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Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Enchancia, there lived a young girl named Sofia. Sofia led a simple life, working at the village shoe shop with her mother, (Y/N). One fateful day, they were summoned by King Roland II who needed a new pair of royal slippers. Sofia and her mother arrived at the castle. Sofia was very excited to meet the King. (Y/N) placed a slipper on the King's foot. It was a perfect fit. And so were they! King Roland and Y/N were soon married. And what seemed like a storybook ending was really a storybook beginning. (Y/N) got married to King Roland the II. Now she's the Queen along with Sofia who was now the Princess. They're actually heading to the castle now. They arrived at the castle where they saw King Roland, Princess Amber, and Prince James. The two were twins. Beside them was the steward, Baileywick, Cedric the Sorcerer, Cedric's Wife, Princess Maddie, and their two kids, Bella and Erik. Sofia and (Y/N) stepped out of the carriage and Sofia stood on a platform in a purple gown. Some birds flew over and placed a purple tiara on Sofia. She was officially a princess. The two approached the royal family. They curtsied for them and Sofia said hello to her new siblings. Roland welcomed the two to the family while Baileywick introduced them to the whole kingdom. Cedric then stepped forward and said a spell that made... rain?

"Cedric, I said flowers, not showers," Roland said to him

"Oh. Excuse me, Your Highness. I'm still breaking in my new wand," Cedric said with a British accent.

"That's Cedric, our royal sorcerer. He comes from a long line of royal sorcerers. So, we're stuck with him."

Maddie flicked her wand and said the magic words properly. Rose petals. They then went inside. Sofia would curtsy for all the servants until Amber said that she only had to do that if they were royalty. Sofia had a lot of catching up to do. They arrived at the Throne Room where Sofia watched two servants put down hers and (Y/N)'s new thrones. Sofia just stared at them until Cedric bumped into her and made something disappear

"Child! Watch where you're dawdling," Cedric told Sofia.

Sofia gasped, "Mr. Ceedric!"

"It's Cedric," Cedric corrected

"It's so great to meet a real live sorcerer. That flower trick you did with Princess Maddie was A-mazing," Sofia said smiling

"If by amazing, you mean a complete waste of my talents, then, yes, thank you. I should be out slaying dragons, battling ogres. But, no! King Roland has me doing parlor tricks when I should be..." Cedric was cut off when he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Once Sofia saw that the smoke disappeared, she asked where Cedric was. Baileywick approached and introduced himself to Sofia and told her what he does around the castle. And Sofia was supposed to be in the dining hall a few seconds ago so she followed Baileywick there.

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