Chapter 14

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It's the Royal Jubilee today. It's a celebration of the Kingdom's birthday. This will be Maddie's first time experiencing today as a Apprentice. Although I think she wanted it to be as my apprentice as she isn't in her Princess gown. I rarely see her as a princess because she's always with me in the outfit I gave her. She looks beautiful either way. I'm slightly nervous about today. Not because of any magic shows or anything. I heard my old classmate, Greylock, is coming with King Magnus and I do not want him around Maddie.

Something he had the habit of doing is flirt and charm the girls at Hexley Hall. And because he was one of the top students and one of the best sorcerers at school, they all fell for his charms. Sometimes fell for him. I do hope he's ended that. I don't want him flirting or charming Maddie. I do love Maddie dearly. But that won't mean I'll let people like Greylock flirt with her. Speaking of Greylock, he just came over to annoy me.

"Well, well. If it isn't Bedsick," Greylock said offering his hand.

"You know my name, Greylock," I said taking his hand.

But I was shocked when I did. And I don't mean surprised. Like I was being struck by lightning. I let go as Greylock laughed. Oh, this is one of his silly tricks.

"Sorry, Cardtrick. I just had to try out my new palm zapper!" Greylock said showing it to me, "I haven't seen you since the big school reunion. I see your hair grew back okay."

I am never forgiving him for that. He 'accidentally' poured a hair-loss potion on me and I lost all my hair. It did grow back but it was a long and embarrassing wait. He then made a hand appear and flicked my nose. I waved it away annoyed.

"I see you still act more like a jester than a sorcerer. Same old Greylock," I said.

"Same old Kendrick!" Greylock said smiling.


Then the moment I dreaded arrived. Greylock noticed Maddie. I tried to hide her behind me but it was too late.

"Well, aren't you a pretty sight. My name is Greylock the Grand. Who are you?" Greylock asked Maddie smiling.

"Please don't start," I said knowing the routine.

"I was just saying hello."

"I don't mind," Maddie said smiling, "I'm Princess Maddie but my sorceress name is-"

"Nothing that Greylock should be concerned about. Maddie is my apprentice and wife," I said

"Well, Maddie, you are very beautiful. Perhaps you should sit with me at the Welcome Luncheon," Greylock said smiling and handing her a rose!

"That's very kind of you but I'll be sitting with Cedric. But I will be opposite you so I think it will be fine," Maddie said smiling and taking the rose.

No, no, no, no, no, no! Why does Greylock always have to do this? And it's always with girls I like. I'll have a crush on a girl, Greylock will somehow know and take her with his stupid charms and flirtatious ways. It's annoying. Once they were finally done talking, things got disastrous. For example, Baileywick somehow managed to trip over his own feet and knock over Roland.

But the steward of Rudistan saved him. He calls himself Slickwell. I'm not too worried about him. What's wrong with Baileywick? He's never been clumsy or tripped over his own feet so that was a surprise. But then we went inside and made sure Greylock stayed away from Maddie. My jealousy is getting the better of me and I know this but I'm not letting Greylock flirt or charm her. But something that was said about Greylock got Maddie's attention which I didn't appreciate.

He would be entertaining the children while the grownups take a cruise in the Royal Schooner. King Magnus called him the greatest sorcerer to ever wave a wand. I am just as great as him. And Maddie was excited to see what he can do! What happened to me being the best sorcerer? I'm going to prove a point and win Maddie back. I asked Roland and Y/N if I could entertain the children too. Not something I'd willingly do but I have my reasons. So we agreed to make this a competition.

And Greylock got me with his palm zapper again. That hurts! So, we went to lunch and Maddie sat next to me. And, she was right, Greylock was sitting opposite us. So much for keeping her away from him. As King Magnus bragged about his Royal Jubilee lasting a whole month, Baileywick came in with some pudding. Only to drop it on Roland and his food. What is happening to him today? As I've said, he's never this clumsy. He left to get something to clean up the mess but he slipped and fell.

Something is going on but I'm not going to worry about it. I have Greylock to worry about. Baileywick left and Slickwell cleaned up Roland. Lunch continued and Greylock was still being flirtatious to Maddie. I'm getting annoyed at him now. At this point, I think he's trying to prove that he can get a girl easier than me. I hate it. After lunch, we took the children outside to entertain them. But Greylock always had to be better than me.

He made a real sorceress dress for Maddie while the kids were distracted with the pinata I conjured for them. I took a moment to escape everyone. Greylock is taking this way too far. At first, I was prepared for this challenge but now I'm not so sure. I was so prepared and now, I'm failing.

'I was prepared to do my best. Thought I could handle any test. For I can do so many tricks but I wasn't prepared for this. Levitation would have been a breeze, magic, and potions I recite with ease. I could ace a quiz on sorcery's bliss but I wasn't prepared for this. Will I fail, or will I pass? I can't be sure... My mind is sharp, my skills intact, my heart is pure... Oh, I've taken my share of licks, I've made it through the thin and thick but no I wasn't. Oh no, I wasn't. No, I wasn't prepared... for this!'

I returned to everyone to see Greylock and Maddie whispering about something. But stopped when they saw me. What were they whispering about? I'll ask later. The kids had destroyed the pinata and raided the sweets. They all loved it. And I managed to save one to give to Maddie which she loved. And now time for Greylock to show off by making a carousel with unicorns appear. The children got on and Greylock started the ride. But he even had one for Maddie so she got on too.

And he wanted the children to tell their parents who made the ride for them. I'm not letting him take all the glory so I added wings to the unicorns. Then he made it faster. I made the wings flap. And Greylock made it fly. Hold on, is that going to come back down? Greylock didn't know about that. They're ready to fly away so we should get them down. Greylock tried a spell but he couldn't hold it. So, I helped and we got the carousel down. Everyone was okay but wanted to do it again. So, we let them. But Maddie got off first and came over.

"Cedric. I need to tell you something," Maddie said.

"Anything," I said hoping it was some good news.

"Well... I don't like Greylock. We tricked you!" Maddie laughed

"Wait, what?" I'm so confused.

"Maddie sent me a letter before the Jubilee asking me if I wanted to help her with a prank. And the prank was to make you think Maddie was falling for me to see how you would react," Greylock said laughing.

"So this whole you two were pretending to flirt with each other to make me think you might take my apprentice and wife from me?" I asked annoyed.

"Aww. Don't be a spoilsport. I mean look," Maddie said pointing to the carousel, "You and Greylock finally set aside your differences and got along. I think this was a win."

"I suppose so but never do this again," I said.

"I won't. I promise."

Maddie made the sorceress dress disappear into her own clothes and we let the children have fun. But it came to an end when Baileywick came over asking for help. The Royal Schooner is in trouble. We went to the dock to see that it was heading for the rocks. The three of us used a spell to bring the ship back and away from danger. We ran on and I just noticed Baileywick wasn't so clumsy anymore. I'm confused about that now.

Roland thanked the three of us for saving the ship. Slickwell offered to clean up the mess only to slip and fall. What is going on with the clumsiness today? Sofia Explained what was happening. Slickwell had given Baileywick a cursed pin to make him clumsy and now Slickwell was wearing it. He wanted Baileywick's job! Long story short, King Magnus ended up firing him and the Jubilee continued with no more trouble. Well, I'm glad Greylock and Maddie don't love each other. But that jealousy was awful to deal with all day. I'll get Maddie back for it one day. Just not today.

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