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Finally, peace again.

It took two long weeks for my ankle to heal, and even then it still hurt a little if I stood on it for too long. I kept a bandage wrapped around it for extra support, just in case.

It seemed like I'd been running out these woods alot lately.

But today was peaceful, I could hear birds chirping in the distance and the smell of pine was strong. I rested my head on the tree behind me, shutting my eyes and inhaling the fresh air.

What a beautiful day..

That is until a sudden breeze rushed through, whipping my hair around and flipping all the pages violently in my book. The wind picked up my book mark and began to carry it further into the woods.

I hopped to my feet, half jogging and half limping towards it. It was just a bookmark, yes, but my mother made it. It was a watercolor painting she had laminated and punched a hole through, threading a tasseled ribbon to the top.

No no no, stop running from me!

After a few seconds of chasing the bookmark, the wind finally died down. "Ha, you thought you could get away." I snorted triumphantly. I knelt down to retrieve it from the forest floor, until two long and pale fingers beat me to it.

My eyes slowly trailed up to the arm connected to the thin hand.

The faceless man.

He straightened back up, smoothing the black suit against him. He was expressionless, the skin pulled taught against his subdued features. Now up close to the man, I assumed he had to be at least 7, maybe 8 feet tall.

Maybe even taller.

Now that I was close to him, I could smell the strong scent of pine and a faint masculine cologne. He outstretched his hand to me.

"I believe this belongs to you." His voice was booming, deep, with a slight accent I could not determine. I retrieved the bookmark from his grasp.

"Thank you.." I murmured, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

We stood there for a moment, observing one another. It seemed as if the entire woods had quieted, just the two of us. Alone.

The silence stretched on for what seemed like forever before the faceless man turned away from me, walking the opposite direction. My heart was hammering in my chest, fear and anticipation and..hope?

"Wait!" I called out to the man, watching as he slowly turned to me.

*his pov*

I couldn't bear to hear the fear in her voice again, to listen to the palpitations in her heart.

She is terrified of you, you hideous monster. What more did you expect?

I turned away from the young woman, knowing now that I had my answer. I would not trouble her with my presence any longer. I would leave her be, leave her and let her live a normal, peaceful life.

"Wait!" Her voice called to me like a beautiful song. I turned back to her, inquiry knotting her pretty face up into a curious expression.

"Are..are you the one who has been leaving those notes to me?"

I nodded, turning my body back towards her.

"You know, I never did thank you for saving me that night. Andy had been a nuisance to me for so long, I don't know how I could ever thank you for protecting me."

My heart soared with her praise.

"No need to thank me, young lady. Please, tell me your name?"

She smiled softly at me. "YN."

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