love. It was pretty fun actually we talked about how annoying Kaeya is and how him and Albedo are pratically glued together. And how Xiao never confesses. And how Zhongli wonders who Xiao likes.. I wonder too I'll be honest. Even tho he is always staring at that boy in the hallways- forgot his name sadly.

I was sitting in my seat right now daydreaming about Rex Lapis
"So who wants to answer this question..."
I said looking at the teacher.
"Would you like to answer this question?" She said looking at me I got nervous really nervous and just looked at Zhongli that was sitting beside me. He gave me a thumbs up and I looked at the question carefully before answering.
"Well uhm, I think Inazuma is the correct answer."
"Hm.. indeed I do appreciate it if you pay more attention next time please-."
The teacher said before doing a 180 and writing something on the board. I sighed in relief. "Nice one lol." Zhongli said bumping my shoulder.
"H-hah yeah.. she almost got me. I really hate Miss Lisa she can be such a bitch-." I whispered but loudly enough for Zhongli to hear it. He chuckled and focused again.

Mehh the rest of the day was pretty boring as usual I spent lunch with my good friend Kaeya aka the player thats dating the biggest bottom known to mankind. Zhongli and Zhongli's little gang oh and Hu Tao my best bud. She is the best I swear, idk what I would've done without her. She may be a prankster but she takes care of everyone and is nice.. when she feels like it.

If you are wondering. "Childe, what are you doing right now? Writing a diary?" Nope.
I'm currently staring out the window looking at some birds I see. Just thinking about my day and day dreaming about Him again..
everything was pretty chill until this car pulled up. It made such a loud noise.
Geez— i looked down to see a black Tesla which was being driven by some green haired ugly glass wearing looking nerd. ew— i thought to myself but didn't think much longer before I saw Zhongli and Kaeya walk towards the car. The green haired dude walked out to greet them.

I was shocked as fuck, have my friends been hiding something from me? I was looking at him handshake Kaeya which already made me jealous enough but to top it all off he held Zhongli on his waist and kissed his cheek?! What the fuck?! Who does he think he is.. I was raging I was fuming mad. Is this it?! Am I finally being replace by some green haired ugly glass wearing looking nerd?! No! I mustn't let this happen! I need to find out who this guy is but to do that I need to follow them! I hesitated a bit before calling Hu Tao for backup.

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