The Beginning

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Cold rain hung in sheets from the clouds, not looking like they would let up for a second. I breathed in the musty air of the cabin, the cool breeze from the open windows helped very little-yet I didn't want to shut them.

I put another log on the fire and watched the sparks dance at me.

This place isn't so bad...

I needed to get away, get as far as I could from Andy. I don't know why I put up with him for so long, in no way were we ever compatible. I lived for the simple romance of things, small gestures and eloquent words. Just to love and be loved in return.

All I ever was to him was a hookup.

And after I ended things, that's when it got worse. That's when the constant stalking and harassment began.

That's what led me here, to a small one bedroom cabin in northern New York State. I was 45 minutes from the excitement of New York City without the craziness of it, nothing around for miles but woods. It would make for beautiful hiking trips.

The cabin, although small, was beautiful. A high ceiling with wooden beams across, the architecture of this place was amazing. Large windows with no blinds made up an entire wall in the living room, and a skylight was put in my bedroom so I felt like I was sleeping under the stars.

The only downside, nobody had inhibited this place for years. My landlord, Jon, assured me that there was nothing wrong with the cabin.

"Secluded, gorgeous woods on all sides of you. I've already turned the water on and got some electricity moving through it, if there are any issues you just be sure to call me, Ms. YN." I assured him I would. "Oh, and Ms. YN..just remember, you're in the woods. Strange noises happen, there are wild animals out there. Don't let them spook you too bad."

I assumed that's why this place had been empty for so long, maybe someone had a bad case of cabin fever. Either way, spiderwebs clung to the far top corners of the living room and a thick layer of dust hung in the air, making me feel as if I would choke.

"Guess I'll just have to spend the day cleaning.."

That's just what I did. After hours of scrubbing, dusting, and mopping, the place was really starting to come together. By now it was almost 4'o clock, the late afternoon sun had taken over the rain and was starting to dry up the puddles in the ground.

I took this opportunity to make myself a sandwich with the very few ingredients I had purchased from the closest grocery store before getting here, cutting it into two imperfect triangles and serving it on a thin paper plate.

With my sandwitch and a can of Coke in my hand, I went to sit on the porch and enjoy my meal. There was a beautiful wrap-around porch along the entire cabin with a roof so that the porch furniture could stay dry. I chose to sit in the swing along one of the windows, rocking softly as I ate.

I was about finished with my meal, when I heard the most blood curdling scream come from the woods. I jumped to my feet, accidently kicking my can on the ground as my heart was racing. It sounded like the scream had come from deep in the woods, a man's scream.

I threw on my shoes and ran out of the cabin in the direction of those screams. I'm not a tough person, nor a brave one at that, but it was my responsibility to find out who was screaming.

I could very well be the only person around here for miles, the only one able to help.

I ran deeper into the woods, pine needles scraping against my legs and arms and leaving deep scratches along my skin.

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