Chapter 5

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A circus is making its way to the castle as well as Roland's and my older sister Patty and her husband Willy Wonka and their kids, Elsa, Anna, Alexander, and Severus. They're here to stay for a few days. So even more children will be running around. I was with Amber, James, Bella, Erik, and Sofia waiting for the circus and Patty to arrive.

"The Goldenwing Circus is back!" James said smiling

"Oh, let's go ask mom and dad if we can go!" Amber said smiling

We ran back to the castle. I also hadn't bothered to get into my gown. I feel comfortable in my aprentice outfit.

"We've never been to the circus before," Sofia said smiling

"This isn't just any circus, guys. It's the Goldenwing Circus!" James said smiling

"The grandest, most enchanted circus in all the world!" Amber said smiling

The twins, guards, maids, servants, and everyone started to sing about the circus. I didn't want to write it because I'm not a fan of the circus. I once helped work at one and they were not very kind to anyone. Not even the animals. So I prefer to stay away from them. We went inside to ask to go to the circus. Well, the kids asked.

Roland agreed and asked Baileywick to get tickets for us. James then started to juggle as the song continued and Patty and her family arrived. But Roland was trying to stop James. One of the rules of the castle is don't play ball inside. Expensive things could be knocked over and broken. The song ended and Roland had our attention.

"James, you know the rule," Roland said

"No playing ball inside the castle," Patty said making her presence known.

"Aunt Patty, Uncle Willy! Elsa, Anna, Alexander, and Severus!" The twins said excitedly

"Are you here for the circus?" James asked smiling

"Yes we are," Willy said smiling

"Who is young lady?" Patty asked referring to Sofia

"Oh, this is my new daughter Sofia. Her mother and I got married not that long ago," Roland said smiling.

"Ok, well we better get unpacked. See you at the circus," Patty and her family left.

"See you."

And back to scolding James, "you know there are too many things that could break, like the new stained glass window."

Okay, I did not notice that until just now. There was indeed a new stained glass window. It had me, Cedric, Bella, Erik, Sofia, James, Amber, Roland and Y/N in it. And he made me look like a sorceress in it! So Roland does care? I can't be too sure. I don't like him.

"It's very pretty," Sofia said smiling

"Of course it is Sofia. There's a picture of me in it," Amber said smiling

"I'm gonna go get your mother and sister right now and show it to her," Roland said smiling.

And he's gone. Now that Roland's gone, James continued to juggle. I tried to warn him about what Roland said but he didn't care. But his trick went horribly wrong! A ball hit the chandelier, hit a suit of armor, bounced off the ground, and hit the new window, chattering Amber's face! This isn't good! As much as I'd love to see James in trouble, this is no exception. This is for Y/N and Roland is excited to show her. So, we need to go tell him. But James begged us not to otherwise he wouldn't be allowed at the circus.

But we need to tell him! He'll notice it anyway! So James had the wonderful idea of covering it with one of the armor stands. Oh, what genius! Not like he'll ask it to be moved eventually! But he really wants to go to the circus. Amber was reluctant to help. But was soon convinced to help. So, we started to push it over to the window. But it's armor so it's really heavy. To make matters worse, Roland and Y/N were coming back just as we got it moving. So Amber offered to go distract them while we struggle with this.

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