The Beginning: Continued

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I sipped my coffee leisurely, the sun shining through my windows at me. I sat my laptop down on the end table next to the couch, standing to stretch my legs.

God, I love working from home.

I decided to go remote a few weeks before the move so I had more time to pack, luckily my boss agreed to having me go remote full time. Only condition was a zoom meeting once a week, which I was completely fine with. Even then, I could still wear pajama pants since no one would be able to see.

The other thing that goes with being remote is picking my own hours, it wasn't even 11am yet and my work day was finished.

I hopped to my room, deciding it was finally time to get over myself and stop being afraid to go into the woods. Ever since that strange experience last week, I have absolutely refused to go hiking. It took me God knows how many minutes or even hours before I awoke again under that same tree.

When I finally was able to call the police and have them get here, I was astonished at what they found.

"Ma'am, you're saying that this man followed you to your new residence?"

"Yes! He had to have, I mean, I didn't tell anyone other than my own mother where I was moving to..and even then I was vague."

Andy. They found Andy in the woods, beaten to a pulp. His eyes were swollen shut and there were fragments from the bark of a tree stuffed down his throat and puncturing his lungs.

He was still conscious, but barely.

If I had gone to help him, how strong could he have been? Could he still have hurt me? It was as if something was keeping me away from my stalker, protecting me from him.

"And you heard him screaming, is that right?"

"Yes. Well, yeah, I didn't know it was him. I just heard screaming and I knew I had to help."

If I had known it was him, I would have left him there for the bears and mountain lions to have some dinner.

The police finished up and told me they would be in the area, just to call if I had any further troubles. I informed Jon of what happened too. I don't know anybody else in the area, and since there was the threat of Andy and this other person that did this to him, I wanted at least one person to know if I went missing who it could have been.

"Oh, Ms. YN! I am so sorry this happened to you, I know how much you were looking forward to this cabin. I understand if you wish to leave, I won't tie you down to this and I'll return your deposit to y-"

"No, no Jon it's okay, really. I don't want to leave, I really like it here. I just wanted someone to be aware."

He understood, and we made awkward small talk before I brought up what I was really wanting to ask him.

"So, Jon. Have any of your previous renters mentioned seeing a man in the woods?"

"A man? What kind of man? What does he look like?"

How the hell am I supposed to desribe this to him?

This man was terrifyingly tall, and thin, and pale. He wore a dark suit and a red tie, but what was most peculiar-he had no face. It was as if his skin was stretched across his features, enough to define where they should be. The outlines of his jaw, cheekbones, browbone, nose, it was there. But it also wasn't.

He came to me in a dream at first, or at least what I thought was a dream. My window was cracked and there he stood, peering in. The strangest part? I felt no fear. None at all, it was just as if he were checking on me.

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