Strange Encounters

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Night was starting to fall, and dusk was approaching. I hadn't meant to stay this long, I should have left at least an hour ago. But I just got so invested in my book, what can I say- I'm a hopeless romantic.

I started to pack up when I heard rustling coming from the other side of me.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" No response. I felt like a deer in headlights, fear overtook me.

What if that's Andy, coming for his revenge? Or the faceless man? Whoever it is, they are watching...

That last intrusive thought put a shiver down my spine. I could feel eyes on me from those woods, I wanted to get out of here. I left my things and slipped my shoes on, running as quickly as I could. I was careful not to let any of the pine needles scrap me this time, but I wasn't careful enough not to trip over a tree root.

"Ah!" I tumbled to the groud, pebbles and sticks scraping my entire body.

Fuck, my ankle is definitely sprained..if not broken...

I whined in pain, but I could still feel those eyes on me. I found the strength to heave myself up, using the tree that tripped me as leverage. I let out a sharp breath of air, determined to get away from whoever it was in the woods.

It couldn't be Andy, could it? No, no he's probably still in the hospital recovering..

The hairs on the back of neck were still standing, I needed to get away as quickley as I could.

I hobbled through the forest on one leg, it hurt too much to put pressure on the other ankle.

Come on YN, you got this.


With some struggle, and lots of tears, I finally got back to the cabin. The moon was already set and illuminating the dark sky, it shone on the cabin like a beacon of hope.

I got myself all worked up for nothing, it was probably just a squirrel out there in the woods. Don't let yourself get spooked...

I felt so stupid now, abandoning my things and twisting my ankle in the process. How was I supposed to go back for my book now?

I sighed, hopping up each of the porch steps as I held onto the wood railing. I went to try the door handle, remembering I left my keys back at my spot in the woods too.

Surprisingly though, it pushed open.

Did I forget to lock the door?

Maybe it was a blessing in disguise, there was no way I could go back for my keys with this injury or in the dark.

I hopped through the doorway, only to be dead in my tracks. A figure sat in the dark on my couch.

"Hello, YN."

It was Andy. I could recognize the smirk in his condescending voice.

"Get out. Just get the fuck out." My heart was pouding now, I was better off in the woods.

Andy stood, crossing the living room towards me. He looked horrific, his face was a swollen, bruised mess and lacerations coated his throat. An armband from the hospital was still tied to his wrist.

"You stupid bitch. Did you think I wouldn't find you?" He chuckled sadistically. It sounded like he was gurgling on his words, it must have been the blood in his lungs still.

I couldn't take this, I couldn't be trapped here with him. Not again.

I went for it, dodging around him and sprinting to the bathroom down the hall adjacent from where he stood. I put down all my weight on the hurt ankle, pain shooting up my leg. I let out an agonizing wail, making it to the bathroom just in time to slam the door in his face.

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