6: it's Childe isn't it?

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Zhongli's perspective:
I wake up in well my bed after the most embarrassing night ever.. I remember dancing while Childe's eyes wandered around my body looking up and down. It didn't make me uncomfortable it simply made me feel this warm feeling like a wow-he-finds-me-attractive feeling. And not to mention how he came looking for me inside the staff rooms after. If you wonder. "Zhongli, how did you get out didn't you only met him when you were going to catch a taxi?" Well impressively enough I ended up jumping out the fucking window, nice right.

It was weird, the atmosphere felt tense inside the taxi and the dude singing wasn't helping. I remember the scenes as if they had just happened like 5 minutes ago. Lucky for me I woke up on time to get ready for school. As usual my morning routine went smoothly I got dressed did my make up blah blah blah brushed my teeth drank some tea and ate some toasts and headed out to my lockers. Only to find them standing by my locker.. ugh. I'll just ignore them and just imagine as if they aren't there after all I don't want to start a fight.

I walked slowly but surely up to my locker and simply said. "Excuse me, I'd like to get my books please." I said as respectfully as I could.
"Oh looks like the faggot decided to finally join us." Pierro said as he pinned me against my locker. "You probably like being pinned by a hot man like me don't you? You little wh*re.." he said, ew who does he think he is. Then suddenly I felt something hard hit my face. It was a clenched fist. Or to be more precise Pantalone's clenched fist. I felt something run down my nose, something liquid..

I'm bleeding nose blood. Did they break my nose?! Just then Pierro and Pantalone got pushed to the ground. XIAO! And Hu Tao! Thank god! Hu Tao noticed my running nose and quickly warned Xiao that she was taking me to the nurse. At first I didn't want to leave Xiao against those 2 dudes. But Hu Tao insisted it's not that I doubted Xiaos skills it's simply because of how strong the opponents are. I eventually gave in and slightly nodded a nod of approval to Hu Tao as soon as she saw that little nod she grabbed my wrist without a second thought

As we were running down the halls I noticed how many people were staring at us my nose was still bleeding like crazy. Among the crowd I noticed ginger hair. Childe. He looked at me and Hu Tao with a shocked face that soon turned to a worried one. I kept looking at him and he realised it. He quickly apologised to his friends and came running towards me and Hu Tao. He ran after us all the way to the nurse. He reassured me along the way. Damn I'm so grateful for my friends really..

Hu Tao told the nurse and Childe everything they saw as the nurse helped my bleeding stop and the little bruise i had beside my eye. Childe seemed to be raging inside but kept his cool. Clearly he was struggling. Hu Tao was also extremely mad with that I'm-so-going-to-kill-them look which made me giggle inside. After explaining the nurse everything that's cruelly happened and a little bit of chit-chat. Xiao eventually stormed inside with a worried look on his face he ran over to me in the speed of lighting.

"ZHONGLI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He asked quickly. "SHOULD I TELL KAZUHA SO HE CAN TELL HIS MUM, YOU KNOW SHE IS THE PRESIDENT AFTER ALL!" Xiao said extremely worried. Really he always overdoes it. Telling the president pft-
"Xiao there's no need to tell the president, but the principal yeah maybe." I said still not sure if it was worth even telling the principal. Xiao simply nodded and disappeared as fast as he appeared. "That boy.." Hu Tao said smacking her face in a sarcastic way. Childe simply chuckled. As he came over to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there and I did promise you they'd never hurt you ever again.. I failed to keep my promise." He said that as he looked slightly down. I started blushing like hell and soon turned into a tomato. Hu Tao noticed this and smirked clearly aware of the situation. Ahh!! Now she is going to tease me about it. I simply pat childe's hack. "Haha! Y-yeah it's fine!" I said trying to get him off me. He took the hint and stopped hugging me and gave me a soft smile before saying his goodbyes and heading to class.

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