A Fright To Remember! Halloween Special :)

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I self-consciously poked at the caramel stuck to my back molar with my tongue, hoping none of the sticky substance was in between my front teeth. Slender could make some delicious caramel apples, but man, were they messy.

The woods were inky black tonight, and chilly. If it weren't for the bonfire he built for us, I probably would be able to see my breathe. The flames licked upwards toward the full moon. It was the perfect atmosphere for a Halloween night, I honestly would have been spooked if I were out here alone.

But I wasn't, of course.

I blushed when Slender asked if he could hold me, I wasn't quiet sure what he meant.

"Oh, well...I was envisioning you sitting in my lap. To ensure you're warm, of course."

I sat between his long legs and faced the fire before us, leaning back into his chest. It was warmer here, I wasn't sure if it was the fire or not...

"Shall I?" Slender asked.

He held up a thick book with dusty looking pages and a black leather cover. In gold letters etched across the front read, The Complete Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. I smiled at the gesture, nodding in agreement to his plan. He seemed pleased with this, opening the pages to the worn, red ribbon bookmark.

"A Tell-Tale Heart," Slender spoke in a low tone, his deep voice mixing with the late autumn breeze. I clamped my teeth shut in order to stop them from chattering and snuggled myself deeper into Slender's chest. I almost beamed with joy when one of his arms wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me in tight.

"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night." Slender read aloud so eloquently. I found myself immersed in the story, I lay my head into the crook of his arm and curled up like a cat, pleased with the setting we had created despite the creepy story.

Slender continued on, emphasizing on certain words and phrases to really get certain words or phrases across.

He has the perfect voice to read aloud with, he would even be great with children's books...wait, where did that thought come from?

I felt my cheeks burn at that intrusive little comment, I glanced up at Slender and hoped he had not heard. He didn't though, it seemed he was too engrossed in the story as well. I found myself running my palms over the top of his hand and his wrist, softly stroking the flesh exposed from his jacket.

Are those...goosebumps?

"'Villains!' I shrieked. 'dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! here, here! --It is the beating of his hideous heart!"

Hoot, Hoot!

Suddenly, and without warning, Slender leaped up and shut the book with great force while the silhouette of an owl flew into the night.

"Before you ask, no. I am not frightened. That damn bird simply spooked me." Slender grumbled, plopping down beside me as I stifled my laughter.

"Slender, dear, it's okay to admit you are afraid."

"I am not afraid, I am the great ruler of these woods! Let's pause on the stories for a short moment, however..."

🖤Jeff the Killer🖤

Even from this distance, our view of the screen was perfect.

By the time I got there, Jeff had already had a blanket sprawled out on the grass at the far edge of the park. Crowds of people were in front of us sitting in large groups.

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