11: you teamed up?!

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A/n: are we surprised, Dino is again posting late. After one hour or so of thinking and writing shes finally done. Yep! Uhm. Enjoy!

BTW the cover is from Pinterest it isn't art it's just a dead rose picture. Search up "dead rose" and it might appear cheers.

Zhongli's perspective:
I woke up the day after Kaeya's basketball competition feeling confident that today would go my way! I don't really know why, but earlier today when I woke up Baizhu sent me a text saying he wanted to met up! This is amazing! Maybe I can even ask him out.. but I'm not sure whether I like him. Or Childe. Or both. Maybe i want to date both? Nah they'd never accept it either way.

Currently I'm sitting with Xiao, Keqing, Ganyu, beidou, Hu Tao, and ningguang.
"I'm so excited for my hockey competition!" Beidou randomly yelled while clinging onto her girlfriends arm looking like a little kid.
"Beidou please, manners." Ningguang said while trying to push her girlfriend away.
"Ningg~~~. Come on!! You should be proud of me!!!" Beidou said malding.
Ningguang sighed before raising her hand to pat her girlfriends head.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm proud of you for making it this far." She said while patting her girlfriends head. It looked more like hitting but I didn't comment anything. I wouldn't want to argue with ningguang. She knows everything about everyone. And she also knows everything. Literally.

I turned my head to the other side of the table and saw Xiao and Keqing sitting awkwardly while staring at they're foods. They hate eachother don't they? Oh godness. I hit Ganyu's foot with my foot in attempt to make her help the awkward atmosphere that was currently between them. She didn't realise this. Not the second not the third time! So I decided to do it myself.
"Yo X-."
"YO XIAOO!!" I heard someone yell while running over to us. It was Venti, kazuha and heizou.
"Hello Venti, please stop choking me" he said trying to get away from Venti's tight hug.
"Oh sorry! Hehe~" he said backing up.
"Where's aether?" I asked while moving to make more space for everyone.

"I'm not sure tho, I did hear that him and Childe were plotting something." He said kind off chuckling through.
"Of course they are~" heizou said while smashing his legs on the table.
Ningguang looked very offended by this...
"Heizou! Manners!" Ningguang said and death glared him.
"Sorry miss perfecto!" He said putting his legs back down
"Forgot miss perfecto was here" he whispered to me.
"Hey I heard that!"
"Okay congratulations!" Heizou said mockingly.

"Alright you two stop." I said smacking heizou in the back head.
"OUCH! Could've atleast said I like your cut g. Since you smacked me either way!" he said rubbing his head trying to make the pain go away.
"I'll do it again if you don't shut up." I threatened.
"Alright alright sorry sorry!" He said putting his hands up. Ganyu laughed and excused herself off. Soon everyone left. And it was only me left sitting there.

But like. Not only everyone in the table left everyone in the whole cafeteria left. I was totally alone. With the ladies that cook our food tho. I was scrolling through geogram. And found something that catches my eye.

Livelaughdottore: proposing to Childe today! Really hope he says yes! ❤️

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Livelaughdottore: proposing to Childe today! Really hope he says yes! ❤️

Laashes: ok.

Scaradouche: please fuck off, this notification made me wake up for nothing.

ArrleBINo: aren't you like 10?

Pierrohasdinero: I smelled the gayness.

Pantalonewiththemonke: go touch some grass mate.

GODNESS me. DOTTORE IS PROPOSING TO CHILDE?! MY ALL TIME CRUSH IS GETTING PROPOSED TO BY MY BULLY. Not that I specifically care.. I'm just worried for my friend.. I think.. I hope.. I turned my phone off, and put it in my pocket before grabbing my lunch tray and putting it inside one of those weird looking shelf things.. I walked out of there and decided I had time to met up with Dottore now before my next class I went in thr hallway next to alchemy class and decided to text him.







Z: not funny.

B: Alright, alright. What do you need?

Z: can we met up now perhaps? I have some time before my next class. It only starts in like 1 hour.

B: oh sure!

Z: great see you at the corlapispark soon!

B: will do. 🫡

Back from the chatting

I heard a lot of noise comming from outside the school at its front. I was really curious so I started walking faster eventually I reached the school entrance very quickly and saw a group of people surrounding someone, or something? I walked outside getting struck with really strong sunlight straight in my poor little eyes. Ugh.
I focused again and saw someone in the middle. Someone with light blue hair and a ginger.. oh no.

Could it be that Dottore is proposing now?! I need to stop him?! I must! I can't let Childe fall for him and his little tricks. Forget Baizhu. I need to help my best friend.

I jogged through the crowd getting a lot of weird looks as I accidentally walked into ALMSOT everyone that was standing there surrounding them. But I didn't care I just wanted to help my so called "friend"
I came to the middle of the circle and everyone was looking at me. That was when I realised how bad the scene really was. There were hundreds of people around me. Not to mention Dottore on one knee and Childe looking at him disgusted.

"Childe don't mind him! Will you be mine?!" Dottore asked.
"N-.!" He said quickly but got interrupted.
"Childe.. Dottore has waited for this. Give him what he wants.." I heard a voice from the side and looked to see a lady walking towards me she had long blonde hair and looked snezhnayan like Childe.
"Enira?!" He said loudly almost yelling
"But I thought you liked me too?!" He said.
"No! Of course not!" She said before grabbing my wrist.
"But you're friend caught my attention."  She said clinging to my arm.
"Ew.." I said pushing her off.

I walked backwards almost falling.
"You guys teamed up on this?!" Childe asked. I could feel the betrayal in his voice, almost as if Enira and Dottore meant a lot to him.. maybe they did? I know barely anything about Childe. He is a secretive one.. well just like me I guess. I was already outside the circle seems I got pushed back by all the people I couldn't exactly see what was going on but the last thing I did see was Childe running inside the school with Dottore after him.

A/n Oh my. I'm done! Yipe yipe

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