Chapter 2

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So, while the children were at school, I was in the ballroom. Cedric told me to meet him in his tower for my first lesson but that can come later. I need to figure out how to Waltz by the end of the week without a partner. I'm not asking for help. If I can do everything else I know on my own, I can learn to dance on my own. I've seen Mum and Dad do similar so I'm just trying to do the same. I'm failing horribly but I'll get it. Baileywick asked if he could help but I told him no. So, he left me alone. This stupid ballgown is making everything worse so I changed into my apprentice clothes just to learn to dance. Am I being too stubborn? I don't know.

"Are you trying to Waltz or are you trying to look like a fool?" Cedric asked walking in looking amused.

"Oh, shush. I need to learn this stupid dance by the end of the week for the royal ball," I said

"Maddie, you're not going to learn something as complicated as the Waltz in three days. It's impossible without a partner."

"Let me guess, you want to be that partner. Well, I'm sorry but I've gotten this far doing things on my own and I'm not going to ask for help now."

"Very well then. I'll have the orchestra play and you Waltz alone. If you fail, I'll teach you. If you do well, I'll leave you alone."

I only agreed to get this over with. So, I tried, I failed. Cedric just smiled knowing he won this deal. So, I let him teach me. He showed me the proper stance, where my feet should go, and what the steps were. Then, we went over the dance. But he first conjured a lit candle. I asked what it was for. Cedric explained that a Waltz had to be so perfect that a candle flame wouldn't go out. But the secret to a perfect Waltz is to have the perfect partner.

I had my doubts that I would get it right and that Cedric would be the perfect partner but I wanted to call his bluff about the whole candle thing. A small flame is about as delicate as a bubble. But we went over the dance. I'm honestly surprised that the Royal Sorcerer knows how to Waltz. He does it with such ease too. I kept looking down at my feet to make sure I was doing it right but Cedric made me look at him. Don't think about it too much and just dance. So that's what I did. I just looked at him.

I didn't realize his eyes were brown. I mistook them as black for a while but I was very wrong. the music ended and so did the Waltz. And the candle didn't go out! I made sure it wasn't some magic he was pulling to prove a point but it went out when I blew on it. Well, afterward, we started my sorcery lessons. I wasn't all that bad but there were some spells I was struggling with. And they were supposed to be easy. Cedric soon left and let me practice. But he soon came back with Sofia! Why is she here?

"And this, my dear, is where the magic happens," Cedric said to Sofia.

He clapped his hands and the candles lit up. Um, are we sure he's not good at magic? Because that was impressive. Wormwood cawed at Sofia making her jump back a little.

"Oh, that's just Wormwood, my raven. Now, you stop it, Wormy! You're scaring the princess," Cedric led Sofia to his desk, "Now, I make all the royal potions right here."

"Wow! This is really neat, Mr. Ceedric," she found the book that the picture of her Amulet is in, "Hey, that looks just like my amulet."

"Well, I'll be a dragon's uncle, you're right. Oh, but if you had the Amulet of Avalor, you'd know, for it contains powerful magic. With each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse."


"Well, yes, you know, if it's the real amulet. But only a certified sorcerer, such as myself, could tell for sure. If you like, I can take a quick look at it."

"I don't know..."

"Oh, I'll give it right back. I promise!" Liar.

"But I promised never to take it off. And my mother says, 'A broken promise can never be glued back together',"

"How irritatingly charming..." Cedric, that was the best way to put it, "Oh, well, look at the time. Hope you enjoyed the tour. I know how hard it can be adjusting to royal life. So, if you ever need any help, my door is always..." he slams the door behind Sofia once she left... "open. Ooh! I'll get that amulet."

He took a step forward, but he had caught the hem of his robe in the door. He fell over and grumbled. I just giggled.

"Oh, don't you giggle at my misfortune!" Cedric said.

"My apologies," I said offering my hand

He took it and stood up.

"I just found it amusing. And I rarely ever laugh so be lucky you even heard a giggle from me," I said, "and you're never getting that amulet when Sofia made that promise. She's almost as stubborn as me."

"Let's just continue your lessons," Cedric said.

So that's how we spent the rest of the day. We would occasionally go over the Waltz and other dances I'd need to know for the ball. I don't want to do this ball anymore. I've maybe gone through six different dances now and I don't know how I'm supposed to remember them all. I didn't sign up for this. That night, I stayed up very late reading some spell books and other things related to magic. I feel stressed now. Why did I agree to do Sorcery and Princess stuff at the same time? I know I did a lot more while in the village but this is harder than all of them combined. But this won't be so hard when the kingdom belongs to Cedric and I. Just have to be patient.

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