Chapter 34

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As the days went by, Greylock started feeling played by Madisyn. She took Tom's advice and tried to get Cedric to love her but Cedric hasn't fallen for her. He still loves Maddie more than anything in the world. And that's saying a lot for a Sorcerer who practically has everything a sorcerer could ask for. Well, everything except his wife. But that's why he's let her go with Tom. Because he loves her and would do anything to make her happy. Although he wishes he didn't.

Tom was with the royal family on a picnic where Cedric could watch from his tower. And he was watching them to make sure Maddie was okay. But he wished he never looked out his window. Because he watched Tom get on one knee and proposed to Maddie. Cedric prayed that she wouldn't say yes. She's barely known him a month so Cedric's hopes here high. Until Maddie said yes. That broke Cedric's heart. Not to mention he felt extremely jealous. He should've been quicker than Maddie would be with him and not Tom.

'I take it all back, all that I said. It comes out too fast so I just couldn't help the way that I felt. I started the fire. Watching you walk, I followed you there. Standing too close, it's hurting. I pictured the words, the warmth of your breath. I started the fire, it's burning. And it feels like jealousy and it feels like I can't breathe and I'm on, down on my knees and it feels like jealousy.'

'Seeing a light, a face in the crowd, my lonely heart is racing. And my whole world is under attack. What kinda love am I facing? Is it me that you want? Cos it's me you can have. Can you give me an answer? I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of thinking. And it feels like jealousy and it feels like I can't breathe and I'm on, down on my knees and it feels like jealousy. I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of thinking. And it feels like jealousy and it feels like I can't breathe and I'm on, down on my knees and it feels like jealousy!'

Cedric had to look away when Maddie and Tom shared a kiss. The whole family was happy apart from Madisyn and Cedric. Madisyn was scared for Maddie not that she would say why. She never would because she was scared. But we'll get to that later. The wedding was soon planned. The cake, the dress, the suits, the decorations, everything was planned almost as quickly as the proposal. Cedric didn't like how fast this was going. He was going to loose Maddie quicker than he wanted.

He didn't even want to attend the wedding but Maddie invited him and Tom had asked him to be his best man. Must this new Prince torture him like this? He's only just met her. It was now a day before the wedding and Cedric was in his tower, unable to sleep. He was debating whether to tell Maddie now that he'd loved her for a long time. Would that make him sound desprate? Would that made him look like he's just trying to keep her for himself? All these questions played at his mind just as Madisyn walked in.

"Go away, Madisyn. I'm not in the mood," Cedric said

"You have to find Maddie, now!" Madisyn said

"What do you mean?"

"It's Tom. I should've said something sooner but I was scared! He doesn't love Maddie. He just needs her to become King of Asgard! You have to talk her out of the wedding before it's too late!"

"He's using her?!"

"Yes! Now go find her and have her call off the wedding! If she doesn't, I fear for her safety."

"Where is she?"

"Somewhere in the woods. She's in a cottage to stay away from Tom because she's sticking to tradition."

Cedric wasted no time running out the tower to find that cottage. He knows about a cottage nearby but he can't remember where it was due to it being the middle of the night. But he knew now that Tom wasn't good news. Cedric had to tell her how he felt now to save her. He just prayed that she chooses him over Tom. But, he's lost in the woods right now. He's getting nowhere in the dark. He used a lumonus spell to give him some light but that doesn't help him find the cottage. He has to keep searching.

'Again, you're gone, off on a different path than mine. I'm left behind, wondering if I should follow. You had to go, and of course, it's always fine. I probably could catch up with you tomorrow but is this what it feels like to be growing apart? When did I become the one who's always chasing your heart? Now I turn around and find I am lost in the woods. North is south, right is left, when you're gone. I'm the one who sees you home, but now I'm lost in the woods and I don't know what path you are on. I'm lost in the woods.'

'Up till now, the next step was a question of how I never thought it was a question of whether who am I, if I'm not your guy? Where am I, if we're not together forever? Now I know you're my true north, 'cause I am lost in the woods. Up is down, day is night, when you're not there. Oh, you're my only landmark, so I'm lost in the woods wondering if you still care but I'll wait for a sign that I'm on your path 'cause you are mine. Until then, I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods.'

But not for long. He found the cottage. Time to save Maddie from a fake marrage.

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